
Rise of a New Beginning

He has nothing back on Earth. His life is a monotonous repetition of the day before, but fate gives him a second chance, a chance to start life anew. Now, reincarnated in a fantasy world, Ardiel Elrond can try again. He can become stronger, and not waste this new life away as he did with his previous one. But strength is not only obtained through the sword and magic, and the longer Ardiel lives, the more he sees that there is more to this world than he initially thought.

Piixelbyte · Fantasy
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51 Chs

New Rune

Ardiel Elrond

We were woken up around ten in the morning by Loueras. Thankfully there was no need for the alarm to go off. 

The inn had one public bathroom, and hence, one shower, so all of us had to wait in line to use it.

The breakfast was no better than the dinner yesterday. Same kind of sloppy mush, just that it tasted differently. And the same way we had to shove it down our throats so we don't go around starving until lunch. After that, we made our way back into the wagon, and drove towards the guild office.

"Tariel, Faelar, the two of you won't require any specialized equipment, since Tariel, you have your own bow, and Faelar is a mage. However, " he looked at the rest of us, "the four of you use a sword, and since you can not use your wooden ones, you will have to use the guild swords. Unfortunately, it is likely that they won't be in the best condition. That is, if you want to be registered as a universal adventurer."

"A universal adventurer? What is that?" I asked.

"Apart from the ranks, you will also need to have a specialty. Universal just means that you specialize in both magic and swordsmanship. The rest are self explanatory; swordsman, archer, mage, and a few more."

After that we all either sat quietly, and gazed at the houses, shop stalls, and people walking around the place. We were given shocked stares and whispers, same as yesterday, but we no longer looked at the town with as much interest as the day before. After witnessing the slave market and staying at our "luxurious" hotel, all excitement kind of dissipated.

We made our way to one of the main streets, and after a couple minutes we arrived at a four story building, probably the tallest and grandest one around here. The architecture was the same, but it still stood out nonetheless.

What made it stand out even more, was the crowd around it. Adventurers, all dressed in their own style of armor or robes, carrying their own unique weapons, and loudly chatting and laughing with each other.

Many swordsmen had scars on their faces, and judging by their behavior, the majority seemed like muscle brains. The mages were more well dressed, their robes neat and tidy, and their staffs polished and clean.

As Loueras approached the building, more and more of them went quiet, until almost the entire crowd was staring at us. It was kind of uncomfortable, I really needed some privacy. Were they not taught that staring is unmannered? I mean, I looked at them, yes, but I didn't stare.

We sat inside, while Loueras guided the horses to the poles, and hooked their reins on. As he made his way, even the adventurers who were almost twice his size and looked like they could squash him like a gnat, jumped out of the way like from a fire. Nobody dared size him up, or block his way, or antagonize him. Some stares darted from him, then to us, and then back to him.

Makes sense. A bunch of representatives from one of the world's most secluded, mysterious, spiritual and magical races, suddenly make an appearance in a human town in the middle of nowhere. It would be weird if nobody stared, but honestly it was unnerving. I felt like an animal at a zoo.

Loueras gestured for us to jump down, and we followed his silent order. It was the exact same. Nobody dared try to stop us, or talk to us, or interact with us in any way, be it positive or antagonistic. Everyone just stared, warily, and cautiously, and us, but mostly at Loueras.

Same kind of reaction happened inside. Everyone stared, but I decided to not even bat an eye to it. Just be like Loueras. Imitate his high and noble-like elven mannerisms, if that is what everyone here in this world expected from an elf, then so be it. I can put on a show.

The interior of the guild office was much better than the inn. The ceiling was made out of clean, newly painted, fresh wood, and so was the floor. The walls were made of stone and white plaster. The room was well lit, and it even smelled good. I was half expecting it to smell like a gym change room, but that wasn't the case. Some kind of magical artifact to have fresh air in here at all times?

Loueras Elvedreil

I calmly made my way over to the front desk, not giving any attention to the gasps and stares that occurred all around me. I snuck a peek at the kids following me, but it seems that they also did their best to ignore. It looked like they were trying to copy my actions, especially Ardiel. But maybe that is just my imagination.

The secretary at the desk, a young blonde girl around the age of twenty, staggered and went round eyed when she saw me approaching.

I handed her my adventurer card. "I would like to register the children behind me."

She blinked a few times, opening and closing her mouth, before finally answering. "Uh, um, uh yeah ok." Letting out a nervous laughter, she made her way over to an older woman with short red hair, and they talked about something while looking our way.

Then the young secretary retreated to the back, while the older woman, perhaps her boss, made her way over to us.

"You are the one who registered for the exams yesterday?" She asked.

I was taken aback, surprised. "You speak elvish?"

"This town is on the border of our countries, I'm not the only one here."

"That…is surprising, but a pleasant surprise nonetheless. Loueras."

"Helga, pleasure." She stuck out her hand, and I shook it. "This will be quite the story to tell my husband when I get home. I forget when was the last time I saw an elf. Probably forty years ago or so."

"You say, forty years? You sure do look young for your age. Not a day over thirty."

"Pfft, hahahahaha. You are a funny guy, elf. Connect the dots, I was neither surprised at seeing you, nor do I look my age. I thought you were an 'A' rank?"

