
Rise of a Star

Imagine being born into a fantastical world where magic exists, dragons soar, and one can lift seas and destroy mountains with having the ability to utilize magic. How would you react if you were born into such a world without magic? Amir, a young child, has always wanted to fly among the stars, but he has never had the chance to do so. until a lucky or fated encounter [This photo does not belong to me please make me know if you would like me to remove it who ever created it]

avron · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Let the Orchestra play 1

As I re-entered the town, I saw many changes since my last visit. In the background, a band played, and revelers could be seen dancing and cheering wildly in the streets.

"What the heck is going on, why is everyone here in such a good mood?"

As I strolled through the village, I noticed that the women had all dressed up and the men didn't look as dirty as they usually did when they chopped Asher Trees.

"They're not even giving me those looks again, this is weird"

When I looked up, I saw four people sitting at a table in the middle of the village a fat man with shiny dark blond hair and two boys who looked identical one with dirty blond hair and another with shiny blond hair and in between them a girl with light blond hair and brown eyes like the rest at the table.

"Wow mister Robison I can't believe your daughter got into the academy!"

"What an amazing talent to be born in this village."

"Omg God Sophia is so beautiful I wish I could make her mine."

"Shut up a kid like you couldn't get with her she bound for heights the rest of us can only dream of."

As I glanced around the area, I overheard more than a few people praising the girl in the center of the table.


"Think hard about what I heard of that before isn't that were they teach magic and martial arts."

"Right, what was it called again?"

"Everallen, everzalen"

"Everfall yea I remember now they say only those with the best talent gets in without trying entrance exam."

As I stared at the girl, she seemed to be my age she all the boys in the area were gushing over how beautiful she was, but I couldn't see what was so special about her.

"Hey what the hell is that doing here."

All eyes turned to the young black man in the middle of the village as the words were spoken.

"What Is he doing here!" a woman with black hair said

Mister Robison Please take him away; he's ruining the party for everyone else no one wants that thing here.

Your right staring at the boy his face was riddled with disgust upon seeing him

"Your right he's taking all the attention away from my dear Sophia, Ryan remove him"

As he said that the man stood up, he had a thin but muscular frame, and his hair was dark brown

"You boy you've disrupted this party with your presence remove yourself from this area."

As he stared at the boy who stood motionless, he felt irritated

"Is this brat ignoring me?"

"I ordered you to get out!"

a surge of anger swept over him, and he pushed the boy, only to be taken aback when the boy didn't budge an inch from his spot.

"Why am I unable to move him?"

When he was about to push him again, the youngster moved forward quickly, going past the man and arriving in front of a woman with black hair.

"Hello mother."

As soon As I heard her voice, I knew it was her the woman who abandoned me as soon as she found out I couldn't use mana.

"Hello mother how have you been good I hope." he said in a cold tone

"How did he do that!"

everyone in the area was stunned as they knew who he was and a person with mana shouldn't move that fast!

"No words mother is the fact that your abandoned son is in front of you garners no Suprise being here.

Staring at him the woman was shocked by many things the fact he was here and how he just appeared in front of her.

"He always used to just hide and look from a distance why is he here."

A feeling of disgust rose from withing her as she looked at the boy who should be here son.

"W..what is such trash speaking to me Mister Robinson please remove it!"

"She can't even look me in the eye, this woman is sickening."

Ronald stood up from the table as he walked over to the young man in front of him

"Young man If you leave immediately, I'll bring you some food isn't that what you want you must be hungry.

you're interfering with my party for my daughter "While he was talking, he waved his hand in Ryan's direction.

Ryan shot out to grab the boy, but the boy turned around dodging the man and jumping on the table.

As he jumped on the table, he stared down at two boys with blond hair as he felt his anger rise

"Hey trash you looking to die who made you think you can stand above me." Ellijah voice out jumping up on to the table

"you looking to die" he said in loud aggressive voice

"I'm still not good enough to beat them I need more power "he thought to himself

Brother calm down its Sophia's day

"Screw Sophia I won't let this trash disrespect me like that and let him go."

