
RISE and FALL (Survival Multiplayer)

RISE and FALL (Survival Multiplayer) is set in a post apocolyptic world destroyed by a bloody war and the humans who survived built a virtual multiverse however this world is not as perfect as it seems, because hiding behind this facade of a virtual dystopia is a story of vengeance and betrayal.

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69 Chs

" Kainaat " a tragic tale of misery

WARNING ⚠ : this episode contains vivid mentioning of sex, rape and Nudity.

Ashhad woke up in the morning by now only Zulqarnain had woken up, sitting on the small mattress provided by Kainaat, Ashhad had many thoughts going on in his head

Ashhad : (thinking) who were those girls, what were they doing, why do I keep having these weird dreams?

though all these thoughts were of importance, one question bogged Ashhad the most that was

Ashhad : (thinking) who are the last remaining people with strong will and what connection do they have with Rise and Fall?

these questions sadly had no answers, so Ashhad decided that sitting like this will do no good and he shouldn't waste his time, Ashhad immediately got up and decided to go outside to grab some fresh air, he went outside to look for the bathroom Kainaat had talked about earlier and low and behold, their was a small hut which looked like a mini version of the cabin, Ashhad went in their and splashed some water on his face and as he got out of the bathroom he saw in the distance that Zulqarnain was training, Zulqarnain was practicing sword combat but he didn't have a dummy, so he was practicing by performing attacks in the air, Ashhad went up to him and got his attention by saying

Ashhad : want some actual challenge?

Zulqarnain looked back at Ashhad as Ashhad drew out his sword and said

Ashhad : first person to lay a hit wins.

Zulqarnain turned towards Ashhad and said

Zulqarnain : don't hold back.

Zulqarnain charged at Ashhad but Ashhad dodged him, Ashhad swung his sword towards Zulqarnain but, Zulqarnain quickly blocked it, Zulqarnain kicked Ashhad on the left arm breaking his stance, as Ashhad fumbled and almost fell down Zulqarnain came running at him jumped in the air and that was when Ashhad realized what Zulqarnain was doing Ashhad immediately ducked causing Zulqarnain's attack to miss as Zulqarnain landed behind Ashhad, Ashhad took the opportunity and struck Zulqarnain on his right feet, Zulqarnain looked back at Ashhad as Ashhad stood up with a smirk on his face and said

Ashhad : I win.

Zulqarnain replied with a smile

Zulqarnain : fair enough.

but just then an arrow came and both Ashhad and Zulqarnain narrowly dodged it as they looked in the direction from which it was fired and saw Kainaat standing with a bow in her hand, Ashhad asked

Ashhad : what was that for?

Kainaat : just checking if you're mentally present and not just physically active.

Ashhad : hey why don't you come train with us?

Kainaat : sure how about a 2 v 1, you two versus me.

Ashhad : are you sure?

Kainaat : yeah.

Zulqarnain : first person to lay a hit wins.

Kainaat : alright.

Kainaat drew out her sword and asked

Kainaat : ready?

Ashhad and Zulqarnain charged at Kainaat with full speed, Zulqarnain delivered the opening attacks Kainaat effortlessly blocked each and everyone one, Ashhad took her from the left by surprise but Kainaat moved her sword in such a way that she blocked both Ashhad and Zulqarnain simultaneously, Kainaat then pushed both of them back as she ran upto Ashhad and started attacking him, Ashhad defended himself valiantly but he started to have difficulties as Kainaat was coming at him with full force eventually she knocked Ashhad down but before she could hit him Zulqarnain came running and knocked Kainaat down, he attacked her with his sword but she rolled and dodged all his attacks, Kainaat got up and as she was about to hit Zulqarnain, Zulqarnain got out of the way, Ashhad came running jumped up in the air and Kainaat thinking that Ashhad was going to hit her on the forehead raised her sword but while mid air Ashhad placed his sword back, did a 360 spin and landed behind Kainaat, Kainaat immediately turned around to hit Ashhad but as she swung her sword, it was blocked by Zulqarnain, taking advantage of this Ashhad took out his sword and in a flash struck Kainaat on her left shoulder, as Kainaat said

Kainaat : damn, you guys are actually tough.

Ashhad : if I'm not wrong you, me and Zulqarnain are the strongest members of this team.

Kainaat : with skills like those, definitely.

Zulqarnain : I wonder if the others are still sleeping?

Ashhad : walking up a bit late is normal for them.

Kainaat : no way they all wake up late?

Ashhad : sometimes they wake up early, it's really random.

Zulqarnain : let them rest they had a rough day yesterday.

back in Stevenburg Sufiyan was sitting on his throne, Saad, Skull crusher and Mark were in the room with him, Sufiyan was really mad over what had happened last night, he slammed his fist on the side of his chair and asked in an angry tone

Sufiyan : how did an army of 200 soldiers fail to kill a few measly separatists?

