
Rise of Hollywood Superstar

A journey of girl seizing all possible opportunities and her road of becoming a Superstar. . Amelia was a simple theater actor but after experiencing a life changing event, she walked on the path to reach the top. Chapters at the beginning are a bit short. i am revising them and the length of the later chapters is also increased. if you want, then you can start reading after twenty chapters.

Novel_Surge · Urban
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Agent Signing (revised)

Amy has now that decided to be an actor and besides it being her dream, it is also an interesting thing.

Amy doesn't think that she needs to repeat high school and college and support herself from the family trust and her parents dividends that she will receive.

In the past, she couldn't become a screen actor was because she didn't had much chances and her appearance wasn't qualified enough, she couldn't step forward from being a background actor or an extra.

But she has always liked the luxurious and comfortable life. She has always wanted to be in the spotlight and be the center of attention. And now she will be able to do it.

As soon as she got permission from her grandfather, Amy decided to act on her plans. Firstly, she enrolled in the private acting school "Michelle Donners Acting School LA".

Her grandfather discussed this with her second uncle Willianms as he is in fashion industry and should at least have some contacts. He didn't show much response to it but still sent the contact information of an agent, Richard Harris. Whether she can get the brokerage contract depends on her own performance.


There is no doubt that the Hollywood is the cultural center of the United States and the world.

There are brokerage companies of all sizes here, and there are numerous brokers here, some are with successfull gigantic careers but mostly are trampled here. These brokers are the hub of all information and resources in Hollywood, and they are also necessary for maintaining the smooth operation of this Vanity Fair.

There are currently four most successful brokerage companies here.

Creative Elite Agency (CAA), William Morris Agency (WMA) , International Innovation Management Company (ICA) and United Elite Agency (UTA).

Among them CAA is the biggest one, even after the leaving of its founders Ron Myer and Michael Ovitz. It is still the biggest brokerage company at present.

And this is where Amy is going to meet Richard Harris. She met him at the cafe.

The other party is close to 30 years old, wearing professional black suit, with dark brown hair meticulously combed, tall, good looking and mature, looks very professional.

" You are Amelia -- I suppose, I might call you that ?" were Richard's opening remarks.

"Huh" Amy was noncommittal. She was sitting opposite to Richard and she adjusted her appearance well and was listening to him carefully.

Richard smiled and continued : "Every year there are close to million actors and actresses in Hollywood, and actress account for 70 percent. How many of them can sign a brokerage contract? About only one percent. And of them about 15-20 people can be successful."

"CAA can make you one of those one percent but I can make you one of those 20"

"I am an Elitist. Signing bunch of artists is not my policy. I sign only about 3-4 people at a time so I can better concentrate on them." Richard said the name of his two clients : "Kelly Mc Gee" "Top Gun", "I think you should have seen it. And the other one is a new male artist. "

He paused and looked at Amy. She was calm without any shocked expressions and timidity.

Very calm.

Richard likes her performance, but this is also disturbing and out of control.

Although not the best but he is better than those pure new intern agents. He has worked here for about 7-8 years and has made many contacts, not all of them are important but some of them are still useful. He is at least a qualified agent. And from what was reported about the girl opposite from her uncle was that she is very pure and has not contacted the ways of the world.

At first, he agreed to this meeting only because of William Collins as he owned him a favor. But when he saw the girl's appearence, he himself was shocked. William never told him about her beauty. Looking at her appearance and face, she is destined for Hollywood.

Although there are many beauties in the Hollywood and appearance is the least necessary because there are bunch of them, but considering his whole career to the present, there has never been such a beauty like the girl opposite to him. He can be sure that she can be successful without any acting required. Because as a vase, she can be called the most qualified one.

All his previous preparations and rhetorics are in mess because he also desperately wants to sign her. But he still has to mantain his image.

The girl opposite to him adjusted her appearance and smiled at him : "There are countless agents in CEA and I believe with my appearance many of them will rush to sign me, so why should I chose you? "

Usually Hollywood business model for agents is : Intern - secratory - assistant - junior agent - senior agent.

But CEA is different, here everyone can be said to be equal but no is actually equal. Here some can call wind and rain in Hollywood like Bryan Lord, etc and some can only do the strange works like janitor, driver, etc. You can only climb up when your artist is successful otherwise there is no seniority system.

There are many options for her but she chose CAA because it is the biggest one and also because of its convenience to help her solve problems.

Richard persued his lips and said : "In principle, I don't object to the unspoken rules, because this has always been the practice of the industry, but I will never force you to do this. Some people like it and some don't and I think you are the latter. "

"Go on" Richard heard her say.

Richard had no choice but to say : "I have experience of working with the actresses and have many connections and resources here. I don't force artists to the projects they don't like and its their own choice whether to do it or not."

At this Amy smiled, stood up and moved her hands for a hand shake and then said :

"Then I hope it will be Happy Cooperation. I hope we both will benefit from it "

Richard also stood up and shaked hand with Amy. Amy continued :

" I hope you can prepare a contract in the fastest time because as my legal guardian, my grandfather has to sign it and he will go back to New York in a few days. So prepare before it, and by the way you can call me Amy."

Amy went out and Richard began to prepare for the work.