
Rise My Elementals!

All the Humans from Earth were suddenly transported into a new world called Celestial World. No one knew the reason why nor what the purpose was all about. They were suddenly transported without any warnings or signs and were forced to live in a mysterious and unfamiliar new world. For 50 years, Humans lived in endless suffering and torment. They were all forced to run from one place to another or else they would be enslaved by other Foreign races that had long been living in the Celestial World. Fortunately, the Human race was finally able to slowly develop its strength and power in the Celestial World through the sacrifice of countless Humans after 50 years. However, it was mysteriously Fated not to last long as an unknown power suddenly started doing everything to destroy Humanity's Kingdoms and Empires. A young man by the name of Leo Heart had his Fate suddenly rewritten by some unknown power to stop this unprecedented doom of the Humans after a Red Cube, that the Heart Noble Household had been keeping as a Family Heirloom from the very start of the Human Race existence in the Celestial World, suddenly jumped up and embedded itself into his right palm. A world full of Mystery in which Magic and Mana had become every race's foundation of existence. A young man who had lost his family for the Human Race's existence has his Fate unexpectedly rewritten after such an encounter. But, would it be enough to stop this so-called unprecedented doom? Would the Human Race's existence be saved by Leo from the unknown yet powerful existence? Or would the Humans sadly become nothing but a mere history in this new world? Note: The art of the book cover is not mine. All the credits go to its rightful owner... --------------------------------- If you find the story interesting and want to know how to support the Author and the Work (Rise my Elementals), you can just simply send a gift through that gift icon below or just buy access to Privileged Chapters, which is 1 coin to access 2 chapters in advance. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT AND HAVE A HAPPY READING! --------------------------------- I am back! 4/22/2024

M_W · Fantasy
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794 Chs

Getting Four Bodyguards

Chapter 22 Getting Four Bodyguards

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar Checker: M_W Nomral

Leo started walking towards the alleyway ahead of the nine students.

The nine students were laughing inwardly at how stupid Leo was for wanting to fight with them all alone.

However, the reality was cruel.

As soon as the nine students arrived deep in the dark alleyway, they found out that Leo had actually vanished from their sight.

All of a sudden, one of the nine students received a kick to the face which then sent him stumbling to the wall and made him unconscious immediately. It was then followed by another kick to the student near the former. But this time, that student was long prepared and had successfully blocked Leo's kick. Yet despite that, a punch was still unexpectedly received by his face, which was then followed by a head pull and a knee strike right to his face, again.

After watching those two classmates of theirs being sent unconscious due to the hard hit they received to their head, the third and fourth students didn't wait for Leo's charge anymore as the both of them quickly charged first toward the latter.

Leo just showed a smile while looking at them. In the next moment, he jumped up to the top of the trash bin behind him. The 3rd and 4th students soon after crashed towards the trash bin with their charge.

The impact of the crash quickly immobilized the two for a bit, so Leo was able to use that chance to grab both of their heads from the top before pushing hard toward each other's heads, instantly sending the two unconscious.

Only five more students were remaining.

Though they have the numerical advantage, they were not that stupid to believe that they could beat Leo with their numbers after seeing him knock four of them in just a short moment.

"Let's attack together! I don't believe that he can handle the five of us working together!" Jake said, trying to raise the morals of his remaining conscious classmate. He was afraid that the four students would run away out of fear if he didn't quickly encourage them.

To tell the truth, it was out of Jake's expectation that Leo was actually this strong. If only he knew, then he would have bought more people with him.

The four students could only nod despite feeling unwilling.

Looking at how Leo fought just a few seconds ago, it was obvious that he was experienced in fighting. In fact, the four students could even see for themselves that the former had experienced fighting a lot of times with numerical disadvantages.

Honestly, the four of them weren't stupid. But, they were more afraid of Jake and the others who had already become unconscious compared to Leo. The latter wasn't a part of their classroom, after all, hence offending him would be fine. On the other hand, Jake and those four unconscious students were their classmates. If they indeed dared to just run away, they'd become a laughingstock, or worse they would be ignored by all of their classmates afterward.

So, despite being unwilling, they could only grit their teeth and console themselves with 'this is just a one-time pain!' thought in their minds.

Immediately, the five students surrounded Leo.

Seeing this, Leo wasn't fazed at all. He was still wearing his annoying mischievous smile on his face while standing above the trash bin.

"Come! What are you waiting for?" Leo sneered while taunting them with his hand.

Jake was instantly enraged by Leo's taunting, so he charged first, trying to grab one of the latter's ankles.

At this moment, Jake was hoping to be able to pull Leo from above the trash bin to the ground before quickly beating him up.


