

Alec didn't know why he transmigrated into this parallel universe in the body of an unborn baby. All he knew was that he finally had a healthy body and was no longer a loser in a sickly decaying shell of a body. It did not matter what challenges came at him he was going to face them head on. Anything was worth it for a chance to live n this new body.

Yasian_Yasian · Urban
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4 Chs


When Alec came to, he found himself surrounded by a gel-like substance. The suffocating feeling he had while drowning had disappeared and he could breath. He had had become as small as a gourd and his body was being hung up. The worst part was that he could not feel his limbs nor open his eyes.

F**k, don't tell me that Harry chopped me and put me as an experiment?Wait...wait...just what is going on? I can vaguely hear someone talking...let me listen carefully."...honey, our baby is moving..." Following which there was a vague masculine voice,"Let me listen..."

Baby?What the hell is going on? Alec was completely dumbfounded. With his intellect and in between bouts of sleep, Alec quickly gathered that he was reborn-although unsure how- and this woman was definitely not his previous life mother. The couple spoke modern english so at least he was reborn on earth. Just as he was digesting his new found life, a voice rang in his mind[Ding!Found host....live carbon-based organism...binding....1...2....3.....system online. Hello host. I am your system butler. You may give me a name at your discretion.]

Alec was shocked not only was he reborn but he seemed to have brought a cheat with him."What is your use to me?" If there was one thing Alec learned was that people like him did not have pies falling from the sky.

[Host I am in essence a pie from the sky. My purpose is to assist you to achieve your most fervent desire at your death time.]

"Do you know why I was reborn?"

[I am not at liberty to disclose]

"Okay. Your name is Jerry."

[Thank you for the name host]

"How old am I?And what am I supposed to do to amuse myself?"

[Host you are six weeks old]

"What?Then how can I talk to you?"

[The system strengthened your brain. You will be able to be the first person to use 100% of your brain capacity. As such you will need a lot of food intake]

"You mean I just became the smartest creature on earth?"


[Ding!New mission]

"What does this mean?"

[Ding!Do you accept mission YES/NO]


[Receive novice gift package:A set of advanced exercises, primary gene solution]

Alec was excited when he thought of receiving the novice gift package but cooled down when he saw the contents. He was pleased with the starter pack but he could not use it of yet. It meant eight months of nothing to do but boredom.

[Host, do not be discouraged the novice gift package can be used as of now. After taking the primary the primary gene solution you gene structure will be optimized to the most optimal condition for a human infant. Then you can start the exercises to further improve and solidify your physique. It is an alien set of exercises for infants and mothers. It will benefit your biological mother too as will the gene solution. Do you want to use them both now?]

"Use...use immediately."

Alec felt no change after the system put the primary gene solution in his body. What he didn't know was that his mother had diarrhea for a whole day and had to take numerous showers as she kept feeling stinky. Of course she only thought she was having a pregnancy reaction. It was only three days later when his father came from a business trip and mentioned how glowing she looked that she noticed she had changed. The woman's skin had become flawless with no visible pores and her hair looked so silky. Her husband swore never had he seen her so glorious and beautiful.

The months to follow were to see a transformation in the mother's physical beauty-which would permanently change her genetic makeup. Everyone who saw her put it up to the glow that comes with carrying new life. Meanwhile Alec exercised as his body grew and he was glad that the system had transformed his new mother for he knew he was a big baby and as such posed a danger to the mother during birth.

Months went by and just as Alec finished the last set of the infant exercise, his birth date dawned.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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