
Rise of Dutch Empire.

raveling to the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the 1860s, he became the Crown Prince of the Netherlands William Hendrick (full name Willem Alexander Nicholas Frederick Karel Hendrick), Prince of Orange. He didn’t want to work hard to join the war-torn 19th century European hegemony. He just wanted to be a crown prince with peace of mind until William III abdicated in 1890. He even made up his mind whether to directly Forget about leading the Netherlands to be a neutral country, spend a little time and experience the leisurely life of the upper class of the nobles in this era, it is worthwhile to come here for a while. But the reality is ‘cruel’. His father, William III, was dissatisfied with Tolbek’s re-election as prime minister of the Netherlands because of the weakening of the royal power. So a ridiculous scene appeared. Before forming a new cabinet, Erbec took the first step. On December 1, 1861, he directly announced that the throne would be passed on to his eldest son, William Hendrick, who was the Grand Duke of Luxembourg, and his younger son, William Frederick, who was born in 1851, became the Grand Duke of Luxembourg. The heir, and after William Hendrick became King of the Netherlands, he took Queen Sophie and William Frederick to Luxembourg. With such a ‘prominent’ background, how could William Hendrick live those small days? So in desperation, I can only directly accept the mess left by William III and clean up the mess. William Hendrick smiled bitterly: “Okay, I admit that I need to face the threat of European powers.”

Bibek_Mgr7171 · History
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Immigration to the Indian Ocean

"No, because the Kingdom of Belgium is close to Britain. If we follow the pro-Britain, it will increase the pressure on France, and Prussia is also the same. They will not deal with us too much. Although the naval power of our country has weakened over the years, Prussia is not comparable to Prussia, and although France overwhelms us, it is not a huge difference.

In addition to following a few countries, the new cabinet plans to continue to be the friendliest country of the Tsarist Russia in Western Europe, continue to maintain partnership with the Tsarist Empire, and at the same time promote trade between the two countries. After all, most of the gold in Tsarist Russia is now stored in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Continue to consolidate that we are the best convenient channel for Tsarist Russia to integrate into Europe. "

Hendrick William IV nodded, "Tsarist Russia continues to maintain the line, but Sweden can't relax too much, especially their iron ore, but"

"By the way, how many people do we have now, and how many colonies overseas?"

Tolbeck was familiar with this, and I saw him say: "The Netherlands has 5.75 million people, the Principality of Luxembourg has 250,000 people, the East Indies have 10 million people, Dutch Guiana (later known as Suriname) has 40,000 people, and the Antilles has 20,000 people. ."

"How many Dutch are there in the Dutch East Indies?"


"This is too little. 500,000 controls 10 million? Can it be managed well, can it be managed?"

William IV said solemnly: "If the Netherlands wants to develop, relying on others is doomed to be unreliable. The most important thing is to develop itself. We need to get rid of the current constraints of neighboring countries. We must find a place for quiet and great development. A good environment can develop to a certain extent.

And here in Europe, there are too many eyeliners, and every move is under the eyes of others, and a little big move can attract the attention of all countries, so I decided to "

Thorbeck listened attentively, but he was a little curious. Obviously, the new king William IV has done his homework. So, it seems that what he hears next is the key point, just now, it is the appetizer That's it.

"We should focus on the East India side. The Cabinet needs to quickly formulate immigration plans. I am ready to start immigration to East India, using our fleet and the powerful force of the transport fleet to strive for more than 100,000 immigrants per year."

"But Your Majesty, even so, our population is still a drop in the bucket, and it is difficult to keep up with the growth rate of the indigenous population there."

"Isn't that easy?" In Tolbek's eager eyes, William IV said wisely: "Invite all the local ethnic groups there to Kalimantan Island, hum, Kalimantan Island is now owned by us and The British are jointly managed, and the French even seem to be involved, and it is very chaotic. In this case, we have moved the natives to the top, and we want to mess with everyone, and even draw the British's attention to the island of New Guinea.

Aren't the British fighting for territory with us?

We just let these indigenous populations compete with their natives, and the vacated land will be used by our immigrants. I plan to use 20 years to ease the per capita land limit of the Dutch native population. Immigrants are now 2 million people to East India. For other islands, let them become the sites for our immigrants to reclaim. In this way, we Dutch have the final say in those places. We will call them overseas territories instead of colonies. The key to the second counterattack after the continental powers attacked us.

Based on this, we will focus on Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, Nusha Tenggara, Maluku, and directly occupy the entire New Guinea island as our base camp. Melanesian islands such as the Solomon Islands over there are the next step in our expansion. We will use it as the most important future support for the Netherlands to participate in the European hegemony, and it is also the base for our secret discovery. It's a pity that the Micronesia Islands and the Philippine Islands in the north are occupied by Spain, otherwise we can make great plans in the Pacific Ocean and carry out the strategy of encircling the islands"

When it comes to Spain, he can't help but show some fear in his eyes. Spain is not the second-class European country of later generations. Although Spain's influence in Europe is not as important as the five countries of Britain, Russia, France, and Austria, but in Overseas colonies are second only to the United Kingdom and France, especially in the Caribbean Sea and the Philippines. Spain is also heavily guarded. Its naval strength is the third in the world, with a naval strength of 130,000 tons. That is not a cover.