Skull crusher : sir they ... they took us by surprise.

Sufiyan shouted angrily

Sufiyan : SO WHAT?!!

everyone in the room was terrified by Sufiyan's anger as Sufiyan placed his hand on his head and his expression now changed to a mix of happiness and sadness as he said

Sufiyan : I had done everything perfectly, King Alexander was pleased by me, but then it all fell apart.

Sufiyan pointed at Skull crusher and shouted


Saad : calm down Sufiyan.

Sufiyan : a few worthless good for nothing rascals have dealt unthinkable harm to the armed forces of Ortania and you're telling me to calm down!

Saad : Sufiyan these things are common in every nation, every country faces problems regarding rebels.

Sufiyan : a rebellion is an armed response committed by a large group of people against a government, what happened last night wasn't a rebellion, it was a terrorist attack.

Saad : right now you're top priority should be to get a new minister of Economy and minister of Health.

Sufiyan : my top priority is to eliminate those terrorists and then and only then can I focus on something else.

Saad : our enemies are stronger than our expectations.

Mark : I revoked their citizenships, yet still they're so powerful.

Skull crusher : even when the whole nation has turned against them they are still not scared.

Sufiyan : huh scared, if anything this act has made them an even more big of a threat for us.

Saad : if our military was powerless against them, think about the people, how will they handle this threat?

Skull crusher : I'd recommend that we declare national emergency.

Sufiyan : right, Skull crusher go outside and announce national emergency, and if any caravans are heading to Falkshire and Khanville tell them to spread this news, we cannot afford anymore casualties.

Skull crusher left to spread the news back in the forest the friends had all woken up and were now waiting for breakfast, Aliza, Alyne and Kainaat prepared a delicious breakfast and the smell was enough to make anyone's mouth water, breakfast was then served and within a few minutes the friends finished everything, after breakfast the group was seated in the cabin talking about random things

Ashhad : when I woke up and saw Zulqarnain training, I asked him if he wanted some actual challenge.

Zulqarnain : I was expecting you to be an easy opponent.

Ashhad : guess I'm not that weak after all.

Kainaat chuckled and said

Kainaat : but you have to admit, I gave you both a really hard time.

Ashhad : you are a valuable asset for this team Kainaat.

Zulqarnain : we're all valuable in one way or another.

Humzah : still I'm impressed that Kainaat fought both of you simultaneously.

Ashhad : she might have even won had I not been so clever.

Humzah : still I wanna know Kainaat who taught you to fight so well?

Hussnain : yeah Kainaat what's your secret?

Kainaat smiled and said

Kainaat : years of training, that's my secret.

Ashhad : were you always like this?

Kainaat : somewhere it was my own hardwork but mostly it was my parents support.

Ashhad : well we have a lot of time, if you like to share your story with us we'd love to hear it.

Humzah : yeah Kainaat tell us.

Kainaat : well if you insist.

Kainaat began her story as we get to se a flashback of Kainaat's life


Kainaat was born in the year 2075, she was born in an upper class family and being the only child of her parents, she was adored like a princess, her family however was completely different, in their household girls were not treated equally, they weren't allowed to have friendships with boys, stay out late, gain higher education and many more complications, these complications were not applied to the boys of the family, Kainaat's father never really liked these rules, so he went against them, he taught Kainaat everything a girl should know like stitching and sewing, cooking, cleaning and maintaining good hygiene and even looking after their house but, he also taught her several masculine activities like bike riding, car driving and more, Kainaat also was the only girl in the family who made friends with boys, received higher education and was even given the opportunity that if she legitimately liked someone her father would allow her to marry him, to simplify Kainaat was given the life every girl and boy deserves but, all this freedom enraged Kainaat's family, they boycotted her family and broke all ties with them, from then on Kainaat's family was never invited to any family gatherings be they family functions, important meetings or even funerals, Kainaat's father however did not care, he had taught his daughter everything a person needed to know, Kainaat was also very adventurous, she knew combat with both guns and swords, she could also ride a horse and even climb mountains, she was the prime example of a perfect human, as the elder more conservative members of the family died, the younger less conservative members of the family rekindled relations with Kainaat's father, among them was Kainaat's youngest uncle Uncle Akhtar, Uncle Akhtar had two children, Alia Akhtar who was the same age as Kainaat and Saad Akhtar who was 4 years older than her, Kainaat hadn't met her cousins in several years, the last time they met they were all little but now Kainaat had grown up to become a young and beautiful woman, similarly Alia had also became young and pretty, Saad was a bit different though he was good looking and polite, he always stayed to himself barely speaking to Kainaat and even his own parents, he claimed that he was busy with work not that Kainaat knew what it was, Kainaat's family had went on a two days stay to Uncle Akhtar's house, on the first day Kainaat had alot of fun, she chatted with Alia all day long and they caught up where they had left years ago, Uncle Akhtar had went from a broke private sector employee to the richest businessman in town, his house was fabulous, unlike Kainaat Alia was very backwards, she had little to no knowledge about things that were common for Kainaat, still Alia was very sweet, Kainaat was having a lot of fun, she thought that this would be the best week of her life if only she knew what was about to happen as night came Kainaat and Alia went to Alia's bedroom, they stayed up late talking to one another and at one point Alia said

Alia : by the way did I show you my magic pills?

