
Rise of a Pauper Son-In-Law

A family of three who was worshipped and look up upon by the country's people, was being thrown out from their family from Huabei. In order to survive, his family moves to Huadong to rebuild. Little did he know, not long after they settled down in Huadong, his parents had an accident. The poor child face the world at age of eight alone shortly after his parents death. As he grew up in orphanage being a pauper, and soon married to a family who everyday ridicule him left and right. Soon opportunity came. He slowly investigate his parents death. He suspected that his formal family relative had a hand in his parents death. As well as other top family who gang upon his parents. Hence he slowly plotting his plan to avenge the death of his parents.

Miimi_xDD · Urban
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131 Chs

Chapter 89

Qin Gang was frightened by Ma Wen's words.

What did he meant?

The cost is too much right?

Qin Gang's face turned pale suddenly, and it took a long time before he sigh and said: "I have never done anything wrong in my life, and I have done good deeds every day. How can I end up like this?"

Ma Wen smiled and said, "So it seems that you wanted to buy that piece of topaz last time because of this?"

Qin Gang nodded. In the past year, he tried all the methods, but none of them worked until he met Ma Wen.

Last time, he thought Ma Wen only just know how to appraise treasures, and didn't pay much attention.

But today, Ma Wen actually broke his evil spirit with a word, which made him understand that Ma Wen is not an ordinary person at all, and the hope of saving the Qin family may lie in Ma Wen.

Immediately, he hurriedly clasped his fists at Ma Wen and begged: "Mr. Ye, please help me!"

After speaking, he hurriedly whispered a few words to the assistant beside him, who immediately turned and left.

Ma Wen smiled faintly and said, "Mr. Qin, you should solve your family's affairs by yourself."

He didn't have much friendship with the Qin family nor had a relationship with Qin Gang before.

What's more, Ao Dong in front of him also offended himself.

The horrified Ao Xue next to her was actually quite pretty. The little girl had a very good figure, with her front convex and backward. Combine with her pungent personality, it is quite similar to little pepper.

But what does it have to do with himself whether she is beautiful or not? For one she is not his wife, and the other she is definitely not sleeping with him.

Therefore, Ma Wen had no reason to help the Qin family.

However, Qin Gang is not willing to give up this excellent opportunity to save his family, he immediately bowed and said: "I beg Mr. Ye to show the way!"

Qin Gang looked at Ma Wen almost piously, bowed ninety degrees, and assumed an extremely humble posture.

Still, Ma Wen remained nonchalant.

Seeing that Ma Wen was indifferent, Qin Gang's heart felt heavy and knelt on the ground.

At this moment, Ao Xue next to him saw this and knelt down without any hesitation.

She knelt in front of Ma Wen and pleaded bitterly: "Mr. Ye, I was abrupt and angered you just now. Please don't take it to your heart. The fate of my Qin family is in your hands. Please help us!"

After that, she turned her head to look at Ao Dong who was stunned. She slapped his face: "Ao Dong! You are the one who caused this! You brought that weird dirty thing home, and caused trouble to the family. Not only that, you dare to drag me and your uncle to deal with Mr. Ye. Even Mr. Ye is offended by you. Please kowtow to Mr. Ye!"

Ao Dong was really frightened!

He really didn't expect that the Qin family's recent fate was so unfavorable, and his recent disaster was caused by that piece of jade. Now he can't escape the blame and angers the only Mr. Ye who can resolve everything. He is really afraid of returning home. Otherwise he will be beaten to death by the crowd in the family.

So he immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Ma Wen, begging: "Mr. Ye, I'm wrong Mr. Ye! It's me who has no eyes, I don't know what's good or bad, please forgive me and help us. I from the Qin family, I kowtow to you."

After that, Ao Dong knocked his head on the concrete floor, making a bang.

At this time, Qin Gang's assistant ran back and handed him a gift box.

Qin Gang hurriedly gave it to Ma Wen, respectfully handing it to Ma Wen, and said humbly: "Mr. Ye, this is the most expensive jade bracelet. The price is more than six million. Please accept it Mr. Ye!"

Ma Wen glanced indifferently at the gift in Qin Gang's hand. It was a fine jadeite bracelet with an excellent water mark and crystal clear like glass.

Although it is not as good as the jade necklace he gave to his wife Yu Ying before, it is almost top-notch!

The people around looked awe. Everyone knows this bracelet. The most expensive bracelet in Rare Earth has a price of six million.

Qin Gang actually asked his assistant to buy it back and give it to Ma Wen, and still begged Ma Wen to accept it.

It can be seen how strong he is to cater to Ma Wen at this moment!

What is Ma Wen's identity?

Ma Wen's father-in-law was also dumbfounded. He had never encountered such an incredible moment in his life.

Ma Wen looked at the jade bracelet but didn't accept it. He just looked at Qin Gang with a faint smile, and said: "Mr. Qin, how do you know that I must have a way to resolve this evil spirit?"

Qin Gang said piously: "If Mr. Ye can't do it, then no one in this world can do it!"

Ma Wen smiled indifferently, what Qin Gang said was true, he really had a way to resolve it.

The Nine Profound Heavenly Manual have recorded this kind of evil spirit, and how to break it is also very clearly written there.

Ma Wen glanced at the jade bracelet and took it casually.

Look at this jade bracelet crystal bracelet, if it is worn on the wrist of his wife Yu Ying, it must be very beautiful.

As for this Qin Gang.

To be honest, he is no such a bad guys anyway.

It doesn't hurt to discipline the descendants of the family, and the crime does not lead to death.