William IV's eyes flashed and said: "The New Guinea Island plan cannot be missed, and there will be the most important key to our weapons construction, especially the naval construction, this is an armored battleship, do not send telegrams, be careful Intercepted and leaked by another country..."

An armored battleship?

Tolbeck's heart beat faster, why?

Now even the navies of the British Empire, the second largest in the world, the French Empire and the United States of America have just commissioned such warships. She had heard that the Dutch naval officers kept envying the luck of the three countries in the past, but now If the Netherlands can join the team in one fell swoop, then for the Netherlands, it is tantamount to overtaking a corner. ....

William IV liked to see his subordinate's expression very much, and he was very happy, but he did not forget to remind: "Can steel keep up?"

Tolbek suddenly returned to reality when he heard the words, as if he had risen in mid-air and then fell back to the ground, he smiled bitterly: "Ruidian exports the most steel, but the largest share was pre-ordered by Britain and Prussia, and Ruidian also wanted to rely on this. relationship, used to counteract the hostility of the old enemy, the Tsarist Empire."

"So it's hard for us to get enough steel to make enough warships?"

William IV frowned for a while, but he forgot that now is not the era of steel flooding in later generations. Everywhere is crying and shouting that he wants to carry out national-level steel anti-dumping, and he dislikes too many steel imports.

Now steel is a strategic material for all countries, and it is rarely exported, except for pure exporters like Ruidian.

Thorbeck also frowned, "Last year's coal production was 3.6 million tons for the Kingdom of Austria, 8.3 million tons for the French Empire, 18.4 million tons for the Kingdom of Prussia, 87.9 million tons for the British Empire, 300,000 tons for the Russian Empire, and We have 1 million tons, but according to His Majesty's information, we have indeed discovered a large coal mine in the East India. If it enters the state soon, it is believed that the supply of our coal mine will greatly increase this year.

Crude steel output: Austrian Empire 36,000 tons, French Empire 80,000 tons, Kingdom of Prussia 143,000 tons, British Empire 334,000 tons, Tsarist Russia 7,000 tons, Rui Code 100,000 tons, and the Netherlands 30,000 tons.

In terms of pig iron, the Austrian Kingdom 403,000 tons, the French Empire 1.178 million tons, the Prussia Kingdom 1.261 million tons, the British Empire 6.05 million tons, the Tsarist Russia 359,000 tons, the Italian Kingdom 20,000 tons, the Rudian Kingdom 800,000 tons, and the Netherlands 500,000 tons Ton. On the railway, Austria is 3000 kilometers, France 9160 kilometers, Italy 2400 kilometers, Tsarist Russia 1626 kilometers, the Kingdom of Prussia 11050 kilometers, the British Empire is 14600 kilometers, we are 300 kilometers. "

Don't say that there is no trouble in crossing, this is the predicament.

The size of the native land area of ​​the Netherlands determines the poverty of many resources to varying degrees, especially steel, which is most needed for industrial development. Without it, how can it become an industrial power and a military power.

"How is the iron ore development in Guyana?" William IV asked expectantly. There is more than 10 billion iron ore reserves there. If it is developed, then for the Netherlands, there will be no more worries about iron ore problems. It's a pity , Tolbek's answer disappointed him slightly.

"It's too deep, and the development is not difficult, but there is no way to solve our current predicament."

Hearing this, William IV was a little disappointed, but he comforted: "Well, something is better than nothing, hurry up and develop it."

"How is the construction of the bearing company?" This is the focus of his attention, but he knows that because of the problem of bearing production in France, including World War I and World War II, countries do not dare to arbitrarily take up 80% of the world's production share of Ruidian. Implement sanctions and aggression, because bearings are too important for industrialization. Under his leadership, the Netherlands will naturally not let such strategic industrial weapons go, because he is related to industrial machines and the operation of various large weapons, as large as aircraft. Tanks, etc., small to small wheeled bicycle pulleys, all need it.

"Having kept up with Sweden's pace, we have developed various bearings."

William IV nodded and said solemnly: "This cannot be slack, and domestic mechanical development must keep up with the pace of other countries, and at the same time implement more secret projects, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com pursuit of leading other countries ."

"Your Majesty, but iron ore..." Tolbek smiled wryly and wanted to ask again.

William IV waved his hand to stop him, his eyes were sharp, and he changed the subject with a sneer: "After the American Civil War, don't you think Europe is too quiet recently?"

Tolbeck looked at him puzzled, not understanding why he jumped so far.

After the 18th century, the United States developed from the British Empire to the south and the north along two different paths.

In the north, the capital zhuyi economy developed rapidly. From the 1820s, the northern and central states started the industrial revolution, and by the 1950s the industrial revolution was completed.

Last year, the northern states had the fourth largest industrial output in the world at $1.88 billion.

(Exchange rate: 1 pound = 5 dollars = 25 guilders, 20 million people in the north of the United States, the average annual per capita is 90 dollars, 18 pounds.

In the same period, the UK's GDP was 1 billion pounds, with a population of 20.1 million and a per capita 50 pounds.

In the same period, the Netherlands has a population of 6 million, 6 billion guilders, 1.2 billion US dollars, 240 million pounds, and 40 pounds per capita.

The standard of living in the Netherlands is the first in Europe, which is a high quality of life formed over hundreds of years. )

In the South, the system of plantation black slavery was implemented. The population of black slaves in the South was 4 million, while the North had already abandoned this system and liberated the black slaves, so the contradiction between the two places deepened fiercely.