
RISE and FALL (Survival Multiplayer)

RISE and FALL (Survival Multiplayer) is set in a post apocolyptic world destroyed by a bloody war and the humans who survived built a virtual multiverse however this world is not as perfect as it seems, because hiding behind this facade of a virtual dystopia is a story of vengeance and betrayal.

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69 Chs

War of the coalition

as the friends were on their way home Basit asked

Basit : so Ashhad how did it feel fighting the mighty brother Ahad?

Ashhad : good, he's a tough competitor.

Hussnain : I'm just happy that my training paid of.

Ashhad : it sure did.

as they got close to their homes a soldier came running screaming the following words


hearing this made Basit's blood run cold as he thought to himself

Basit : (thinking) no it can't be not now.

as Hussnain said

Hussnain : finally a worthy opponent our battle will be legendary.

Sufiyan : we must get to the border immediately.

Aaron : agreed we already have our best weapons on us let's show those Bardonians what we're made of.

the seven friends headed to the front lines upon arrival they were met with a huge crowd of people, this was not like any previous war this was going to be the largest war in Ortanian history as all the people from around the Kingdom had gathered on the two main fronts in less than 15 minutes 3000 men and women had gathered at the border as King Arthur got up on a makeshift stage and delivered a speech

Arthur : my dear Ortanians today I require your assistance once again, our beloved Kingdom is being attacked by 3 powers, Bardonia and Navarre in here and Crystonia and Navarre on our northern town of Asteronia in total 9000 soldiers will be attacking 4500 on each front, the combined population of our Kingdom is 6200 and if we exclude the disabled community we have approximately 6000 people, 3000 on each front I have divided our entire population into 10 armies with each army having six hundred soldiers the 5 armies in the north will be led by our minister of Economy, minister of health and minister of defense as well as two honorary ministers but I want you all to not worry about that front, I want you to worry about this front here the five armies will be led by me, our Prince Sufiyan Ghazi, our honorary minister Basit Ilahi, honorary minister Meer Ahad Ali and honorary minister Jack Adams.

hearing their name Basit said

Basit : good luck Sufiyan.

Sufiyan : you to.

as Arthur continued

Arthur : I want our Prince and honorary ministers to come and meet me in my tent.

Basit, Sufiyan, Ahad and Jack did as they were told after the briefing from the King the armies were formed

Ashhad, Humzah, Alyne and Hussnain were in Basit's army, Aaron was in Sufiyan's army, Fize, Junaid and Aliza were in Ahad's army, the catapults were readied, the canons were loaded, the archers took great heights and the cavalry was prepared all hell was about to be unleashed, Basit was at the front of his army and right behind him were his friends Ashhad, Humzah, Alyne and Hussnain as the Bardonians began to close in a Archer shouted

Archer : your highness the Bardonians, I can see them!

Arthur said and he had enabled a option with which his entire Kingdom could hear him

Arthur : whatever you do don't surrender, good luck.

as the Bardonians got very close Arthur signaled the catapults, the boulders were launched onto the oncoming Bardonians this caused them to let out a fearsome shout and charge at the Ortanians, the Bardonians and the Navarres had split their armies into 8 battalions each having 600 soldiers excluding one which had 300 hence making 4500 soldiers in total, the 3000 Ortanians also rushed into the battlefield and a bloody battle ensued, despite the numeric superiority Ortania was performing better than the joint Bardonians and Navarres, Jack was ill experienced hence he was facing critical hits and casualty rate rose, Sufiyan and King Arthur were performing fine, Basit and Ahad were dominating, Sufiyan and Arthur completed a successful encirclement and captured many Bardonian and Navarre troops, both side catapults were launching boulders on one another when Bardonia unleashed it's cavalry, Ortania responded with its cavalry, the numeric advantage was starting to show, Jack was failing miserably, Sufiyan and Arthur began to struggle, Ahad was now facing losses as well but Basit kept pushing every enemy that came in Basit's way faced a gruesome death after fighting for an hour the tides of the war began to shift in Bardonia's favor, Jack's battalion had been defeated, Arthur was facing critical losses, Ahad and Sufiyan were barely holding their armies together and cracks had started to show in the so far unbeatable army of Basit as the battle waged on a point came when the Bardonians began using their canons the Ortanians retaliated but it came a bit late and by the time the Ortanian canons arrived the Bardonians had created a spearhead towards king Arthur, Basit alongside Ahad's much weakened army destroyed all the enemy siege towers weakening the Bardonians and Navarres furthermore, the Archers were raining arrows like confetti and soon the Bardonians began struggling in a sneak attack Basit killed 3 of Navarres honorary ministers but when he saw that the King was getting cornered Basit shouted

Basit : the King is in danger, Hussnain lead the army I need to save our King!

Hussnain took the charge of Basit's army and copying his tactics delivered a massive hit to the Bardonians by completely destroying their catapults, meanwhile Basit with a small legion of soldiers got on defending the King, Basit fought enemy after enemy he kept replenishing his health and was doing fine the Bardonians began firing cannonballs on Arthur Basit got hit twice but still he kept fighting, Ahad's army got completely destroyed and he. Fize, Junaid and Aliza made a run for their lives Junaid looked back and saw that alot of enemies were chasing them and that if they kept running they would surely be captured and killed so he stopped, turned around, took out his sword and said

Junaid : I'll stop them, you guys run!

Junaid charged at the oncoming enemies as Fize saw him and screamed

Fize : Junaid come back!

Fize tried to go after Junaid but Ahad grabbed Fize and said

Ahad : we need to escape otherwise we will all die.


Fize ran right after Junaid, Ahad wanted to follow Fize but he knew that if he did he would not survive so he turned around and ran away meanwhile Fize and Junaid fought the Bardonians tooth and nail they gave the Bardonians a run for their money but in the end the large number overwhelmed the two and eventually albeit slowly Fize and Junaid were surrounded and killed on the other hand a joint offensive by Hussnain and Sufiyan killed many of the Bardonians and Navarres, Ashhad, Humzah, Alyne, Aaron, Hussnain and Sufiyan were fighting valiantly but the person who was fighting like a legend was Basit holding an entire army of alone with only a fraction of his full battalion Basit had truly turned the war in Ortania's favor but sadly even he wasn't aware of what was about to happen as Basit was focused on the oncoming enemies he didn't pay attention to what was happening on his back taking advantage of this a man in a black cloak came behind Basit, the man took out in his hand a poisonous dagger and stabbed Basit on his back Basit let out a painful scream as he turned around and saw the man's face and when he saw his face a mixture of saddnnes and anger appeared on Basit's face as he asked

Basit : you .... why ..... What wrong did I do to you?

the man in the black cloak ran away as Basit fell to the ground the poison slowly spreading in his body as he closed his eyes, the faces of his friends began flashing before his eyes as he uttered his final words

Basit : as a satisfied gamer I must say GG.

Basit's time had came he succumbed to the poison and died with his death the force that was defending the King became disorganized and the King was cornered with enemies all around him Arthur fearlessly screamed

Arthur : my Kingdom is my family I shall protect it till the very end!

Arthur fought alone no one to support him, he got encircled, outnumbered, overpowered and then was killed on the other hand Hussnain, Sufiyan and the remainder of Ahad's, Jack's and Arthurs's battalions launched a deadly offensive that drove out the Bardonians and finally as night fell whatever was left of the Bardonian and Navarre armies retreated as they ran away the Ortanians celebrated their victory and though the Bardonians were defeated the damage they had done could not be repaired.