
Rise Of A Tri-Path Cultivator

Our Protagonist is a university graduate who can't seem to find a job. One night as he walks towards his home from another failed(of course) job interview something hits his head. ((The first 10 chapters have a little bad grammar but it gets better after chapter 10)) The story is about a boy who rises to apex in a cultivation world by becoming the first ever Tri-Path Cultivator. There are a lot of Face Slapping and classic Cultivation novel Cliche's but hey we are the one who enjoy them. *WARNING* There is one NTR/rape scene but it is not related to MC's woman so dont worry it is just some cannon fodder. (Tri-Path Cultivator = One who cultivates Devil Path, Buddhist Path and The way Of Dao) (If you are here for R-18 stuff it will take some time to get those started.)

ThundeR_8934 · Eastern
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22 Chs

She was Pregnant

At this time, Qin Chao, who was escorting Liu Chuan arrived in front of her. Hua Niang's eyes lit up and she immediately walked over towards them.

"Excuse me, Mister did you see a woman wearing a white dress just now? she calls herself Bai Jiaojiao"

Qin Chao looked up and saw Hua Niang's appearance and he immediately took a deep breath.

'Holy Cr*p, Kongkong?'

But after a careful look, he realized the woman in front just looked similar to Kongkong and there were subtle differences between them.

"Sorry, I didn't pay attention." Qin Chao was fully focused on Liu Chuan, how could he noticed that Bai Jiaojiao. He shook his head, then continued to escort Liu Chuan.

"Mister, if you meet Bai Jiaojiao, you must be careful!" Seeing Qin Chao leave, Hua Niang started to feel anxious, but she refrained from telling him directly, after all, she can't tell him that she and Bai Jiaojiao were snake demons, thus she could only warn him.

Qin Chao frowned then took a look back at Hua Niang. This beauty called him mister and warned him to be careful which made him feel really strange. But recently, he was encountering many strange things so he didn't have time to think about this.

Then, while holding Liu Chuan, he walked toward the security room.

Along the way, they met with Su Fei but she became somewhat hesitant when she saw them.

"Qin Chao, I have already informed Yu Qian's parents. From now on you are the school's security director, when the parents come, you must maintain order."

"Me?" Security director?" Qin Chao pointed at himself as he was stunned by listening to her words.

"If you don't want it, I can change to someone else." Su Fei said while lifting her eyebrows as she thought if the decision to make him the director is good or not.

"Of course, of course, I want it!" It was such a good opportunity so how could Qin Chao refuse it, he especially wanted to see electric baton Wang's expression.

"Good, after you come to my office, I'll let Qin Ling take you to do the procedure." After that, Su Fei turned around and left. Qin Chao stared at the back of Su Fei thinking if she had lost her mind.

—– +

"Why, why did you remove me from my post?!" Outside the security room, electric baton Wang's appearance was even uglier as she was shouting and questioning Qin Ling.

Qin Ling was unfazed and with her arm crossed she said, "This is Director Su's own words, if you have any comments you can ask her yourself. Also, looking at you after making a fool of yourself in front of so many students,

Director Su is already giving you a lot of faces by keeping you as a security guard."

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it!" Electric baton Wang roared, "this must be you, stinking b*tch, who made this thing up, I'm going to find Director Su now, I'm going to ask for her explanation!"

"You, you!" Qin Ling was shocked that she was being cursed as she usually enjoys a superior position to him.

"Humph!" After looking at Qin Ling's appearance, electric baton Wang suddenly sneered, then turned his fat body to go to the administration building. When he was going through the door, he happened to see Qin Chao, who was walking toward them.

"Qin Ling, what happened?" Qin Chao came over just now, so he did not see the two people quarreling but he only saw Qin Ling's red eyes.

"He, he cursed me!" Qin Ling pointed at electric baton Wang while tears were glistening from the corner of her eyes.

"Electric baton Wang." Qin Chao turned his face, towards electric baton Wang, and said, "do you still think you are the security director, bullying people according to your heart's content? you are guilty of insulting the school's staff so this month's bonus will be deducted from your account.

