
Percy and the Twins

The next morning the twins glared at Ron who was already had his head lowered. His situation got worse when a Howler appeared from Mrs. Weasley. Soon the Great Hall was filled with her voice as she screamed and scolded Ron.

The Great Hall looked over at the Gryffindor table, focusing on Ron. A few sniggers could be heard from the Slytherin table. Art ignored everything around him and ate his breakfast quickly and left the Great Hall, heading towards the Headmasters office. He had a meeting with his head of house and the Headmaster this morning about his classes again.

Making his way into the headmaster's tower, he stood in front of the gargoyle and scratched his head.

"Ah, Lemon Drop?"

The gargoyle didn't budge.

"Chocolate Frog? Bert's Beans? Acid Pops?"

At the last one the gargoyle finally jumped out of the way, allowing him to enter the office. Walking in he saw McGonagall and Dumbledore standing there watching him.

"Welcome Mr. Cason." Dumbledore said warmly, a kind smile on his face.

"Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall." Art said respectively, dipping his head towards them.

"As usual Mr. Cason, we are here to discuss your classes this year." Professor McGonagall said, tapping her fingers on the desk.

"Of course Professor. I would like to continue my lessons with Professor Dumbledore and Professor Flitwick. I will ask Madam Pomfrey if she would continue to teach me as well. I would also like to drop Care of Magical Creatures but if Professor Kettleburn needs an assistant I would be happy to volunteer." he said, getting straight to the point.

Art smiled ruefully, Kettleburn was missing half his limbs and needed some assistance in his class.

Dumbledore smiled, nodding his head. "Anything else?" he asked.

"Yes, I would like access to the Restricted Part of the library."

McGonagall frowned and looked at Dumbledore who nodded his head. "Fair enough, I will write you a permission slip."

Art thanked him and turned to leave the office when Dumbedore's voice rang out.

"I heard Newt gave you a friend, may I see it?"

Art was surprised and stopped before smiling and lifting his wrist. He gently rubbed Azura's scales waking her up. Her tiny head rose up and looked around, confused on where she was.

Dumbledore approached him and looked at the snake with interest. "Horned Serpent… there is a fascinating myth about them and the American wizard school." he is eyes sparkled as he looked at her.

Azura looked at Art, giving him a glare before going back to sleep. "Sorry professor, she is still young and likes her sleep."

Dumbledore smiled before dismissing him.

"A Horned Serpent in the school Albus? Is that safe?" McGonagall asked, worry on her face.

"According to Newt, there is no one safer the beast could be with. Art is able to make a dragon harmless let alone a baby Horned Serpent. The boy is truly incredible."

McGonagall nodded her head and said, "His magic power has grown again. Just being in the room with him I could feel it coming off him."

"I will teach him to control it." Dumbledore said, looking down at his desk.


Art made his way back to Gryffindor Tower. Much to his surprise he saw girls pointing at him with the bolder ones shooting him flirty looks. Art touched his face, wondering if someone placed a Bewitching Spell on him. Entering the common room he saw Percy lecturing his sister, Ginny, about rules and stuff.

Art rolled his eyes walking past them. Ginny saw Art and quickly approached him and grabbed his arm.

"Is it true that you helped Fred and George become animagus?" she asked, her eyes shining.

Art looked down at his arm causing Ginny to flush red to her ears.

"I-I'm sorry…" she muttered, letting go of his arm and taking a step back.

Artland laughed lightly and patted her head. "It's fine. Yes, I helped your brothers become animagi but they didn't need my help that much."

Percy waltzed over and puffed out his chest, showing off his Prefect badge.

"Animagus is dangerous and esoteric magic that shouldn't be taken lightly. It was reckless and dangerous thing you did Artland."

"I disagree. I researched it and had enough strength to do it, as did your brothers." Art said, a small smile on his face.

"You were only third years! Just because you are a genius doesn't give you the right to endanger others!" he said, his face turning red with anger.

Artland shook his head, understanding now. Percy wasn't mad that he did but that his brothers took the risk and did it.

"Your brothers are stronger than you realize. I warned them about the risks and they still agreed. Courage is something that Gryffindor values, maybe you should try it." Art said, stepping past an angry Percy.

Percy started shouting things at him but Art ignored it, his time was too valuable to argue with someone as narrow minded as Percy. Finding George and Fred in his dorm, he asked them if they wanted to go to the Room of Requirement.

"Might as well." Fred said, shrugging his shoulders.

"How will we tell Cedric." George asked.

"I swear you two are more muggle than me sometimes." Art said, taking out his wand. A white Thunderbird appeared from his wand and disappeared.

"You have to teach me that." the twins said in unison.

Art smiled and left the dorm, the twins following him. Percy was still in the common room fuming. He seemed to explode when he saw the twins with Artland.

"What are you two doing?" he yelled, his hands balling into fists.

"What is your problem?" Fred said angrily, shoving him away.

"He is teaching you dangerous magic!" Percy said, pointing at Art.

"Dangerous magic? Have you gone daft?" George said, looking at Percy like he was an idiot.

"How else do you explain your marks? You barely do your homework and still skip class!" he said, looking back and forth between them.

The twins face darkened.

"You think are marks are only because Art is teaching us dangerous magic? Dark magic? Is that what you think?"

"I think-"

"What do you know? We practice and train everyday. Just because we don't study from books and aren't always in the library we don't study Percy. We don't learn that way and Art is a good enough friend to help us." the twins said, pushing past Percy.

Art shook his head again and followed the twins, leaving Percy standing there.

"He is just jealous, he thinks your marks aren't earned. He will come around once he finds out all the work you put into it." Art said, catching up with them.

"Git." Is all they said, making their way to the Room of Requirement.

They met Cedric halfway there, he looked at Art with an exasperated expression.

"Art, you might kill someone with fright if a Thunderbird continues to show up in my dorm or common room." he complained, joining the group.

Art laughed and said, "Wusses."

Cedric rolled his eyes, not answering Art.

The four of them soon entered the Room of Requirement.

"Home sweet home." Artland said, running his hand along the bookshelves.

The twins seemed to be in a bad mood still and started to attack the practice dummies. Cedric looked at Art with a questioning look but Art just shook his head and let the twins burn off some steam.