
Holiday [4]

"So, Kayla, right?"

"Yes, ma'am". Kayla responded respectfully.

Having did a bit of research online, she knew that African parents were very much like Asian parents and put a lot of emphasis on respect and etiquette. This was why she tried to be in her best behavior around her.

Mrs. Moses was experienced though. She may not have spent a lot of time around white women, but she knew women in general.

She could tell the effort this girl was putting into pleasing her and her husband, and she wasn't put off by it, rather, she was impressed and glad.

Putting this much effort meant either of 2 things, either Kayla was so hell-bent on chasing after her son's money that she would do everything to get it, or she really loved her son and yearned to have something to do with him.

Of course, she was not naïve. If Sam was not playing for Fulham and didn't have so much money, Kayla would have never approached.