
Rise of Gods: Felix

The journey of the son of a demon queen and hero from a cabin to exploring the continents and gaining friends, bringing back his parents having an adventure through his journeys of the world only to end up leaving the world through a mysterious portal to defeat the greatest villain in the multiverse and gaining friends and having an adventure through his journeys just to discover that he has one of the strongest artifacts and gets help from strangers to control it and to discover another artifact when fused will give a person the power and knowledge to control the fate of universes

Sai_Anilok · Fantasy
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50 Chs



[The next morning]

Felix: "I'll see you later"

Marian: "Take care"

Melissa: "Enjoy"

[Felix leaves toward the north direction]

Felix: Stupid me, why did I decide not to listen to what they were talking about inside that room, how could Melissa from the verge of a mental breakdown turn into her normal self so fast, that too happier than before, women are complicated

[Felix continues to go north and stops a week later]

Felix: "If it weren't for my mana, I would've only travelled half the distance"

[Felix gets a map from his bag]

Felix: Shit, I covered a lot more than I expected, If I go east for 2 weeks, I should be able to reach the capital, coal city"

[10 days later]

Felix: I'm still not used to my body's capabilities, I can only hope that something good is there here

[Felix goes to an inn and rests for the entire day, the next morning]

Felix: "I'll start with the guild, that is the only thing that can have something interesting"

[Felix goes to the guild and is at the request board searching for an A- -rank request]

Felix: There are 3 of them snow rabbit hide x5, hunting 1 titan mammoth, and finding an old man called David Lee, but seriously David Lee

[Felix accepts the request for 5 snow rabbit hides first]

Felix: Let's see what is so hard

[Felix searches the surrounding area for a week to find a place that is covered in snow all year]

Felix: These shits have no mana presence and it's like they don't exist

[Felix continues his search but later that day he goes to the library to read about the rabbits and finds out they like to eat crystal grass]

Felix: And where do I find that 

[After an hour of searching]

Felix: Crystal grass is transparent, huh, this is stupid

[Felix goes back and finds crystal grass by feeling the mana in the soil and where it was irregular was where it was present]

Felix: Let's lay the bait

[Felix climbs up the tree and drops the grass and a rabbit runs towards it very fast and takes the bait away]

Felix: "What?"

[Felix repeats but buries himself and his hands are out with more grass]

Felix: Let's see how you will escape

[The rabbit came but saw Felix's hands and it stopped and went back and came back 30 minutes later with a titan mammoth]

Felix: It must've sensed my mana, now I have completely sealed my mana and I don't require my mana sense now

[The rabbit jumps over Felix's hand but the titan mammoth steps on Felix's hand]

Felix: I'm getting squeezed by it, I need to use mana not to get squashed

[Felix's body becomes hard and he is pushed deeper into the ground]

Felix: "Is this a titan mammoth, it is way too heavy, even for a titan beast"

[Felix uses fire on the mammoth's foot but it shows no change]

Felix: If I unleash the full extent of my power, it should recognize me as the dude from the prophecy 

[Felix lets out his power in a flash and the foot is lifted]

Felix: I could've died under its foot, I gotta be more careful in the future

Mammoth: "My name is Iksal, and I am the ruler of these lands, I am truly sorry for my misjudgment of your identity, I shall pledge my loyalty to you with a beast pact with one condition"

Felix: "State your condition"

Iksal: "I would like to fight master once, the full extent of your power"

Felix: "Okay, this fight will end when either the loser yields or is unconscious"

Iksal: "As you wish"

[The mammoth takes a deep breath and blows Felix away and also clears the snow on the ground revealing the frozen permafrost]

Felix: "Your master got a idea and it is going to trap you"

Iksal: "Lets see"

[Felix throws his cloths away in 5 seconds and starts to burn very Bright]

Iksal: "My turn"

[Iksal inhales and sucks in snow and blasts it on Felix but it melts and turns into water before it touches him]

Iksal: "Master is strong but lets see what will you do against ice"

[Iksal inhales snow and shoots out 2 icicles]

Felix: I need my sword

[Felix imbues fire mana into his sword and holds it infront of his chest]

Iksal: "Merge"

[The 2 icicles merge into a big one]

Iksal: "Shoot"

[The icicle suddenly triples its speed and Felix is forced to use wind magic on his back and concentrate more fire in his sword and the icicle is cut like butter and Felix stays in place surrounded by steam and the ground has turned into a marsh and Felix sticks his sword into the mud causing all premafrost in 200 meter radius to melt and Iksal is stuck]

Iksal: "I surrender"

[Felix is in deep trance]

Felix: "The mana here is different, it has a certain attribute unlike normal mana which can be used for any attribute but this is the first time I have seeing this

[Felix starts to absorb all the mana in the surroundings and he awakens with a new aura emitting]

Felix: "I unlocked Earth, water, and ice, wow! This is awesome"

Hi readers if you have any doubts contact saianilok912@gmail.com