
Rise Of Extincted

John and James the Yin and Yang, The swordsmen who wield Plasma Blades, Those who instead of being assassins of the darkness, Fight in the front, But one has a grave secret, None know off, The condition of the war seemed that The UFP Would win yet it only took one thing for the Grim Reaper to unveil himself, The Grim Reaper's identity which was his greatest secret comes to be known by his trusted comrades but troubles arrive, multiple times they were stranded on planets and in situation which would be impossible to survive, but if you were with the Grim Reaper it would be quite the opposite, through thick and thin they fought, arriving on a planet and they had to face one of the greatest oppositions. Harlord The First, creator of the immortal Legion and the one who spearheaded the invasion of Earth, It was a battle not for survival but for vengeance. A battle to avenge all who died a gruesome death long ago

CaziX_Live · Sci-fi
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86 Chs

First Of Many

The mission was about to be set in place, the call to Antonio was about to be sent out then


John yelled in his radio.

Th- the final death....he's here, we have to retreat NOW!

John said

He was not to far from the base and everyone else came to help him, but this only made it worse.

The Final Death was actually there, he decided to have some fun after a century of training, his mere presence made the star system shake, and the planet they stood upon was shaking violently.

John powered up, the rest watched as they saw John's power grow and grow but as John was about to go to his true 100 percent the final death spoke.

Iam not here to kill you right now, that is for a different time, different planet and galaxy, but these small fries are free game.

John went to his true hundred percent , as fast as he could he took everyone to a save spot.

You....why are you here, wasn't all that enough.

John said

What do you mean, what is all that , what are you speaking off.

The Final Death said

You....you know what Iam talking about, even I know your not stupid enough to forget that, all that..

John replied

The Final Death smiled as he said

Well we are brothers in a way, your The Grim Reaper and Iam the Final Death, so aren't I gonna get a good welcome, bring those people back, I need them to greet me, or maybe I can just drop them off at the gates of hell.

As He sped off , John intercepted him, with a swift yet insanely powerful kick he sent him flying out of the planet's atmosphere and smashing into another planet.

John launched at him, and punched him in the guts so hard that the planet started to break, John had to power down a bit as the asteroids may hit the planet James's is on.

As in a second John grabbed all the asteroids and hurled them at The Final Death but upon coming close to him they turned into dust.

The Final Death emerged without a scratch but he was annoyed, how dare he not attack with his full might.

Galactic Sla-

The Final Death was cut off as John came rushing at him.

Don't you dare use that move, you don't want my hand to he forced.

John said.

A tiny version of the attack came towards John, he tried to block it but it was a billion times stronger then what he used back when he fought the clones of The Final Death.

As The Final Death said.

Those clones, the covenant always underestimated me and they are kind off dumb, Iam pretty sure they thought that

" Our strongest generation of clones should be as strong as the Final Death or at least a quarter of his strength " but they forgot to add a zero, those were 0.25 Percent of my power each.

John was shocked he started to fall through space, as The Final Death delivered a massive blow to his stomach.

But a voice made even the Final Death petrified.

Neural Suppressor Disengaged for Ten Seconds.

As John rushed at The Final Death, and landed a severe combo of hits, he slashed him away, and he wanted to kill him, but the final death ran, he wasn't prepared for that, the neural suppressor was put back into place as John fell back onto the planet, forgetting everything that just happened