Turning to face the boy he scanned him

"Hmm he doesn't look any different than before, but he definitely got stronger that determined look in his eyes says it all."

"What makes a cripple like him have so much confidence as he stared at the boy he watched warily

"It doesn't matter I'll crush him and bring him back to reality."

Before Ellijah could move the boy jumped from the table walking to the fat man named Ronald

"Sir I'm sorry for disrupting your party I would love some food I haven't eaten in days"

A...ah yes Im sure you are seeing as its a celebration it would be rude to deny a bite of the food

Ryan! go get a plate of some bread and meat for the young lad

"Sir why would we give food to this cripple."

"Shut up and get him the food now!"

"Yes sir"

As he said those word the people in the village were surprised as the saw Ryan returning with a plate food of food while giving it to the boy

"Wow is he really going to give a cripple food."

"Mr. Robison is so kind."

"He's the backbone of this village to give such useless trash."

"Here have your fill on my daughters amazing day and remove yourself from this party be grateful."

Oh yes, sir, he replied with a broad grin, "thank you very much for providing me with this lunch I shall never forget it for the rest of my life

As soon as he had finished taking the food from Ryan, he exited the area where the celebration was taking place.

"Alright now everyone sorry for the mishap let the party continue!" he said while raising his hand in the air."

Yeahhh! a crowd cheered as he spoke

"What an interesting boy." a blond hair girl mutter

"Did you say something Sophia darling."

"Oh, nothing father she said with a bright smile on her face."

walking through the village I went to the alleyway where my old tent used to be

"so, let's see this food"

As I removed the wrapper from the plate, I saw that there were two pieces of chicken and four pieces of bread.

The smell of the food was intoxicating i haven't ate a good meal in years and have eat anything in days. It was probably fair to say that the smell of this food was like earning a Millon est.

As I looked at the food my mouth started to drool saliva as I looked like a madman.

"No, I can't eat it!"

As I said those words, I threw the plate as the breaking of glass could be heard

I refuse to accept anything from those bastards! standing up he punched the wall

"That bitch of a mother."

"Those twins and that goddam fat bastard!


"Who the hell does he thinks he is giving me food acting like he did the most saint thing in the world."



"There all pieces of shit every single person in this village watched for years as I struggled to survive as they laughed in my face."

As yet another punch landed against the wall, the structure began to gently shake.

They laughed and mocked and kicked the shit out of me just because they had a bad day.

"This piece of shit town and garbage world we live in where anyone with a bit of power steps on anyone's throats."


As he kept punching the building the shakes became more violent as Amir eyes release a faint golden glow.

"Watch, I'll shine like a star so that no one will ever be able to put me in a hell hole like this again."

The boy stopped punching the wall as he walked out of the alleyway as he looked into the distance where he could see a crowd cheering and dancing.

"But first"

"I'm going to fuck over everyone in this village." as he said that his he gave a smile showing all his teeth making him look like a demon.


Standing in a unknow location was Valerie an Alex as they watched Amir

My lady you were right to make me watch him it seems his suppressed rage is getting worse

As Valerie stared at the boy punch the wall repeatedly, her expression looked sad

"His talent is unpredictable he'll get stronger extremely quickly like this, but his rage is consuming him if it grows beyond a certain point, he'll damage his already broken mental state and become a villain."

"My lady if the situation is as serious as you say we should kill him now before he grows." he said with a grim expression.

"Alex you're so dark when it comes to these things, he hasn't lost himself just yet."

"I'll watch him a bit more and if he's about to lose himself I'll stop him and set him on the right path."

"Oh, my lady" with a look of complete respect and reverence his eyes became watery."

"Stop it you big cry baby you're making me uncomfortable."

"I mean what are teachers for anyways"