
Rise Of Extincted

John and James the Yin and Yang, The swordsmen who wield Plasma Blades, Those who instead of being assassins of the darkness, Fight in the front, But one has a grave secret, None know off, The condition of the war seemed that The UFP Would win yet it only took one thing for the Grim Reaper to unveil himself, The Grim Reaper's identity which was his greatest secret comes to be known by his trusted comrades but troubles arrive, multiple times they were stranded on planets and in situation which would be impossible to survive, but if you were with the Grim Reaper it would be quite the opposite, through thick and thin they fought, arriving on a planet and they had to face one of the greatest oppositions. Harlord The First, creator of the immortal Legion and the one who spearheaded the invasion of Earth, It was a battle not for survival but for vengeance. A battle to avenge all who died a gruesome death long ago

CaziX_Live · Sci-fi
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86 Chs

The First Of Many.

Knight Six of Justice : The Balance

He plays it safe, he has not environmental advantage but he tries to make the best of it, he makes hidden traps in the open field.

And tries to find his enemy, the Knights of Justice couldn't get the locations of Knight above the rank 8, The Knight finds his target hiding in the treeline.

He acts as if he has not seen him and returns to the field filled with traps, and as he expected the enemy followed, he sits down and acts as if he is resting.

The Enemy Knight is wary and does not proceed further and shoots a plasma bullet, The Balance instantly dodges the attack and The Enemy Knight laughs as The Balance powers up.

The Enemy Knight takes a defensive stance as The Balance starts the battle by launching forward , he attacks but the slash is blocked.

The Balance pulls back his blade and swiftly moves behind him and strikes him in the back, and kicks him on his leg.

The Knight falls to his knees as The Balance gets ready to decapitate him, but the Knight grabs his legs and drags him down.

The Balance hits the ground and the enemy Knight gets up and tries to stab him but The Balance blocks the attack deflecting the blade and gets back up.

And The Balance smirks,

Fallen right into the traps.

He thinks to himself.

But he didn't know he was against the Master Of Traps.

The Balance attacks once again with confidence, but The Enemy Knight blocks most attacks and dodges all the traps as If he can see the traps.

The Balance starts to have trouble, as he also has to dodge the traps and soon he makes the decision to move out of the trapped area.

As he moves back his falls into one of his own traps , but barely manages to not get impaled, as he jumped back up and ran out of the trapped area.

Both knights now fight on an even field, The Balance takes a defensive stance and the enemy Knight launched, but all his attacks were blocked or dodged, he started to move backwards and they both maintained a steady distance.

The Enemy Knight shot a few blasts and ran away, The Balance gave chase but he was wrong to do so and as he follows him he falls into a trap, he is strapped to do the ground , as he realizes his mistake he yells out.


His power exploded the strings evaporated and he started to attack, the enemy Knight had a chance to power up aswell and did so.

Limiter 13 Unlock.

They both launch at eachother shockwaves are sent out as their speed is untraceable, The Balance gets a good attack off, but The Enemy Knight is not affected by the attack.

They both jump back, and The Balance says.

Why...Why the hell do you even fight? To kill or to protect your the third person I couldn't read the motives of, I even know the motives of The Grim Reaper.


The Knight went mad, as he lunged at him in a frenzy and The Balance was caught off guard falls down, as the Balance tries to fend him off and he starts to fear for his demise, as The Enemy Knight stabs him in the stomach and jumps back, but couldn't pull the blade out in time.

The Balance sheds a tear in pain but launches, his eyes filled with determination,it was his goal to eliminate the scums of the universe and today he will take one final scum out of this universe.

He goes for a stab, the Enemy Knight tries to dodge, but The Balance puts the last of his strength into a forward quick dash and stabs him in the upper chest.

Both knights stand on their last legs.

HQ, I have taken out my Knight, but I have lost as well, Iam not gonna come out alive,ha....I hope we win, at least I'll meet my parents.


DON'T, My time has come give my blade to...well no one really loves me but you can give it to my son as my final gift....goodbye everyone.

Over and Out forever.

The Balance focused on his enemy one last time and prepared a plasmatic beam launching it, The Enemy Knight did the same in respond.

The beams clash and at first the Balance seems to be losing, the beam clash seemed to be lost but a tap on his shoulder.

We still love you, but if your gonna die don't let it be in vain.

A Old figure said.

Your right dad!

As he poured the rest of his life force into it and completely obliterated his enemy, and as he Hsi enemy turned to dust, the Balance fell to his knees, before his enemy blade could finish him he turned to dust, as we see the medical team arriving.

Medical Team to HQ, he's dead, both of them are.

Damnit, Dad you didn't have to Fu*king do that you always were to righteous, if only you trained a bit more, huh who am I kidding you trained everyday, Goodbye you'll be known as a legend in our history.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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