
Rise of Hyuga Neji- a fan-fiction

A hard core Naruto fan gets reborn in Naruto universe as Hyuga Neji. Will he stick to the original story and sacrifice himself?, hell no. ************************************ Disclaimer!!!!! i do not own Naruto or its characters, this is just another fan-fic. Release schedule-2 chap/day. The writing quality might not be good- i am a novice author.

Wicked1 · Others
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33 Chs

Following the bread crumbs.

Hiruzen was mulling over everything that happened and making conjectures.

1. Kabuto was a medical nin and this got confirmed from the report of Kakashi who fought against him. He was related to Orochimaru and he commented on the Danzo's body status like he was observing him.

2. The weird poem that i received also commented on a friend in darkness and i don't have a lot of friends in darkness. It said i should crush the eye to break the illusion. Could it be a sharingan? i did receive a report that said the number of dead bodies in the uchiha compound didn't match our records, those who had sharingan had their eyes either crushed or they were not found at all( not all uchihas can activate sharingan). Itachi did say that he used the help of someone, could Danzo have used that man's name and stole some under my nose. There is also the problem of believing the message/poem.

3. The poem also warned him to pull out the fangs of the snake, does it mean to cripple him. Is there gonna be a attack on konoha by Orochimaru.

4.The report stated that the poison used on Kabuto had tested positive to the venom from Hanzo's salamander. Only a few people have antidotes and it also kills fast.We fought Hanzo during the 2nd great ninja war but Danzo was not posted there and only the Sannin escaped from that battle.

Hiruzen took a deep puff from his pipe. He ordered Kakashi, Guy, Yamato, Anko ,Asuma and Kurenai to assemble before him in 1 hour.


An undisclosed location.

Orochimaru was sitting in his custom made dungeon, and his minions ukon/sakon, tayuya, jirobo, and kidoumaru and kimimaro were kneeling before him. He was previously wounded during the battle with Sasori so he was lying low.

" I haven't heard from Kabuto for sometime has something happened? he would send me intel even when i was not replying." thought Orochimaru.

"It would seem you wouldn't be getting your medicine to ease your pain any time soon Kimimaro" replied Orochimaru.

"Has something happened to Kabuto sensei?" asked Kimimaro.

Orochimaru didn't reply. Then a small white snake came from some corner and reached his leg, he lifted it and it hissed something to him.

" It seems that Itachi has been spotted along with another Akatsuki member near Iwagakure.

Orochimaru underestimated the Akatsuki once so he wouldn't do the same mistake again at least that's what he thought. Orochimaru still doesn't know about the Tsukiyomi or the Amaterasu.

"We will all move towards their location and ambush them. Once i transfer into Itachi-kun's body i will have my revenge on konoha and Akatsuki" said Orochimaru

"Yes Master" replied the sound five.


Hokage mansion

Kakashi,Yamato,Anko, Guy, Asuma and Kurenai all assembled before Hiruzen.

" Do you all know about the recent Spy issue?" asked Hiruzen.

"Yes Sir" they replied in union. They didn't know the full story though.

"Kakashi, Guy and Yamato you three will investigate Danzo's recent activities, his recent travel itineraries, his financial records and about the missions his Root undertook with special emphasis on any medical experiments. If he comes to know about them you can use my name and beware of genjutsus as i have a feeling that Danzo has a lot of sharingans." said Hiruzen.

"What" blurted Guy, kakashi nudged him to keep quiet and all three replied in affirmative.

"The rest of you will investigate the Orochimaru's hideouts in these mentioned locations, Anko can sense him, if you make contact with him don't engage and just inform that Danzo killed a kid called Kabuto." said Hiruzen handing over a scroll which contained the location of some Orochimaru hideouts scouted out by Jiraiya.

"Yes Sir" the other three replied in affirmative.


In a tavern somewhere

"Babes and Sake are the best" shouted a Old looking man with long spiky white hair, a large scroll on his back and wearing a red jacket. He was obviously Jiraiya.

A Hawk flew into the tavern and started to peck Jiraiya. It had waited outside for sometime and got angry at him.

"Oh some message for me" jiraiya took the message from its legs while swatting it away. It was caught by someone and taken into the kitchen.

The message had the official seal of the hokage and it read" Find out about the involvement of Danzo in Amegakure during the last war, it is urgent"

"It is a hell of a long way to Amegakure, not to mention its impenetrable,Sarutobi sensei" mumbled Jiraiya.


Shikkotsu forest

Neji was walking with Monkey king Enma and his summon Enza towards the depth of the shikkotsu forest.

Neji came to know that only the slug clan can help him learn Senjutsu. " So it is going to be Katsuyu that trains me?" thought Neji, but he didn't mind though as Katsuyu had a wonderful temperament.

As they neared the location they saw lots of small slug that were observing them. Before Neji was a humongous creature, it was white, and had a blue strip on the top and both of its sides. If Neji didn't remember wrong during the Juubi arc Tsunade and Sakura had jointly summoned 1/3rd of her body, so seeing her in real life was horizon widening experience for Neji.

" Oh, What do i owe for the honorable king Enma's visit?" said Katsuyu respectfully.

"I have a brought you a kid who wishes to practice senjutsu" said Enma with a cupped fist.

"Ara, How long has it been since someone came to learn Senjutsu here, the last one was Senju Hashirama-sama " said Katsuyu nostalgically.

" Knowledge is not forbidden young man but i must warn you, not all can master senjutsu,even the granddaughter of Hashirama-sama, Tsunade sama was not able to master it as it is difficult to control. It requires a lot of internal chakra and if you accidentally absorb a lot, you will turn into a stone and become one with nature due you understand." said Katsuyu patiently.

" I know of the risk Katsuyu sama and i am prepare for the consequences, i have been practicing from a really young age and my body already has enough chakra to rival a chunnin class ninja. If i practice some more then i can definitely reach the required chakra" confidently said Neji.

"Okay then i will be waiting for you when you reach a jonin level chakra reserve as it is the bare minimum to start." said Katsuyu.

"King Enma , i will stay here with brother Neji to help him practice" said Enza

Enma just gave a approving nod and left.

Neji immediately created some clones and got down to business.