
Rise of Flare

NB: I'm no longer working on this story for now, after seeing the flaws that it has and I'm currently working on a new one. Fang always knew he was different from others. His involuntary use of fire always got him into several problems in the past. However even he never expected himself to be the hybrid of a dragon race protecting humanity from the shadows. Ever since he was expelled he thought he had no future for himself. Little did he know this incident would lead him from being unable to start a single spark to becoming leader of all dragon kind. .

Scaletalon · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 15 Meeting with the Council

Several Serpentine dragons flocked to the motionless body of their dead leader. Even though they had stopped the invasion Neo, Fang and Hydrax could'nt help but feel that they had committed something against their morals.

As if this whole battle was a trade of souls. Thousands of lives had been lost to save millions.

Nightfall and Pitch had sprouted out from the river. When he was told , Pitch could'nt believe his mother was defeated so easily.

But once he saw her he immediately burst into tears pleading for his mother to wake up. Realising she was dead he asked for where the person who killed her was.

There was no answer for no one was willing for Pitch to have a grudge against them.

"Nightfall" Fang said with a sore throat

"Void said" he sobbed " You will be taking care of Pitch now."

Nightfall sighed and laughed he already found him irritating as a babysitter now he had to be his foster parent too.

After the mourning, Nightfall allowed the three to hop on his back to try to make amends with the council. Nyami followed him as well.

All they could see below was the river and lots of grassland along with some Hydrocrystal settlements that increased in number the closer they got to the capital.

They were able to make out what seemed to be tall pillars huddling together in one small space.

This was the city of Astral filled with high skyscrapers and devoid of any roads. Since everyone could fly to any place they wanted.

The building in the city centre with high walls was where the council was located. Once they entered the building Fang was intrigued with its similarity to the ones on his home planet. Except they had a wider space and taller height making it easier for Nightfall to walk through in his dragon form.

A message had already been sent of their arrival. They finally entered and saw several blue dragons perching on the high chairs ,the one with the tallest was the president of the whole Raptilian republic.

"So you are the four that helped end the battle." said Ignatius Kirian the president

"Yes they are and we wish to be granted land." said Nightfall

"Aren't you the ones who started the war to begin with." scoffed one of the council members.

"Indeed but everyone has a chance to be redeemed."

"Not without a cost, we can forgive but we can never forget."

" I understand that," Fang answered, "Which is why I propose to give them a place to live in."

"He's right," said Neo "They had started this battle because of their expulsion, if we do so again they might start another war."

"True" Kirian applauded "But since we're a republic we will have to let the people decide."

"That will be all you are dismissed." 

Their steps resounded through the hall as they left the building.

"Are you really going to accept the Serpentines as citizens of Raptilia?" another member questioned Kirian.

"If we do , then the Serpentines will make great allies against the Pyronovas." Kirian answered

"And Fang also , if Nyami teaches him well he might be able to finally end that race." he grinned

"With some force of course." both members giggled.

All of them spent a day and slept in that same city. The moment the sun rose all of them were windported back to the Hydrocrystal clan.

All the armies still bore scars from battle but at least now they were peaceful to each other.

Because of their participation in the battle all three of them had now graduated from school. Now all of them could travel to Earth or stay on Raptilia.

Nyami tapped his claw on the river sending ripples that travelled all the way to the other bank. 

The trio held their breath as they prepared to plunge into the river. For Hydrax this would be her first time seeing the human world.

Fang was excited to finally reunite with his mother Yin.

Neo had been staying here for several years away from humans now that his time at school was at an end he could get a chance to make a future for himself on Earth. His snake Coil was still with him relaxing on his shoulders.

The trio and Coil soon found themselves in the water swimming a journey that would take them to an older world.