
Rise as a Demon Mistress [REMAKE]

Just another Reincarnation story. Unforeseen circumstances leads Ji Riyu to her death. When she reawakens again she's just a weak demon trash. But after encountering a strange item she learned knowledge of the world and many languages. So if I eat cores of monsters or humans, I can become stronger? The life of a trash demon that rose in ranks eventually creating an overpowered fortress of demons and the like. [Romance, Kingdom building, demons, action]

Eliza_B27 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Vol 1: Escaped Death

The scene Nimata walked into was a scene of absolute horror. A demon ogre holding the head of Aman above her mouth and the blood pouring from it.

"Die Demon!" Nimata yells and unsheathes her sword then charged towards the demon in anger.

There was no contact because the demon ogre managed to dodge dropping the head on to the ground.

"So you've gotten stronger, huh? Was it fun killing all those humans, you demon trash!" Nimata yells once again charging towards the demon ogre.

This time she made contact but the demon ogre had grabbed her blade as if it was easy.

"You smell like death and destruction. A trash demon like you deserve the same fate as the innocent lives you've taken!" Nimata screams.

She thrust her leg out landing a solid kick in the demon ogre's abdomen. It went flying backwards and caught itself by digging it's hand into the ground. It looked up at Nimata with an angry snarl and came scrambling towards her like a rabid dog. Nimata swings her sword at the exact same time.


The sound of her blade slicing flesh could be heard. The demon ogre screams and once again backed off.

Nimata flew back her sword to get rid of the blood that stuck to it.

She gripped it tightly, "you killed my sister, you filth!" She yells pointing the sword towards the demon.

The demon snarled at her and again came charging at her.

"I'll be sure yo die by my hands!" Nimata cries with a narrowed gaze filled with hatred and disgust.

She positioned the sword above her head and closed her eyes. Gathering her aura into her blade she opened her eyes and swiftly brought her sword downwards. The blade successfully sliced right through the demon's shoulder. The Demon pulled back, it's steps were much slower than before.

Nimata watched it run in the other direction the blood spewing from its shoulders.

She mustn't let it get far.

[Forland's Forest]

Reesa is seen running through the trees, there was no feeling in her shoulder. She had not regained her senses either. Even so her body knew when she was not the match of that human.

Get away.

Human strong.

Run far away.

The farther she ran with her shoulder dripping with blood, the heavier her body became. She was starting to slow down and her steps became more wobbly. Even her vision has started to blur. One can see something huge flying above the forest looking down.

It can see the body of Reesa falling to the ground. It's vision can also make out the human that was running in the direction of that body. The huge thing flew down from the sky scooping her up in it's large claw. It then flew away towards east.

Beyond the forest, over the ocean, past villages and cities, and finally towards mountains covered in snow.


[A week later....]

[Nimata's Perspective]



"Why did such a huge tragedy struck Forland City!?" King Umarius the 

Third yells.

Nimata is on her right knee with her head bowed before him.

She had traveled for six whole days to the Palace of Forland Kingdom. It seems that the king had been notified of the massacre that occurred in the Forland City beforehand.

"It's my fault Your Majesty. I made a mistake and brought in a Demon Ogre after rescuing it from slave traders." She tells him.

It's better that he thought the demon had attacked, even though Nimata had so kindly brought it under her wing.

"And where is that demon ogre now?" He asked tapping his finger impatiently on his throne's arm.

'It seems that it escaped." she told him.

"Escaped! Not dead? Are you incompetent?" He roared standing from his throne and glaring in her direction.

She clenched her fist and looked up at him, "I'm sorry Your Majesty. It won't happen again." She says bowing her head once again.

To get lectured by this trash, she must be losing her touch. 

He sat back down, "never mind, there's no point finding the cause of the massacre. We should tell the people that the damage to the city was because of bandits. Let them know that there is no need to worry because we captured those bandits and have executed them accordingly. No need to cause world-wide panic." King Umarius ordered shooing her away in the process.

She stands and placed her fist to her chest, "Yes Your Majesty. Your decree will be spread throughout Forland Kingdom and it's cities." She says.

Nimata leaves the palace her expression turning dark. Damn, if it weren't for that damned demon trash she wouldn't have to take orders from that King. Nimata climbs into the carriage. Her mind went back to the night the demon ogre disappeared.

The last thing she saw that night was a shadow flying in the sky but she had no clue if that was what took her demon. Well if so, that means the demon ogre won't live for very long.

[Reesa's Perspective]

It was all a haze, last week's massacre. I can barely remember what happened that night. I only remember the stench of blood and the satisfaction I felt after eating a full course meal. I was then rescued and brought to this mountain and Til has been taking care of me ever since.

Til is an orc with intelligence. According to him, his master rescued me, who was on the verge of death. I'm grateful for them but I rather not get others involved.

"There's no reason to worry about that. My master is strong. He can just about kill anyone who approaches us." Til says as he tended my wounds.

I thanked him after he added fresh bandages.

"No problem. Honestly, you heal fast. Judging by the rate I can tell you just undergone your evolution change." He says.

"Evolution Change?" I asked.

"That's right. I guess you wouldn't know since you were out of it. Hold on, there should be a mirror around here somewhere." Til left me to go searching for said mirror.

After a few minutes, he returned with a handheld mirror that he passed over to me. The demon that stared back at me was the first time I got a good look at myself every since that event a week ago.

I touched my cheek and turned to look at Til, "is this really me?" I asked.

What kind of evolution did I go through?

"Yes. You are now what others would call a Kijin. You basically skipped a lot of titles after massacring an entire city." Til says.

"I see."

I know I should feel regret after what I did but I'm certain its because I'm a demon now that I don't feel any emotions after what he said.

"So, I'm a Kijin now. Is that a big deal?" I asked.

Til nodded, "A Kijin is someone powerful enough to fight powerful beast." He tells me.

I think I get it now. I was a newborn Kijin, so it only makes sense that I'm weaker compared to other Kijins who lived long lives.

"By the way, where is the person who rescued me?" I asked.

"Ah. Master said he will be scouting the area. He'll be returning soon." Til says.

I found myself being cared for and not allowed to do anything. I feel like I'm too relaxed. But according to Til, I still needed to recover. I feel great though, it's almost hard to believe that I got hurt in the first place.

"You did though, it was pretty bad. Master practically had to reconnect your shoulder." Is what Til had said to me earlier.

To think it was such a drastic wound. I guess it's fine since I could relax...is what I would like to think. I'm not bored, but I feel like I should do something for my savior or something of that nature. To lay about like this and being taken care of.

I have been bathed, fed, and even had my feet massaged. Is this really all I have to do? Am I being ungrateful wanting to 'not' be lazy? 

Til came over to me carrying a pot of steaming hot water.

"Ah, what's this for?" I asked.

"Oh, I thought maybe you'd want to soak your feet." He says sitting the pot onto the floor under my feet.

I blush. Why is this kid so cute? For an orc he had a pudgy but cute appearance. Kind of like a pug, maybe? Though it's clear he's a pig.

Before I could dip my feet into the pot of hot water, I could hear something coming from outside.

Is that...wings flapping?

"Oh, Master's back!" Til says standing and rushing over to the door.

...Who is this mysterious Master?