Since he begged himself so piously, it wouldn't hurt to help him.

So Ma Wen said: "Well since you are so humble about it, I'll see to it for your sake."

After that, he put the bracelet down.

Seeing Ma Wen accept the bracelet, Qin Gang was overjoyed and quickly bowed to him: "Mr. Ye, the Qin family can still have some reputation in Huadong. If you can help to break the evil spirit, Mr. Ma Wen, this Qin family will never forget your kindness and go all out when you need us."

The crowd around was in an uproar, and they were all surprised.

The Qin family is willing to go all out!

Ma Wen thought for a moment, and said: "If that is the case, then I will help you once, and rest is up to your Qin family's fate."

Qin Gang immediately squashed his head and said excitedly, "Mr. Ye, please!"

Ma Wen asked for a piece of yellow paper talisman and cinnabar from the antique shop next to him. He drew a few strokes on the yellow paper and gave it to Qin Gang.

"Put this talisman on the jade plug and take it home to burn incense daily. After the seventy nine day, the evil spirit will be completely removed."

"During these seventy nine days, the family should avoid killing and blood, and family members should bathe and burn incense every day. Remember it."

"Yes Mr. Ye, I'll be mindful of that!"

Qin Gang took the rune with both hands respectfully, and was extremely grateful to Ma Wen, carefully pasting the rune on the jade plug and wrapping it into a yellow paper bag.

As soon as it was wrapped up, Ao Dong suddenly felt light in his body, the irritability of his whole body seemed to disappear, and his whole person became refreshed.

Qin Gang also felt the changes in his body, and his psyche was clearer and more comfortable than before!

He knew that Ma Wen's method worked!

This made him suddenly ecstatic!

Fortunately, I found Ma Wen, otherwise, after today, the Qin family will be in desperation!

Liang De Lan looked beside him in amazement, and when he saw Qin Gang finished, he hurriedly moved up with a shy face and bowed to Ma Wen with a smile.

"Big brother, can you help me? When do you think I can find a beautiful wife?"

Ma Wen frowned and shook his head: "If you want to marry a beautiful wife, learned to be a man first."

Ao Xue stood by and let out a chuckle.

Qin Gang smiled respectfully and said, "Mr. Ye, thank you for your great kindness to the Qin family. Since today is a bit rushed, and it is too late to prepare. Can I invite Mr. Ye to come to the Qin family tomorrow to host a banquet at home to entertain you personally to thank you for your great kindness."

"No need, I have something else on hand."

Ma Wen shook his head coldly, and said, "Today's affairs, I think you did more than well enough. I don't want to be too publicity, understand?"

Qin Gang was taken aback, and nodded again and again: "Qin understands! Mr. Ye will be useful to the Qin family in the future, just come to Qin."

After speaking, he quickly handed over a gold-plated business card with his personal mobile phone number on it.

Ma Wen took it without looking, turned around, and took the Old Master to leave.

Qin Gang kept watching the two of them disappear before glaring at Ao Dong and said angrily: "From now on in Huadong when you see Mr. Ye, you will bow respectfully and greet him. Don't cause me trouble again!"

Ao Dong said aggrieved: "I didn't know that going to the street to buy something can offend a master."

Ao Xue on the side gritted her teeth as she watched Ma Wen's departure.

Although she admired Ma Wen very much, she obviously still remembered Ma Wen kicking her ass in her heart.

For a proud girl, this kind of thing is simply unforgivable.

Qin Gang sighed and comforted her: "Girl, don't retaliate against Mr. Ye, now our whole family is counting on Mr. Ye"

"Can he really help?" Ao Dong mumbled.

Qin Gang scolded, "If you talk nonsense, I will break your leg!"

Ao Dong shrank his neck, not daring to say another word.

Ao Xue stomped her feet bitterly, and said, "I know Dad, I will not provoke him."

The thought of her body still aching, she felt angry and uncomfortable.

"It's a pity," Qin Gang sighed, shaking his head.

Ao Xue asked in surprise: "What a pity?"

Qin Gang glanced at her and said, "Unfortunately, Mr. Ye is already married. Otherwise, I think you two should become good friends."

"Dad! What are you talking about?!" Ao Xue was so embarrassed and annoyed at the same time.

On the way back, Dai Fu was still very surprised.

The dignified Qin Patriarch is so respectful to his live-in son-in-law!

"Ma Wen, are the things you told Qin Gang true?"

Dai Fu doubted that his son-in-law was becoming more and more like a liar.

Ma Wen chuckled and said, "It's a half-truth, half-truth, don't all scammers like to play tricks!"

After hearing this, Dai Fu was shocked and reprimanded in a panic: "Fuck, you dare to lie to the Qin family, and you have received such an expensive bracelet. What if someone find out and turns back to reveals it? Won't they ruin our home?!"

Ma Wen shook his head and said, "It's not a big deal, at most I can return the bracelet to them. Still, there is a rule of law you know. Can they still kill me as they wish?"

Dai Fu sighed and sighed repeatedly. Obviously, he was worried. But after thinking about it, there was no other way. He could only take a gamble. Maybe Ma Wen's quack trick was really effective?

After returning home, Ma Wen went into the bedroom and took out the stone he had received from Liang De Lan.

And at this moment, Ma Wen suddenly felt that surging energy penetrated into his body from the stone.

Ma Wen suddenly felt warmth, and his entire chest and belly were uncomfortable.

Soon, layers of sweat, mixed with black impurities, were discharged from the body, and the body was extremely relaxed after.