
Rise My Elementals!

All the Humans from Earth were suddenly transported into a new world called Celestial World. No one knew the reason why nor what the purpose was all about. They were suddenly transported without any warnings or signs and were forced to live in a mysterious and unfamiliar new world. For 50 years, Humans lived in endless suffering and torment. They were all forced to run from one place to another or else they would be enslaved by other Foreign races that had long been living in the Celestial World. Fortunately, the Human race was finally able to slowly develop its strength and power in the Celestial World through the sacrifice of countless Humans after 50 years. However, it was mysteriously Fated not to last long as an unknown power suddenly started doing everything to destroy Humanity's Kingdoms and Empires. A young man by the name of Leo Heart had his Fate suddenly rewritten by some unknown power to stop this unprecedented doom of the Humans after a Red Cube, that the Heart Noble Household had been keeping as a Family Heirloom from the very start of the Human Race existence in the Celestial World, suddenly jumped up and embedded itself into his right palm. A world full of Mystery in which Magic and Mana had become every race's foundation of existence. A young man who had lost his family for the Human Race's existence has his Fate unexpectedly rewritten after such an encounter. But, would it be enough to stop this so-called unprecedented doom? Would the Human Race's existence be saved by Leo from the unknown yet powerful existence? Or would the Humans sadly become nothing but a mere history in this new world? Note: The art of the book cover is not mine. All the credits go to its rightful owner... --------------------------------- If you find the story interesting and want to know how to support the Author and the Work (Rise my Elementals), you can just simply send a gift through that gift icon below or just buy access to Privileged Chapters, which is 1 coin to access 2 chapters in advance. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT AND HAVE A HAPPY READING! --------------------------------- I am back! 4/22/2024

M_W · Fantasy
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794 Chs

Officially establishing Leo's faction part 1

Chapter 75 Officially establishing Leo's faction part 1

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar Checker: M_W Nomral

After talking with Madam Silva for a while, it was time for Leo to return home. It was already night time and there would be class again starting tomorrow, so he needed to sleep early today.

While hailing a public carriage outside of Sword and Magic, Leo quietly noticed 2 people in black clothes getting inside Sword and Magic before quickly getting out and waiting nearby the door.

"Oh, they already began investigating!" Leo said silently before getting inside the carriage.

Inside the carriage, Leo watches through the window for the 2 men in black clothes next movement.

Suddenly, Leo quickly noticed a staff from Sword and Magic getting out of the store. Looking around from left to right, he then carefully went to where the 2 men in black clothes were waiting at.

Whispering something to the two, the staff then gave a piece of paper in exchange for a small bag of gold coins before running back inside Sword and Magic.

"Someone is actually an informant of the Black organization in Sword and Magic..." Leo whispered to himself as he put that staff's image deep in his mind. That staff from Sword and Magic will be a huge help for him in investigating the Black organization.

Soon, Leo arrived at his house.

Getting inside, Leo immediately saw that the three beautiful girls were outside playing in the pool. Unknowingly, Cassandra and Angel are already treating Elizabeth differently. It might be because their woman's instincts had told them something about the latter.

Watching the scene, Leo's thought about his brother's death that was said to be caused by Elizabeth began to waver a little. But he quickly shook his head.

"Time would tell whether you are really innocent or not..." Leo said to himself before going upstairs to take a bath and sleep.

Indeed, only time would tell!

Elizabeth's innocence would be proven once the people Leo had assigned to investigate the poison in the tooth that he had received from Evangelion reported back on their findings to him. He had a strong feeling telling him that the Black organization was the real perpetrator behind his brother's death.


The next day, Leo woke up really early. Standing up from his bed, he immediately went to the bathroom to take a bath.

After doing all of his morning routines, he directly went downstairs to eat his breakfast.

Cassandra, Elizabeth, and Angel were also currently eating when Leo arrived in the kitchen.

"It's really unusual seeing the three of you getting well with each other!" Leo greeted while walking towards the table.

The three girls only replied with a giggle before they continued with their meal.

Leo could only shake his head helplessly. Unfortunately, the three girls weren't planning on telling him the reason behind it. He was really hoping that he will get some sort of clue after saying those words.

After eating breakfast, Leo and the three girls quickly went to find Eric, who has long been waiting outside with the carriage that will take them to Silver Mage Academy.

Soon, the group had finally arrived at Silver Mage Academy as they quickly went to their respective classrooms.

Arriving inside the classroom of 1S-, Leo immediately spotted Alfred in his seat with a depressed face. He also spotted some of his fellow classmates looking between Leo and Alfred from time to time. Obviously, they are talking about something about the two.

