
Rise of dragon Empire

In a world were child dream of becoming buisnessman, celebrity and successful i lived for other, but the world betrayal me so i will creat a new civilization and good place for people to live in a world with magic

Sriman_Sriman · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Raining Night

In vally of death

After asking for receiving his gift Raj was thinking over the next course of action the way of his rebirth

Balancer spoke " i can send you by two ways one crate you into existence or give you a vessel in that world"

Raj thought for a moment if he come into existence by just like that no problem for basic but he doesn't want that and at the same time having in birth means he can't be week for at least until 8-9 years and have famil

I thought about for a moment and told his option


in Britannia Empire

In the region of near border of the countr

In a the rainy night on a clinic 4 women a attending to a pregent women

Her name is martha on that moment she was thinking of her past years she used to work for a Nobels She is best maid and during her time of she was once met a nobel who appointed her as his head maid she worked hard for him and she devoted her master

Her master name is Jonathan Wayne

Wayne family is Dukedom and powerful family in the kingdom and has the one

The master of her was married to another Nobel women one a same rainy day as the her master was heavenly drunken and was in a state of confusion he mistaken her for his wife Marya wayne and forced himself on to her she tried to resist but she can't until the end and that resulted in she lossing her virginity and after that her master due to his proud personality he blamed her

Days went and one day she noticed signs for being pregnant due to respect for her master she decided to tell hem first before confirming it

Nobels having an illigtiment child is like a big son they try to hide it and exile it it a common sense in Nobel because they don't wanted to be looked down upon by others

On her way duke chamber she heard the duke and his wife arguing some thing

The Duchess "Do you know what have you done"

Duke" what?"

Duchess"you having an affair with a maida "

Duke " so what "

Duchess"what if something happened and she end up with a child "

Duke" are you affride of the simple reason there is a rule followed in our duke family you see any thing that may danger our reputation must be plucked with it's root

It's a matter none of your concern "

Hearing his words made her heart tremble in fear

On that day she decided to resign her job and left the dukedom due to her reason being that she felt guilty being her sin she was relieved of her duty and escaped

But the the dukes personal guard monitored her for a month and decided her to be no threat and left her alone after that she left the place and came wher her to be

Due to many things her health condition worsted and she living her life with will alone and her pet for past 8 months because at last she may have her only person that may call her family thought she may nat stay with him for long time

With the pain she is waiting for the child to come life into this world and her death