
Rise of dragon Empire

In a world were child dream of becoming buisnessman, celebrity and successful i lived for other, but the world betrayal me so i will creat a new civilization and good place for people to live in a world with magic

Sriman_Sriman · Fantasy
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9 Chs


I was thinking of what name should i give my A.I i suddenly thought of a name from a movie

It's a name of butler in a movie he a funny man and loyal to his master even when his master

It's a perfect support character who will do anything for his master

I decided to gove AI his name

Damian " i will call the AI by name Alfred "


Do you wish to give the name "Alfred " to AI


Damian conformed yes

A.I is being connected to user

The system will be give the authority to user and AI

The binding program is starting

Time left before completing

42 hrs

I fell like this is a to time consuming system are what it feels like it take so much time

During his time Damian understand than he is in some mountain side area here are people who live far from city

His mother condition is also seems to be not better she seems to ill

She is weak

There a not much children

All are above the age of 6-7

In afternoon i heard My mother was talking to women who is also seems to be in

Time of giving birth

I fell like i am going to have a freind