
Rise of a New Valyrian Dragonlord

This is a story about Arthur Smith, a very clever and successful businessman who finds himself in the body of a 7 year old dragonlord named Aegor Vaelyreos, 40 years before the doom of Valyria. Join Aegor on his journey to escape the doom and face the long night. Note : This is my first time writting so please go easy one me. If you have any cool ideas which can help make it more interesting please let me know in the comments. Also in case I am having writers block I will let you guys know in advance and keep you update so I do not leave you hanging.

Ash_born01 · TV
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14 Chs

Chapter 2: Aegor Vaelyreos

After waking up in new body Arthur was trying to gather as much information as possible about his new life but after going through the memories of this new body he was delighted to find out that the body of this person he was occupying was the son of the second most powerful family in the whole Valyria.

Fu*k yah I am top dog now with the help of these pills and other wishes I will stand above everybody else in this world." Arthur laughed like a comical villain. After celebrating he cooled himself down and then suddenly a servant came in and said "Mi lord you have awakened" .

After recalling what happened he found out that he was out due to getting hit from the tail of a dragon which belonged to his father. In the middle of his recollection his parents Caleris and Jaelor Vaelyreos can check on their son. " My son, are you alright?" Caleris asked with a worried look along with his father. After some time he replied back " I am fine mother please don't worry I would like to take some rest now can we talk later". After hearing his reply both parents decided to leave the room and talk to him later. Soon after his parents left him " It seems I can speak valyrian thanks god. Okay let's see what I am capable of '' said Aegor. He first started with the ring since that would be the least destructive thing he could do. He first touched a fruit in the bowl next to him, but nothing happened. He tried again but this time he mentally commanded it to be stored and it finally did it. " Finally it's in. But how do I get it out." Aegor asked after some time a screen appeared in his mind and he was shocked. " So it seems that whenever I think of my inventory I am able to view items which are stored in it!" said Aegor in a surprised tone. So after he stored his sword and piles inside his inventory and decided to check them out later. After that he decided to conduct a few more tests with the apple and have found out that if he could a few with his inventory he could make and item appear on command in his hand or above, below, take contained items in there container, place back in the same way, pick things up a slit touch. As long as he is able to touch it he will be able to store it next he has to test on other items like dragon eggs and living things. Now he was thinking of how he would go about his plan of exiting valyria before the doom turns him into heep ash or he likes to think of " operation GTFO". After evaluating his situation and the boy's memory he was able to find out the following

House Vaelyreos is the second most powerful house in the freehold in terms of of wealth, lands, number of dragons, military might,slaves and other resources.

The current head Jaelor Vaelyreos and his wife Caleris Vaelyreos( sister wife)

He is the first born son so he is in line to be next head of the house.

He has a sister Rhaenyra who is a year younger than him and a younger brother Baelon who is still an infant.

They have about 40 dragons and are of the larger variety. So based on his understanding all dragons which grow with a body length of more 126 feet and a wingspan of 453 feet is considered as large variety and anything between 70 to 100 feet body length would be mid size and 69 feet and below are small.( Note so Balerion was like the smallest large variety and drogon like one of the mid variety and other two dragons of Daenerys were considered small dragons).

About 12 of these dragons have riders excluding Aegor and his siblings and he does not have a dragon yet so he can either try to choose from the remaining 28 or hatch a new one.

Our rival is house Maltheon whom we have been competing with for a long time.They take every chance they get to flaunt how superior they are compared to us. Their heir Daemar Maltheon is even a bigger pain in the ass who is easy to manipulate if you stroke his ego right. So better keep an eye out for him.

And there are seven lords who pledge allegiance to house Vaelyreos and each house provides support in different aspects like food, magic, servants, mining etc

And that is about everything he could gather from the memories of Aegor Vaelyreos. So far things seem good. He is in a good position and if plays it right he could make his house the most richest and powerful house in the world. So first thing is first he would need to get his family on board with his plan or else everything would be in vain and then find a way to preserve all of the knowledge, magic and dragons so that he would have all the tools needed to build his new kingdom and also face the long night, manage to get sizable population to file this continent, convince the council of the freeholders to let our family to setup an outpost and to run it and finally ensure that we make sure that me have managed to suck out as much resources as we can before exiting. So now it was evening and his parents had visited him again and they all set out to have dinner in the great hall. On his way to the hall Aegor was admiring the whole castle and was enchanted by the carvings, paints and way the building was structured using magic to shape the stones. Once they reached all the family members were gathered in hall his uncles and aunts all enquired about him and then began to have dinner and conversations with each other about the current state of affairs in the freehold about any rebellions they squashed and other stuff. After some time Aegor asked his father " Father when will I be able to get my own dragon I really want to fly." hoping it would be soon. Then his mother asked " Are you sure son you just fell yesterday?" in a worried tone. "Come on Caleris the boy needs to have a dragon or else he will never be able to be a dragonrider." said his father trying to put his wife at ease. After that he asked his son" Okay son what would you prefer, a hatch one or a grown one." after some through he replied "a grown one" he knew it would be lot of fun to hatch a new and develop a bond with but he did not have the time and energy required to deal with a hatchling so it would be wiser to get an already and mature one so that he could start riding soon. So after hearing his son's responses Jaelor Vaelyreos decided that his bonding ceremony would be done in 6 days time, which was good for him since it would give him time to do other things like explore the territory his family roles over and start gathering information on his situation.

So after a long chatty dinner Aegor had retired for the night and decided that it would be best to wake early and have a fresh start. Next morning Aegor began brainstorming before breakfast and decided on what he would do "first a need to get abilities that will help learn and gather information and remember all of it." Aegor said as he was talking to himself and them from his inventory he took the pills which help with getting abilities. The reason chose these power pills is that he would be able to take his time and decide on what abilities he would need on his quest so he would have to use them wisely instead of deciding on the spot and regretting. So he took the first pill and then thought of what ability he wanted "I would like to have a skill which enables me to remember things very clearly and be able to go through memories and thoughts in an instant and process it quickly and pull out specific stuff instantly in detail." After some time a message popped in showing a new skill appearing in his head.

Skill:Perfect memory:-

Ability to store, process and recall memories and thoughts with ease. This skill will enable the user to remember events and thoughts very clearly and in detail, once memory is stored it will never be forgotten.

The next Skills he conjured up are "Quick learner" and "mind reader". "Quick learner" as the name implies is a skill which enables a user to learn any skill or form of knowledge using any form of learning including thoughts and memories, for skills as long as he practices the skill 3 or 4 times he would master the skill. "Mind reader" this skill enables to extra all memory from the target as long as he is able to touch it irrespective of the target being dead or alive . He will have a copy of all the memories till the point of last contact.

After arming himself with some useful skills he decided to set out to explore the entirety of his family's territory and start the first stages of his plan.

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