
Rise of Hyuga Neji- a fan-fiction

A hard core Naruto fan gets reborn in Naruto universe as Hyuga Neji. Will he stick to the original story and sacrifice himself?, hell no. ************************************ Disclaimer!!!!! i do not own Naruto or its characters, this is just another fan-fic. Release schedule-2 chap/day. The writing quality might not be good- i am a novice author.

Wicked1 · Others
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33 Chs

Neji's decision.

Sandaime was in a meeting with koharu and homura discussing the recent events related to orochimaru, these information was given to him by Jiraiya who had been tracking Orochimaru.

A messenger came and said that the ANBU sent to intercept Kabuto have died. Hokage gave a priority mission to all nearby jonins to block and capture Kabuto.


Konoha intel division, interrogation room.

There was a person bound to a chair ,alone in a dim lit room.

A few hours back,

3 people were fleeing like crazy not caring about anything towards the village gate.

" How did they find us Kabuto, you were the only one who had contact with orochimaru sama. Did they know from the beginning?" asked Yoroi

Kabuto was not in a mood to give an explanation but he needed these two pawns to make an escape so he said " I don't know okay ,there was no way of tracking our communication. Something is wrong here."

When they neared the gate they felt that the streets were completely empty. They knew that they would have to fight here and just then 10's of ninjas came and surrounded them.

"Oi Oi isn't this an overkill ?" asked Misumi

" You guys cover for me as we break through the encirclement, Orochimaru sama had given me a powerful scroll, it takes some time but it will help us leave the village . Once we leave the village its each man to himself got it?" said Kabuto.

"okay" replied both as they trusted Orochimaru.

Kabuto knew that their village was destroyed by the Akatsuki and Orochimaru was in hiding since so he had not contacted him in a long time and the exchange had always been one sided. He wanted to use Yoroi and Misumi so that he could escape. Only by reaching Orochimaru can he get a clarity on the new situation and receive further orders.

Yoroi and Misumi used their unique abilities to block of all attacks on Kabuto as he was taking out a scroll and performing some hand seals.

" Thanks for buying some time you guys" said Kabuto

Yoroi and Misumi were happy that the jutsu was going to activate and they will be able to escape. But their happiness was cut short when they saw kabuto sinking into the ground

Earth style: Hidding mole jutsu.

They both knew that they have been made shields for Kabuto's escape, they tried to fight their way out but were overpowered and killed.

Kabuto was travelling underground at the fastest speed possible but suddenly the earth around him started to vibrated and in one fluid motion he was thrown out of the ground.

Earth style : Rising excavation.

Kabuto saw the person who had performed the jutsu, he could only smile as his opponent was copy ninja Kakashi.

"Well i am honored that my opponent is the famous Kakashi of the Sharingan." said Kabuto sarcastically.

" Well it would be easier if you just surrendered" said Kakashi with a deadpan expression as his hand was raising his forehead protector.

" This is bad i don't want to fight him now, he would only end up copying my techniques" thought Kabuto.

Kakashi didn't give him time and rushed at him. Kabuto operated his chakra scalpel and tried to cut him but Kakashi dodged it while his Sharingan copied the technique.

Kabuto knew that he would be defeated in a prolonged battle against Kakashi so his only option now is to summon the creature Orochimaru sama had given him.

" I hate to leave just as the party started Kakashi san but i have no choice, so i will leave a friend to play with you." said Kabuto

Just as he was about to finish the hand seals some green light appeared before him and before he could react he was drop kicked on the face and sent flying.

Dynamic entry.

" The noble blue beast of konoha has arrived" announced Guy. "Yo Kakashi, i have captured the spy before you, does this count as one of my wins?" asked Guy.

Kakashi saw Kabuto lying unconscious on the ground. He just gave a sigh and slide his forehead protector down and walked away.

Thats how he ended up in the chair of the Intel division.

" It would seem that i will be interrogated by ibiki" thought Kabuto. He knew how Ibiki operated and truth be told was a little scared but kabuto was loyal to orochimaru and had a strong mental fortitude so he made up his mind to deny any allegation and in worst case trade some information critical to the village to buy his freedom.

" I didn't try to kill you for a second time when he snuck you into village, you know why?" said someone from behind Kabuto.

"Danzo!" exclaimed kabuto. But before he could say anything Danzo shoved a powerful poison into Kabuto's throat.

Kabuto glared at him as foam spewed from his mouth and the light dim in his eyes.

" Because he planned on killing Hiruzen and that coincided with my goal, but to have you get caught and talk would be detrimental to me" said Danzo as he vanished into the darkness.


Neji learnt all the jutsu formulas and the seals but as before he couldn't perform them as they are jonin level. Neji was frustrated as his method of training was slow albeit being effective.

He knew that he needed guidance of someone more powerful than Kakashi but he ruled out Sandaime. He thought for a minute and decided that it was time to visit Shikkotsu forest to train his chakra and when he reached the required amount he would try to learn senjutsu.

Neji had long since lost his interest in the academy and becoming a genin as he was now more powerful than an average chunnin. He aspired to be like Jiraiya and only by stepping out of his comfort zone can he achieve such power.

He thought of informing the third and Kakashi but gave up on it. He could feel that the personalities of the people near him were getting changed and only his absence could create some stability.