
Rise of house Black

Guy dies, gets isekaied in the Harry potter world and realises he is a black.Watch as he goes through life in this new world.

Asce · Book&Literature
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Chapter 21

Nero was currently in the common room. His clones were in the room of requirement reading the books and learning.

One of those clones used the Diadem to make different runes and practiced making them by hand trying to figure out a way to reduce the need to carve the rune into a object.

The original was sleeping in the common room as he was bored.

' I have nothing to do. I could go practice duelling but I practiced that for a week straight. Sigh can someone please remove my boredom. '

Nero waited but nothing happened.

' I got lucky just being able to reincarnate. Don't push your luck Nero. '

However his saviour came when the prefect arrived.

" Oi Nero why are you just laying there? "

" I have nothing to do Charles. " Nero said.

Charles was the name of the prefect. He was in his 6 th year. He looked at Nero.

" Then come to the stadium. There's a quidditch match today. " Charles said.

Nero looked at him.

' That might releave my boredom. Let's try it.'

" Who are the teams? " Charles smirked at this.

" Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor. "

Nero nodded as he got up.

" Well are we going? " Nero asked.

" Yes but first we will go meet the captain." Charles said.

Nero looked at him but shrugged as he followed Charles to the Ravenclaw team.

Inside the team were sorted next to each other talking about there strategy.

" Oh Charles what are you doing here? " The captain asked.

" I come to see how you were doing. " Charles said.

" I see. What about him? " He asked as he pointed at Nero.

" I'm just bored so I came to watch. " Nero said.

" Sigh then it's best you go home. " Said one of the beaters.

" Max. " The captain groaned.

" What can you blame me? We lost to Gryffindor for the last 2 years. You can't blame me for this. " Max said.

' This is interesting. Hmm I wonder how the faces of Gryffindor will be when they lose? Hmm let's find out. '

" So what's your strategy for the match? " Nero asked. The captain looked at Nero.

" Why do you want to know? "

" Just curious. "

" Sigh it won't change anything. " Max said as he began to explain the plan to Nero.

' The plan isn't bad but the flaw in the plan is that they can adapt to it. Its not that hard of a plan. When it loses its viability the other team will take advantage of it and score. '

Nero had a calculating look on his face before looking at the captain.

" I need a board. " Nero said.

" Why? "

" You see. I'm bored right now so to releave that boredom I'm going to give you a plan that will end up with the other team making funny faces which I will remember forever. So again do you have a board? " Nero asked.

The captain looked at Nero and saw his seriousness. He brought the board in.

Nero placed the board in front of the members and explained his plan. The eyes of the members lit up with fire in the eyes.

" This will work. " Max said.

" Hmm it will. Everyone get into position. It's time to defeat the Lions. " The captain said as the team went onto the field.