

"Have you watched the video?"

"What video?"

"About Samuel Moses".

"Sam? Is he not injured?"

"Yes you doofus! But that video says otherwise, watch it".

Skeptical, the boy wearing a Fulham home jersey took the phone from his girlfriend and looked at the pictures first.

Despite the fact that he tried hard to hide his identity, even wearing a hoodie and a hood, this avid Fulham fan recognized him immediately. "It's Sam!"

More curious now, he clicked on the video.

It was not just a normal video; it was a video edit.

As soon as the video started, the first thought that this boy had was. 'The soundtrack is so nice'.

The video started with Fulham's first game of the premier league season, when a certain Zinedine Sam took the game by the scruff of the neck, scoring a double in Old Trafford to sink the Manchester Old Dog.