Looking at the charging Jake, Leo could already see the former's intention. It was written all over the former's face.

And because of that, he just allowed the former to successfully grab his ankle.

"I got you!" Jake celebrated in excitement.

With a sneer on his face, Leo suddenly jumped back while one of his ankles was being held by Jake, which in turn allowed him to balance in the air.

Jake was also pulled towards the trash bin with Leo's jump.

Suddenly, as quickly as how the wind hits a person's body, Leo then uses his other free foot to push the trash bin, making it fall directly toward Jake.


With a loud crash, Jake was immediately crashed to the floor by the trash bin, sending him unconscious. Leo just shook the former's hand, which was holding on to his ankle to get it off. After that, he looked at the remaining four students.

"What are you waiting for, come!" Leo taunted again.

"....." The four students were dumbfounded at this moment, and that's why they couldn't react.

Everything from Jake's charge to Jake being crushed by the trash bin was just too fast for them to react. They were even having a hard time believing that their Brother Jake was defeated in such an easy way.

"Can we give up..."

One of the four students said while scratching his head in embarrassment. Since even Jake was easily defeated, the same thing would surely happen to them, too.

"Yes, we give up..."

The other three said while lowering their heads, showing that they already accepted their defeat. Admitting defeat is not running away anyway, they consoled themselves.

Jake and the other four students will not be able to find any reason to cause them trouble since admitting that they already lose was not running away, and it was also the only solution they could think of in this situation to avoid getting beaten.

"Oh, do you think you could just give up after causing me trouble?" Leo said with a sneer.

"Ah, what do you want us to do then?" The one who proposed the idea of giving up asked immediately.

"Become Cassandra's bodyguard in the room starting today! If anyone causes her trouble, beat them up! Don't worry about the consequences, I'll handle them." Leo said.

Hearing what Leo had said, the four students showed excited looks on their faces.

They nodded their heads as they pounded their chest, "You can trust us with Cassandra's protection!"

Becoming Cassandra's bodyguard wasn't a big deal for them. It was a deal that they could benefit from.

Moreover, becoming close to Cassandra was what they intended to achieve all along. Not because they were attracted to her, but because they felt that having any sort of relationship with her, even if just a bit of connection, would be able to help their Noble Household in the future.

They were Nobles from Noble Households after all, though they were a bit unreasonable to Leo a moment ago, it was just because they thought that becoming Jake's friend would also bring benefits to their Noble Household.

After all, Jake was from an affluent Noble Household. His family was so powerful that they were within the top 20 of all the powerful Noble Households of Silver Kingdom.

A while before, Jake had proposed to them that if he could get Cassandra as his woman, they would also enjoy some benefits, so they agreed without any hesitation. But Leo was her man, which could also bring benefits to them, specifically more benefits, and also less trouble.

To tell the truth, they were more aware of their own capability. Though they had the affinity to become Mages, that wasn't a sure assurance that they would become powerful. In fact, there are a lot of Mages in their Noble Household, yet those Mages were just slaves to their families. It wasn't because those Mages were weak, but because they didn't have any resources to make themselves stronger, and since their families had those resources they needed, hence they could only become their families' slaves.

Furthermore, the four students have this sort of feeling at this moment that tells them that having any form of relationship with Leo and Cassandra would surely enable them to gain more resources at the Silver Mage Academy. So, they agreed without any hesitation.

Although the four students would just become mere bodyguards, it was surely not for a lifetime like those Mage slaves of their Noble Household, right? Even someone blind could see the benefit of Leo's proposal.

"Since you agreed, then come with me," Leo said as he walked back to the Crescent Moon Dining.

Arriving back to the private room inside the Crescent Moon, Cassandra and Alfred immediately became curious as to the reason why Leo had suddenly brought four students with him.

Leo returned to Cassandra's side as he said nonchalantly, "These four students will become your bodyguards in your classroom starting tomorrow!"

Cassandra instantly became shocked and amused at the same time after hearing Leo's claim. Shock because the four students were actually his classmates and amused because of how he convinced them to become her bodyguard. She was also touched by his concern for her safety. After all, she was the slave here, but it seemed like he wasn't treating her like one as she expected. He was treating her more like an important person in his life, which touched her.

At this moment, Alfred felt amazed at Leo's fast response to the safety of his own woman. He immediately put deep in his mind to prepare to protect his own woman from any harm once he can get himself one.

After introducing the four students, the food finally arrived. Since Leo had only ordered three sets of a meal, the other four students could only eat later when their order arrived.

The four students didn't mind it though, what's important now is that they had become part of Leo's group.

Edited! 4/26/2024

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