
A New King Rises

Fleeing in the dead of night, a few hundred people can be seen heading to the edge of Dark Moon Forest surrounded and guarded by the last remaining loyalist the King had within his own Kingdom.

Each being middle age Peak Refinement experts and their young sons, along with all their own family members knowing that after the old King was removed, so too would everyone who supported him.

Knowing that they too will die if they stayed inside the kingdom they brought their entire families including close friends, with everyone already prepared to abandon their Kingdom they head towards the camp set up by Three Suns seeking refuge.


Entering a tent the newly promoted Commander Anna makes a report to a green eyed beauty.

"Lady Valara a group of about five hundred people are heading towards our camp, the group is mostly Nobles and those of Royal Blood from the Thagia Kingdom.

How shall we deal with them?"

Anna in uniform said.

"Seems that we have caused a divide among them, they split off from the Kingdom just to see us even bringing their families.

This is one of the possibilities I was told about from Dashnell, Bring me those two sealed boxes Anna, once the group arrives set them up near the center of the camp so they are not seen by anyone.

Also send the one called Elder Lloyd here along with the twin daughters of King Flame Heart."

Wanting to know more information but knowing not to ask Anna leaves to follow the commands she was given.


Elder Lloyd leading the group gets off his mount to speak to the guards at the entrance to the camp to let them know of their need for aid.

A Guard on the border of the Camp upon spotting Elder Lloyd speaks out.

"Halt we will make our way to you, are you the delegation from Thagia? Why do you have so many people with you!?"

The guard says bringing with him a squad of one hundred men to inspect this new arriving group of a few thousand people.

"We are supporters of King Flame Heart, we left the Kingdom during a revolt, they have rebelled against the King and taken control of the Palace we no longer have the means to surrender. All I ask is for those of us who served the past King be given shelter while I go back to assist His Majesty."

Looking at the old man before him the guard turns around to gives orders to his men to head back to the camp, before he could finish his words to his team he sees one of Lady Valara's aids.

"Commander Anna this is a group from the enemy Kingdom that is seeking asylum, we were just about to send word to the main camp for further orders, as we were told not to engage unless attacked."

The Guard Captain then relayed the information Elder Lloyd had given him to Anna.

"Alright Lady Valara has also heard about this group after the scouting unit informed me, move the entire group into the center of the camp send out a few guards to keep watch for anyone chasing after them.

If you run into anyone return back to inform us, we can not let the enemy know we already took them in. Now lead me to the one called Elder Lloyd after that make sure the others are hidden inside the camp."

Anna said walking towards the group with the Captain besides her.

"This is Elder Lloyd Miss Anna."

After fulfilling her request he and his men headed for the group to move them inside the camp.

"Hello Elder Lloyd I am Commander Anna I serve directly under Lady Valara, I have been assigned to lead you into the camp to meet with her along with the Kings twin daughters."

Shock fills Lloyd's heart as he never would have imagine that the enemy would already be waiting for them while also knowing about those that he was tasked with protecting.

"Y-Yes I am Elder Lloyd behind me are the Kings daughters Iris and Ivy."

Standing behind the Elder are two twins of similar age to Anna, both petite with long red hair and a set of fiery red eyes filled with boundless hatred and rage.

Leading the three of them into the camp to meet Lady Valara, Anna moves unhindered into the massive tent guarded by no one.

About to step into the tent Anna leaves the three outside but before she does Valara's voice is heard.

"Just bring them inside Anna."

Startled by the sudden order Anna turns to the three behind her gesturing for them to go in first.

"You first I'll be right behind you no need to worry she is only scary when training others." Anna smiles at the three nervous people as they enter the room to meet 'Lady Valara'.

Standing up inside the Tent is a beautiful female warrior with bright green eyes and silver/green long hair, on her back a pair of lances could be seen both similar in design with a coiling dragon etched into them.

Both also have various elemental auras within them.

"Welcome I expected this meeting and have sent my guards away so we can have our talks without anyone interrupting what is going to happen.

Both of you girls want revenge this I understand well myself, but you are weak and without power so let me give you a choice. Serve my Master alongside me and my sisters gaining the power needed for your revenge or hold onto your hate and rage as we kill your hated enemies for you."

Seeing both girls about to move forward and accept Elder Lloyd gives a final warning to the two.

"Serving a Master is forever you will never be what you once were, no longer able to revive the Kingdom under your father's name!" Both peerless red headed beauties stared at each other before dropping to their knees.

"We accept this power as long as we can avenge our father and kill his enemies we will give even our lives away." Said both girls tears hitting the ground as flames circle the bodies of the two girls.

"What!? The two of you have awakened your Bloodline powers!? Elder Lloyd called out in shock.

Setting a box in front of each girl Valara sits on her desk with a smile as she looks at Anna and winks.

Bloodline powers in Blood Sun were rare and nearly wiped out, they can boost a person's power allowing them to fight on par with someone who is stronger than them. While some grant extraordinary abilities to those who awaken them.

The twins before Valara seem to possess the Bloodline of a powerful Spirit Beast, the Phoenix which grants them the ability of holy fire as well as a incredible regeneration rate alongside a Phoenixes legendary ability of rebirth and that is just the bare minimum of the abilities the Bloodline could grant someone who awakens them.

"Within these boxes is a gift from our Master, once you take what's inside you will never be able to sever the bond until your deaths, you will then gain the power you seek.

At the same time you will share a bit of your power with all others who share this bond, such as myself. Place his heart against your chest once you do the bonding will take place, you have to willingly accept it otherwise it will just beat in your hands."

Looking at Anna's shocked face Valara moves over to her with a smile saying.

"Don't look so envious Anna after the war you can also become Bonded with him, these two have never trained in their lives, so once they are done both will enter into a deep sleep to be reborn anew.

While you and Elise will just gain a massive increase in power, along with many other benefits. So allow them this chance to get their revenge, I will make sure Dashnell makes it up to you both for letting them go first."

Anna turned red while nodding her head to agree with Valara's words.


Within Blood Sun Empires Closed off World

Two cloaked figures could be seen taking out their swords as they strike against the barrier protecting a Ancient yet Majestic Palace.

As both swords smash against the barrier one gives off a roaring thunder clap while the other freezes the air with a snapping sound.

After both attacks the barrier shatters as thunder and ice mix into the air around everyone, Tia then rushes into the gap created by the attack.

As her hands wave about in the air a golden shaped door appears, the barrier then closes around it.

"Lets go the door will hold for now, after we collect the Artifact I will destroy the barrier to make sure they know an intruder has entered, but that is after we claim what we are here for now let's move!"