
New Dawn

In the lowest place of Mouzar kingdom,a pitch red altar stood alone,it is as big as a continent.The altar is covered in markings that make valleys and mountains of this massive altar.These markings on closely observing makes a massive magic arrays that appears to be an ancient sealing array.This array also gathers mana to constantly maintain seals which also makes this a perfect place to cultivate and furthermore it contains inheritance of HumanGod that is waiting for a suitable successor .This is the HumanGod altar,also the first place where a person will ascend to and receive the blessings of HumanGod of the past.

On top of HumanGod altar several person can be seen. Their presence itself increased the majesty of this altar several hundred times.

Odin :"Let's not delay any further, 'Hephaestus' repair damaged magic array if there are any and improve the overall efficiency. And 'Gaia' start using the Omega to stabilize mana and space of Medieval realm."

Hephaestus :"Got it.While I am at it you people start working on each elemental house.And 'Saron' don't get carried away,highest magic level people there have achieved is only tier 3 magic,in past millennium."

Saron :"In magic arts I don't need your advice, I am at higher level than all of you and only those who are worthy will receive my blessings."

Freya :"Let's finish this quickly,'Odin'and then let's go on a dinner tonight.

Hella in her mind " At least she is working." Finally my little sister is thinking about working,I am so happy that I may cry right now.

Villi :"Haha let's leave everything to me I will build greatest house for manliest followers of mine."

When Gaia started using omega ,in the sky's of Mideaval realm purple clouds surged like rising tides of ocean.In few hours purple mist flooded the whole mideaval realm which made all the weaklings pass out as soon as they came in contact with purple mist.As the time passed,concentration of purple mist steadily increased, soon people passed out one by one, very few people remained conscious till the whole process completed.

Odin :"The mana seems rather pure now,good work,I am rather impressed.Seems like you have gotten stronger and your control is much better,you must have encountered rather fruitful opportunities to you."

Gaia :"You flatter me, I have much to learn.If I have more control those people might not faint and would have raised their power to next level at least." --- in mind "If not for that damned Pythia I wouldn't have come here to waste time.And opportunity you say,it is fucking 'treasure trove' I stumbled upon which will make me most powerful god ,aah I can't wait anymore."

Meanwhile in Medieval realm people slowly started coming to their senses after a week's period.Confusion soon faded away with pleasant surprise as people realized they have a little more stronger.Some even leaped over bottlenecks in their magic levels ,there perception and healing abilities improved but not by level to be noticed.The purple clouds they thought to be calamity instead brought lots of pleasant surprise. Many person thought it to be birth of treasure and started searching in swathes to soar to heavens in one go.Some form ancient clans thought it to be ascension of hidden saint but no one can say surely as the records of past are not much remaining.But one thigh was foreseen as changes come with a New Dawn.

It sure came as a month later seven massive structures appeared out of thin air.They are situated randomly across the medieval realm.Many people tried to enter but no one can even get close past ten thousand meters of distance before passing out.Many kingdoms sent out their armies and researchers to these houses but all resulted to no avail.After a year only few researchers,some old foggy who are at the end of line remained to unsolve the mystery of seven structures.

Later one night a voice rang in all Medieval realm,the voice itself have an overbearing might that made many people to prostrate on knees.The voice appear to came nine nether abyss that can freeze their soul itself and it was related to those massive structures.

The information it provided was that people below age 15 can only enter elemental house of blessings for guidance in path of magic arts cultivation. After a month,trials for becoming students of elemental houses will begin which will last a year before selecting final few students.

Royal families,ancient clans and nobles poured all their resources in their young elites to become the students of the mysterious senior but the time of trial is very near so instead of personal strength they focused on using external materials to increase their combat powers.Like teaching a ancestral sword techniques to their clans prodigy sword child's,magic armor,puppets or weapons.

On the HumanGod altar of Mouzar kingdom, seven massive structures have appeared,these structure makes the actual house of blessings of Hephaestus.Once lonely altar now seem to be bustling with people.They are all from God race with varying strengths here as a disciples of respective elemental houses but none of them are yet qualified to become disciple of Senior Gods which are also HouseHeads who maintains each house.

All the HighGods have either entered seclusion to improve their strengths or gone on journey to explore titan galaxy.Seven saints have also gone to Medieval realm and have became HouseHeads there.Actually these saints have volunteered to go, they have either expended their potential and cannot tread the path of cultivation any longer or they have been injured and needs time to recuperate,so they have decided to take on young worthy disciples to inherit their knowledge and techniques.

Trials will be used to select the disciples and sort them into houses suitable for them.A person can also use all seven magic arts but will have affinity order for them,like a person primarily cultivates in fire arts can use wind arts to strengthen his or her powers and same goes for a person with wind arts affinity he can cultivate fire arts to strengthen his attack powers.

Unlike the elemental house on HumanGod altar,in Medieval realm's elemental houses not a single soul can be seen moving around.In highest level of house,a old man can be seen sitting across a go board with a black piece in hand.He looks like a mortal man in its

ninety but these days his eyes have a indescribable sparkle and a sinister smile hung over his face.This old man is HouseHead of fire elemental house and his name is Grandmaster Yuhong.

Yuhong :"It's almost time,lets see how much they can entertain this old man. hehehe"

What is the reason for sinister smile of Yuhong? How the young disciples will perform?

let's see what the new dawn brings for us.