
Rise from the Ashes : Burn Girl

My boyfriend dumped me after he got accepted to Tsinghua University with a beautiful straight-A student. However, after the college entrance exam, I was the only one who got accepted to Tsinghua, and was invited to give a speech on stage as the representative of the successful students. They could only watch from below.

Hayden_Y_ · Urban
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19 Chs


Yin Xiucheng's efficiency is very high, and he is ready to start teaching me on the spot.

I curiously asked, "Hey, don't you need to review a little first?"

He grinned mockingly.

"I don't need to learn something as simple as one plus one equals two. I might as well not live, don't waste time, let's start!"

I rolled my eyes and took out the math that had been giving me a headache.

I have a good memory and can learn history and politics, which rely on memorization, very quickly, but I struggle with logical thinking.

Yin Xiucheng didn't talk much either, and started from high school to make up for it.

"Try doing this problem for me."

"Let me see how your foundation is."

I looked at it and it was a geometry problem.

Those kinds of spatial perspective figures confuse me, I can't even understand the problem, let alone solve it.

What are these points a, b, c, it's all giving me a headache.

I looked at Yin Xiucheng's impatient face and carefully said, "Hey, I don't know."

"Don't know?" He frowned and asked, "What don't you know?"

I cautiously said, "I don't know anything, I can't even understand the problem."

Yin Xiucheng's face became serious, he touched my head and thought for a while.

After a moment, he said seriously, "Qiao Ru, maybe you are mentally challenged? I mean, maybe you have some sort of intelligence problem. Have you had any tests done?"

I angrily slapped the book on his face, "I'm going to tell your mom!"

"Fine, fine, fine," he took the book and spread it out again, "I'm the unlucky one!"

"Look here, this is point a, draw a line to point c..."

He drew a line on the book with his pen.

"See, what does this become?"

I looked at it and uncertainly said, "An isosceles triangle?"

"That's right! It looks like you're not mentally challenged."


I thought that Yin Xiucheng, as a genius, would be very concise when explaining problems because to them, they just know the answer as soon as they see it, without much explanation.

But I didn't expect him to be so thorough, he explained every little detail to me.

I followed his train of thought and slowly started to understand a little bit, although there were times when I still didn't understand completely, Yin Xiucheng would break it down for me.

"So, what's the answer to this problem?" After half a day, he put down his pen and crossed his legs on the chair, looking at me.

I tentatively said, "The answer is that the shadow area is twice the size of the original shape?"


He snapped his fingers, "Your brain is still usable, but your foundation is too weak. Tonight, you need to memorize all the formulas in this book, and I'll check tomorrow."

He stood up and got close to me, threatening, "If you can't remember them, I'll beat you to death!"

Up close, I realized that his eyelashes were very long.

His eyelashes flutter like butterfly wings.

He's so good-looking, how can someone be so good-looking and also so good at studying?

What door did God close on him?!

He hasn't had a girlfriend until now, could he be gay?

Just as I was wondering this, Yin Xiucheng had already stood up.

"Starting tomorrow, have Aunt Zhang give you a leave of absence, don't go to night study anymore, I'll come give you extra lessons."

As he said this, he left, leaving the book behind.

When my mom found out he was giving me extra lessons, she rushed over, wiping her hands on her apron.

"Xiucheng, why are you leaving already, stay for dinner at our house!"

Yin Xiucheng waved his hand and said, "Auntie, my mom has already cooked at home, I'll come next time, don't see me off, go back quickly."

'I'll come again tomorrow."

My mom watched his departing back with reluctance, only turning back to me after he disappeared into the elevator.

"Ru Ru, it's a waste for your brother Yin to come give you extra lessons, you have to study hard, okay?"

I nodded, holding the book and planning to look at it a little longer.

The problem-solving approach was quite interesting, I wanted to verify it again.


The next day, I came to school early.

There was one part of the approach that I didn't quite understand, and I wanted to ask Yin Xiucheng, but I was afraid he would scold me. I wanted to ask the teacher.

But I was also a little nervous, as a student like me never went to the teacher's office, except when called by their parents.

Would the teacher think I was causing trouble?

I hesitated and stepped into the office, the math teacher was having tea.

The math teacher was a middle-aged man, and his favorite thing to do was smoke and have tea, he was also very fierce when scolding people.

I regretted it a little, just as I was about to leave, he noticed me.

"Qiaoru, who are you looking for?"

I bite my lip and whisper, "Teacher... I want to ask a question."

I stand awkwardly in place, feeling a natural sense of awe in the presence of authority in the office, as if it's a place reserved for the elite.

The math teacher puts down his insulated cup and extends his hand naturally. "What's the question?"

I offer him the book with both hands. "Problem 7, I didn't quite understand the solution approach. Why do we need to connect points b and e?"

The teacher looks at it carefully. "See, this line is parallel to ac, so we can construct an isosceles triangle. In geometry, you need to think about these special auxiliary lines..."

The math teacher takes out a ruler and shows me how to draw the lines, explaining each step. "...do you understand now?"

I suddenly realize, "I understand! I get it."

The teacher smiles, "I heard you've been working hard recently? I guess having a crush isn't always a bad thing.

"You have a smart brain, you just didn't use to like studying. Go on, come back if you have any more questions."

I was a little embarrassed and quickly ran out after thanking him.

Everything seemed not as scary as I thought.

I thought to myself, maybe I had made studying seem too difficult before.

In fact, as long as I put in the effort, these things were not that difficult to overcome.