She hinted that there was more to her than at first glance, then, I finally saw it. "You…are a demon." Her black eyes shone with a blue and orange gleam when the sunlight set on them.

"Yup. Adopted by a human family sixty years ago when I was still a little kid, hence my name is human in origin as well."

She sighed, perhaps reminiscing of her past. "Anyways, is it this group over here?"

"Yes, the four over here are best suited as universals, the girl, Tariel, an archer, and the boy Faelar is a mage."

The kids all looked astonished by our conversation.

"You really are a demon?" The question came from Ardiel.

"Ho ho, yes I am, little boy." She grinned, and then her eyes began to glow, shimmering with a rainbow of colors. Her smile quickly receded into a frown.

"Alright, you can stay in the waiting room to your left for now until you are called."

I gestured to the children to go where Hegla instructed us, and stayed back.

"What was that you just did?" I asked her.

She looked at me, with the same concerned facial expression.

"That is…one peculiar boy, elf. My race, the Doradia, has an ability that allows me to see the flow of mana, and how much potential it holds."

"And what did you see in Ardiel?" I asked. Now I was concerned, but also intrigued about what she saw in my most gifted student.

"It was strange. It flickered and blurred, almost as if not to allow me to properly analyze it on purpose. Like some kind of force was hiding it from me."

"Some kind of force?"

"Yes. It is as if someone else is blocking his mana away from my sight. No. No, no that is not all." Her face grew even more grim. "It is as if his mana is interconnected with someone else's. Like two manas, his and a stranger's are mixed in one body, and that stranger is trying to hide this fact."

Strange. I always knew Ardiel was an anomaly, but what could be the meaning behind Helga's words.

My face grew grim. Someone else's mana in his body? I have never heard of such a phenomenon. It could possibly be that the woman got something wrong, but what if what she said is true? Two manas, one his, the other a stranger's, how could that even be possible?

Ardiel Elrond

'I think she sensed me.'

'Oh, good to have you back. And what do you mean by sensed you?'

As we left the woman and Loueras behind, Vie suddenly talked.

'Her eyes glowed, that is a characteristic of the Doradia demon race. They can see mana. The mana flow of a person, and the physical mana particles that float around in the air. I think she saw my traces.'

'Hold up, hold up. How could she see your mana in me?'

'Our minds are connected through telepathy, no? And we are bound by the rune as well. Maybe that is what she saw. After all, runes are an ancient art, so it is unlikely that she knows of them. But she may be suspicious of you now, so consider that. Despite my efforts to conceal myself, she still saw me. Her power is greater than I could have expected.'

'So, what will we do?'

'Hmm, well, here. This will be my first gift to you. Since I am no longer alive, I will need to take a long break after this to recuperate.'


That very moment I felt a burning sensation near my solar plexus. Making an excuse to my friends that I apparently need to use the bathroom, I ran into an empty stall, and tore off my shirt. On my chest, was a glowing golden rune, a rhombus inside of which was a five point star.

Then, from each point of that star, golden lines, making elegant waves and twirls began to stretch out across my body. A couple of lines right up towards the tips of the fingers of my right hand, and same for my left hand. I took off my pants when I felt a burning sensation on my legs, and saw more runic lines traveling to the tips of my toes. Another line was traveling upwards, towards my face. Everywhere where they appeared, I felt a burning sensation, but at least it wasn't as bad as in my chest.

Once the rune finished covering me, it began fading, until it disappeared entirely.

From the pain in my chest, I caught myself with my teeth clenched, breathing heavily and sweating profusely. I probed for my mental tie to Vie.

'What the hell was that?'

I waited for a few moments, before I heard her voice. It was faint, and seemed strained. 'Is that how you respond to a gift?' She rebuked.

'I hope it's not another killer contract rune, is it?'

'First of all, say thank you. I do not have much time.'



'Thank you.'

'Better.' Her voice became even more faint. 'This rune will allow you to manipulate your mana signature, so as to avoid any further complications with my existence. And, well, if you ever need stealth, use it to your benefit. Even the most amateurish of mages can sense someone's mana presence.'

'Oh, ok. Sorry about being rude to you Vie, thanks. So how do I use it?' Silence. I probed my mind for our connection again. 'Vie? You there? Hello?'

She was gone. Giving me the rune strained her, and I guess she fell asleep or something? I don't know how using mana works with dead people so I guess she fell asleep, or something of the sort.

Maybe this rune works on the same principle of imbuing mana in it. Or maybe it is a completely different magic, and it works on mentally probing for it, similarly to telepathy. 

And it would actually be quite useful in the future too. An interesting characteristic of magic here, is that everybody who is born with magic abilities has a mana presence. It's hard to describe, but it's something that you can instinctively feel from a person. Concealing my mana signature would allow me to hide myself so that I wouldn't be found by my mana. Sneaky stuff.

Also, I don't know how effective it would be, but since non mages are usually not even taken into account by those with magic, they are highly underestimated. By not even being considered as a threat, I could have a potential opponent let their guard down around me. Could be useful.

But what should I name it? Vie said that runes are an ancient art, so it must have a name to it. I can't just refer to it as rune of this or rune of that.

It does give me the ability to conceal my mana signature, but doesnt make me invisible. The Rune of Stalking? No, definitely not.

How about Mirage Veil?