"You! You! You!" Electric baton Wang continued to say "you" while his body could not help but tremble, "Fine fine, you two cheaters ganged up on me! You two wait here, I'm going to report this to Director Su! Be ready to pack up your things and get the hell out!"

Then his meatball-like body quickly turned and run fast toward the administrative building.

"This guy has gone too far." Qin Chao frowned as he muttered,

"You must be happy as you just started working for two days and already have been promoted to a director." Qin Ling rolled her eyes toward Qin Chao as she took out a piece of tissue, then started to clean up the tears on her eyes. Luckily she knew how to apply makeup, so her face was not stained by tears.

"Hehe, Qin Ling is so beautiful and pure, how could you have an affair." Qin Chao tried to tease her, but after looking at Liu Chuan's pale face, his smile faded, and he sighed.

Then, he continued to escort Liu Chuan to enter the security room. Qin Ling saw Qin Chao's bac and, suddenly became a little confused.

'This guy is weird. Other people are fiercely fighting for this position, but he seems to be indifferent about it. Could it be this guy have the morality of a saint?'

Actually, Qin Ling thought highly of Qin Chao, in normal times, if he was told that he was now a security director, he would surely have been ecstatic, and celebrate it by watching JAV for two hours nonstop. But the way he got this position is by trading it with Yu Qian's life, thus making his heart heavy.

Especially after looking at Liu Chuan's despair, how could he be happy?

The security room was deserted as the other security guards were helping the police to maintain order in the school. Qin Chao poured a cup of hot water for Liu Chuan, but he did not know how to console him.

When Qin Chao is feeling a headache, suddenly a noisy sound came from the outside.

"What happened, let us in to take a look!"

"This is a school or a prison! Why don't you let us in! "

"We want to go inside!"

Qin Chao quickly went out of the security room, realizing that the noise was coming from the crowd of farmers cramming and shouting at the school gate, but they were currently being held back by the security guard.

"What's going on?"

"Qin ge!" One of the younger security guards looked back and saw Qin Chao as he shouted, "these people claim to be Yu Qian's family and they insist on coming in."

"Hey big guy, it's me, we have met before!" One middle-aged farmer, wearing a blue jacket immediately shouted towards him, "I'm Liu Chuan's father!"

"Let them in!" Qin Chao waved his hand as he's now a security director, he has the authority to command the security guards.

The security guards heard the order from their director and no longer blocked the entrance. "Everybody calm down, calm down, this man is a friend of my son, let me ask him how Qianqian died!"

Liu Chuan's father seemed to be held in high regard by the group of farmers and after hearing him speak; they immediately calm down. Instead, they angrily look at Qin Chao.

"Hello, I'm the school's security director, my name is Qin Chao." Immediately after he said that a sixty-something years old farmer suddenly rushed out of the crowd, threw a fist at him, and hit Qin Chao directly under his chin.

"Ah!" To avoid meeting with electric baton Wang, Su Fei had come to the front gate but what she saw was Qin Chao being hit and she immediately exclaimed loudly, came over, and shouted at those farmers, "You guys! Why are you hitting people?!"

"Why can't I?" That old man's eyes were red and with heavy breathing, he said, "I put my daughter to study here and you were supposed to take care of her, now you're telling me my daughter is dead. This Security director, how could he become a security director if he was unable to protect my daughter!"

After that old man said that, two streams of tears fall from his eyes.

"That's right! How could you be a security director! How could your school hire someone incompetent like this!" The group of farmers started to shout after him.

"You hitting me is right." Qin Chao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth as he started to talk.

"This matter is our school's responsibility, but I believe Yu Qian's death definitely has a reason, the police will investigate it clearly, so everyone, please calm down."

"Comrade, what you're saying is not quite right." Liu Chuan's father suddenly let out a chuckle, "On the phone beforehand, the school's director already has told us. The police have already confirmed that Yu Qian's death is because of suicide and they said that many students were there to witness it. We came here to make things clear. Why a good girl who was not even able to think about suicide, did it?"

"Correct, gives us an explanation, provides us with an answer!" Those bunch of farmers started shouting together, attracting the attention of many students.