Leo quickly became curious about what his classmates were talking about. But, instead of asking them, he went to Alfred and will ask through the latter about what his classmates were talking about. After all, he wasn't close with any of his classmates aside from Alfred.

"Yow, what's wrong?" Leo greeted before sitting in his chair.

"Ah!" Alfred suddenly showed a face full of shock in seeing Leo before he hurriedly fixed himself and continued, "It's actually just you... When did you arrive?"

"Just now! What's wrong with you?" Leo asked, curious about Alfred's strange behavior.

"Hehehe, actually, I got...." Alfred then began explaining the reason why.

After a while, Leo began holding his laughter after hearing Alfred's story.

All of Leo's classmates had actually spent their entire week trying to surround Alfred.


Truth be told, their actual aim was actually to find Leo and Alfred to ask them about joining their faction. However, since he was out adventuring around the Northern region of Silver Kingdom, then all of his classmates' attention was obviously going to be focused on Alfred.

On day one, Alfred had just exited Sword and Magic before getting approached by one of his classmates, the voluptuous beauty of their classroom. Naturally, with his personality, he entertained that voluptuous girl with the name Isabella, which then gave the others waiting at the corner the chance to launch themselves towards him.

Quickly noticing the charging classmates from the side, Alfred realized the purpose of Isabella as he then grabbed Anna's hand before quickly running away opposite from the charging group. Because of that, he was unable to complete his chosen mission.

On day two, the legal loli with the name Annabelle was the one that approached Alfred when he was trying to complete his mission. Sadly though, the latter still went to entertain her, which then lead to another trap.

On day three, with the two past experiences, Alfred already put it in his mind to escape the moment he saw one of the girls, either Isabella or Anabelle. Unfortunately, this time it was the two that had approached him when he was halfway through his mission. And again, with his personality, he fell into the trap which then made him lose that mission.

In day four, Alfred swore to himself that he will never fall for the same trap again. Unfortunately, he again for the fourth time fell in the trap because it wasn't just Isabella or Anabelle who had approached him, but dozens of pretty girls in sexy clothes from the other sections.

Fate knows just how long Alfred had been dreaming about such a situation. Being approached by dozens of pretty girls, although he already had Anna, also a beautiful girl, by his side, he still can't help but feel delighted about it. So, he fell right back into the trap.

On day five, Alfred had enough! He looked for an open space before waiting at that location for the incoming classmates. Just like what he had expected, they came. He didn't back down, and this time it was him that approached them instead, which made his classmates shock and excited at the same time.

"Their relentless chasing had finally borne fruit!" Everyone thought deeply in their minds.

Approaching them, Alfred immediately said loudly in a really pissed voice, "Go and f*cking asks Leo if you want to join our faction! I'm not the f*cking leader, so why the heck are you even chasing me?! And even if I wanted you to join, I would still not be able to do so because I have no rights in making you guys join! So please, for the sake of all the porn magazines under my bed, leave me alone and make me complete my missions in peace!"

After saying that, everyone immediately realized about something and felt stupid about what they were doing in the past four days. Indeed, what Alfred had said was right! Leo was the leader of the faction, so why were they chasing behind someone who doesn't even have the power to make them join.

They quickly apologized to Alfred before vanishing away from the place. Although, it was his dream to be chased by a lot of pretty girls, but seeing them leave had actually made him feel at peace. He swore deeply inside that he will only love Anna and only her in his entire life.

"So everyone had actually spent their 5 days looking for you and me instead of completing missions. But since they didn't find me, everyone then focuses all of their attention on you! Hahahaha," Leo said while laughing at Alfred's misfortune.

However, Leo suddenly stopped as he soon realized that since it was him who Alfred had pointed to, then...

Looking around, Leo quickly noticed that all of his classmates were staring at him, eyes like hungry wolves ready to jump at him and slaughter him into pieces. He doesn't know why, but he felt more danger from his classmates than the pack of Yellow Fur Wolf that he had to encounter in the inner part of the Yellow Forest.

"Oh, so you actually dared push me in the gate of Satan's castle... Just you wait, you damnable Alfred! I'll make sure my 'Big Reward' for you would be something you won't forget in your entire life!" Leo said to himself before he let out a mischievous smile as he turned to look at Alfred, again.

Seeing Leo's deadly stare and mischievous smile on his face, Alfred can't help but gulp down a mouthful of saliva... No, he wished that he could gulp down a drum of saliva, drowning himself to death because of it.

Leo's expression right now gave Alfred more scare than being chased by a group of pretty girls. He now regretted his choice of pushing Leo in front of Satan's castle. Actually, it was more like he was pushing the latter in front of a gate to a paradise full of pretty girls! Just when did being chased by dozens of pretty girls even a part of the entrance to Satan's castle?