Kainaat : magic pills?

Alia opened her bedside drawer and took out a packet full of colorful pills as she walked up to Kainaat and said

Alia : yeah, a friend of mine gave me these pills, I eat one every night, it gives me good dreams.

Kainaat : you have to be kidding.

Alia swallowed one of the pills before her eyes and said

Alia : sweet dreams.

Alia placed the pills by Kainaat's bedside and went to bed, Kainaat didn't believe in anything like magic so in order to prove Alia wrong Kainaat ate one of the pills, she then laid down at first nothing happened but 5 minutes later Kainaat felt as if her body had became motionless, she couldn't move her legs, arms, head or even lips, she wasn't able to speak either, all she could do was blink, just then Saad entered the room as he walked up to Alia and asked

Saad : did she take the pill?

Alia got up and answered

Alia : yep, I couldn't believe it myself.

Saad walked upto Kainaat, Kainaat rolled her eyes over to Saad, she was confused and scared, Saad sat beside her as he brought his hand over Kainaat's left breast and started to playfully move it he then bent over her in a way that his face was right over Kainaat's and said

Saad : you're mine now bitch.

in less than a few minutes Saad tied both Kainaat's hands and legs and taped her mouth, he also removed all her clothes until she was only wearing a pantie, Saad removed that as well he then got on Kainaat and began ra*ing her, Kainaat wanted to scream but all the muscles in her body had became motionless all she did was cry as Saad violated her for 50 minutes straight, after that Saad began to breathe heavily as well as making slight moans finally he came in her, Saad then got off Kainaat cum still dripping from his Dick as he laughed and said

Saad : wow her pussy was better than I expected.

Alia : I told you she was good.

Saad : good, that was amazing.

Alia : really was it better than the ones before her?

Saad : better, it was the best.

Saad looked back at Kainaat who was shedding tears non stop and said

Saad : this virgin pussy will be only mine.

Saad bent down kissed Kainaat on her forehead, cleaned himself and left, from that day onwards Kainaat's life went from bad to worse, due to Saad's father being the richest man in town, Saad used his daddy's links to harass Kainaat, he would bully her every time but he was never able to ra*e Kainaat again, Kainaat wanted to tell her parents but wasn't able to as she feared that no one would believe him, if anything they would think that Kainaat seduced Saad cause everyone in Kainaat's family considered her to be a very bold girl because of her upbringing, Saad took advantage of this and abused Kainaat over and over again while behaving like an angel in front of her parents to gain their trust, eventually Kainaat's father made the decision to engage Kainaat to Saad, Kainaat wanted to say no, but Saad harassed her and even sent her death threats forcing her to say yes, Kainaat felt completely helpless, it was as if her own parents had sold her to a ra*ist, after the marriage Saad's attitude didn't change one bit he would constantly shout on Kainaat, beat her with his hand, belt, metal rod and even chains and when he got angry he would ra*e her he would use protection to avoid making Kainaat pregnant, Saad paid a gynecologist to surgically make Kainaat infertile, the surgery was successful and from then on Saad would ra*e her without protection, this went on for 8 years, Kainaat faced humiliation for never becoming a mother, she also suffered from stress, anxiety and depression due to all the beatings and abuse she had to bare, the outbreak of the Great War resulted in Kainaat's freedom, she escaped from Saad's house and joined the virtual world but Saad followed her their as well however, Kainaat was no longer dependent on him nor were her parents alive anymore, despite Saad living in the same town as her she no longer feared him, that was until Saad became prince.


Kainaat's story left Aliza and Alyne in tears, Humzah, Hussnain, Nizaam and Ashhad were petrified but Zulqarnain somehow remained without emotions, though he two seemed upset as Kainaat said

Kainaat : their was even a moment in my life when I decided to do hormone replacement therapy (HRT) but I didn't do it, I was so happy, my life was so amazing but he ruined everything.

then just as she was about to burst into tears she said

Kainaat : I wish I was a boy, I hate my gender.

Kainaat began crying uncontrollably as Ashhad tightly hugged her and said

Ashhad : their their sister, their's no need to cry, I promise that from this day onward I'll protect you like a big brother.