"Dad, you guys can't blame this on Qin ge!" This time, Liu Chuan suddenly ran out of the security room, and shouted, "Qin ge is a good man..."

"F*ck you, you little bastard!" Liu Chuan's father, seeing his son arrive his eyes became red, and he directly kicked Liu Chuan to the ground.

"I already f*cking told you, to take good care of Qianqian! I'm going to kill you little bastard just accompany her in the afterlife!"

Then, Liu Chuan's father grabbed a shovel from one of the farmer's hands, preparing to hit Liu Chuan's leg.

"Thump!" The air emitted a loud noise, and everyone froze there. Liu Chuan was scared silly, lying on the ground. The tall figure of Qin Chao was standing in front of him, using both of his hands to bear the brunt of the hit

Qin Chao's hand was dripping with blood, but he didn't mind and said. +

"Please calm down, this matter can not be blamed on Liu Chuan, because as early as two or three days ago he and Yu Qian had a breakup. After that, Yu Qian was having a relationship with a student named Fang Hua. I think the police have not yet investigated this, perhaps this matter is related to Fang Hua." +

"Dude, really sorry." Liu Chuan's father was shaken by Qin Chao's manner as he put down the wooden shovel and said.

"The one that hit you with a fist earlier is Yu Qian's father, Yu Xinghua and he is already over sixty years old. His wife had been in poor health already and after hearing the news about Yu Qian's suicide, she suffered a stroke and she has been sent to the hospital by us."

"Mr. Yu almost died back then during the Korean War and he is truly a war hero. He has no other child and suddenly at his old age receiving the news about Yu Qian's death made him aggrieved...I hope you can understand...I on behalf of him am asking you now for your forgiveness."

Then, Liu Chuan's father directly bowed in front of Qin Chao.

"But we just want to know why Qianqian died, we want the school to make all things clear for us. They said that the cause of death is suicide, but we do not believe it as Yu Qian is a good student, how could she commit suicide? "

"What you said is right, we owe you an explanation." Qin Chao was somewhat ashamed as although he is the security director he was just promoted and he didn't know about a lot of things.

"Who's making trouble here?

At this time, the policemen that were maintaining order at the suicide scene suddenly came.

"This is the school's ground, you guys should not make a scene here, quickly go back." A middle-aged man who looked like the police captain glanced at these farmers, then said.

Seeing the police, the previously ferocious farmers suddenly become scared as they all squatted down on the ground and became silent.

"Apologies sir, these people are Yu Qian's relatives, they only want to learn about the situation." Qin Chao then started to explain the situation as this is the first time he spoke so close to a police officer, he suddenly becomes less confident.

"Oh? Who are you?" The middle-aged police officer was surprised for a moment, then asked Qin Chao.

"I am the security director of this school, Qin Chao." Qin Chao said immediately to avoid any trouble.

"Oh, so it's director Qin." That middle-aged police officer immediately reached out and shook hands with Qin Chao, "my name is Xie Jun. Your school's psychological education to the students needs to be strengthened."

"Captain Xie, since they are the student's relatives, then we should discuss this with them.!" The nearby female police officer immediately said.

"Okay." That captain Xie nodded, then turn around to look at those farmers, "Which one of you is Yu Qian's parents?"

"It's me!" Yu Xinghua raised his hand.

"Are you Yu Qian's grandfather?"

"No, I'm her father. Qianqian was conceived when we were already over forty years old; she's our precious child....but now she's dead, how could the two of us, old husband and wife, survive..." after saying that, the old man started to tear up again.

To console this farmer, Xie Jun made a signal with his face toward that nearby policewoman. The latter immediately understood and said.

"Mr. Yu, although your daughter committed suicide, her circumstance is not completely clear. Because during the inspection, we discovered that Yu Qian has been pregnant. Moreover, her pregnancy is not recent, but it's already two months old. We want to know, who is the father."

After the policewoman's said that, all the people's murderous eyes immediately fell on Liu Chuan.

So i would like to say to the reader's that first few chapters are boring as it is just a build up to the main Cultivation story.

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