
Chapter 15: Unknown Informant

Albus was having a very pleasant dream when a loud squawk roused him from his slumber. His eyes opened to dim light as the fire in the fireplace was little more than embers. The old wizard sat up in his bed and looked over to his familiar who was chirping urgently and flapping his wings.


The phoenix flew over the door and began to claw at the handle, a clear indication that the headmaster should follow.

Dumbledore quickly pushed back his covers, went over to the door and pulled it open only to be attacked by a flying note.

Deftly he snatched the paper out of the air and went to stand in front of the fireplace to read the letter. His eyes widened at the content and he quickly looked at the clock.

Three thirty-six! Studying the letter closely he could not discern who's writing it was, the formed letters were too perfect to be penned by hand, increasing the likelihood that the person had used a spell to alter their writing. The flying note was most notably used at the Ministry for note delivery within the building. It was illogical to let a paper note fly across country so therefore whoever sent this note was within Hogwarts' walls.

Dumbledore frowned while he fingered the note's edge.

With a start he jumped slightly and ran over to his bedside and grabbed his phoenix pendent and tapped it with his wand, calling an emergency order meeting. With a wave of his wand his sleeping gown was replaced with a dark robe and his dueling shoes.

Note still clenched in hand he strolled out of his bedchambers and into his adjoining office, lights jumped up from the candles' wicks, lighting the room quite adequately. He placed the note on his desk and slowly began to pace back and forth, hands clenched behind his back and head down in thought as he waited for the order.

Whoever had sent the letter, if what they said was true, then they were a death eater or they were in contact with death eaters. Albus shuddered to even consider that one of his students were in league with Tom as terrible as that thought was, but he was not a fool and knew that more than child had slipped to the dark lord's side.

However, if the person was a death eater why would they send warning of an attack? Although since the attack was taking place during school and students would not be participating why would the young death eater know? Tom was usually tight lipped about his attack plans, sharing details only to his inner circle until the last minute. The likelihood of a student finding out from Tom about the attack was slim to none.

So that left someone, most likely an inner circle member, slipping a student information to pass along, but then again why would a death eater do that? Surely they knew that Tom would eventually find out and kill them. The student's unusual way of delivering the message indicated that they could possibly have ties to the ministry, perhaps a parent or sibling?

Albus' ponderings were cut off as a green fire sprang up in his fireplace and a man stepped out. Albus nodded to the man and continued his pacing, occasionally throwing a glance over at the letter. Over the next five minutes the room filled with order members, their movements were a bit sluggish but their eyes were alert and worried. Dumbledore glanced at the clock and bit his lip in worry, three fifty.

Clearing his throat Albus took a step forward and looked around the gathered group. Silence immediately fell and the members stared back at their leader.

"I have just received information that a death eater attack will occur in magical Kent at four, so we must be brief here."

At the soft words gasps rang out and the group noticeably straightened, gripping their wands tightly.

Magical Kent was roughly the size of Hogsmeade, and although it was called the magic section about half the inhabitants were muggles. His eyes scanned the group of thirty, mentally breaking them up into five groups.

"Harold, Alastor, Minerva, Pierre, break everyone up into five groups." The four men moved to do so while Albus continued, "Harold led your group and head to North Elington Street, Alastor take the tavern, Jason and Pierre head to the south end, my group will be heading for the shopping district."

He looked back at the clock, six minutes and counting. "I am not certain where they will turn up, so be on your guard. When you catch sight of them send up the signal."

Moody nodded his head before grunting, "Numbers?"

Albus gazed over the gathered members, his eyes sharp and alert, "Unknown. Our informant did not mention numbers."

When none present made to talk he continued, "We must go."

He temporarily lowered the anti-apparition fields around Hogwarts so that the Order could apporiate out. When the final person was gone he quickly raised them again and held out his arm for Fawkes. As the phoenix flamed the headmaster away the man did not notice the letter on his desk crumble away into dust.

At six-thirty Harry suddenly awoke, pain bursting through his head. Silently he bit his lip and held his head until the pain subsided somewhat. Voldemort was extremely angry about something, but why Harry was not sure, hopefully his attack was foiled.

Head still throbbing he dragged out of bed and made his way to the bathroom for his morning shower. He tiredly leaned his head on the tiled wall and as the hot water coursed down his neck and back he stared at the wall. The two dull eyes continued to stare as he pondered how the attack went and if anyone had died. He stayed that way until the steam had filled the air and his fingers and toes began to wrinkle.

As he walked back into the dorm room the other boys were just making their way out of their beds. Rebastan glanced up as Harry walked by and stared for slightly longer than what was polite. Lestrange nervously jerked his bed curtains shut causing Harry to roll his eyes and continuing on his way.

Regulus was digging through his wardrobe for clothing, occasionally throwing a sock over his shoulder and muttering to himself while Arct sat leaned up against his bedpost. The brown haired boy's head was lolled forward, eyes closed, and soft snores came from his direction. Harry smiled slightly as he realized that the boy was asleep which turned into a smirk as he turned and saw Moon taking off his socks and rolling them together. The blond boy took aim and threw the dirty socks across the room, smacking Arct in the middle of his face. Yaxley jerked awake, surprise evident on his face as he looked around, but his surprise soon turned to annoyance as he glared sleepily at his chuckling roommates.

The other boys finally made their way into the bathroom to prepare for the morning, allowing Harry to finish getting ready. Slowly he dressed, fingers fumbling tiredly with the buttons as he glanced through his trunk, looking for a few potions. After finally tying his tie, he pulled out a Pepper Up potion and a Headache Relief draught the proceeded to down one after the other. With a sigh he closed his eyes and smiled slightly as energy flooded his veins.

Feeling much more chipper Harry tossed the empty vials back into his trunk before pulling out a mirror and began studying his appearance. His cheeks were rosy from the potion, his seemingly untamable raven hair stuck out at all angles giving him the appearance of a half-savage, and dark circles still marred beneath his eyes.

Amused, he pulled out the mouse Mary bought him and liberally rubbed it on his hair before pulling his comb through it. After a few minutes of persistent combing the wild locks finally laid straight across his head, he pushed his bangs to one side, coving up his scars which was his usual practice. Truth be told, with his hair under control he looked a great deal less like his father since his features from his mother stood out more.

As he finished up Regulus walked out of the bathroom and collapsed on his bed with a groan.

"Do we have to go to class today?"

"Yes, we have a test in Defense today. Now get up." Arct said crossly as he walked past their beds and to his own.

Yxley's comment produced another groan from the boy.

"Regulus, get up. It's nearly eight and I am starving." Harry said, grabbing his bag making sure that he had all of his materials before slinging it over a shoulder.

"Since when are you hungry?" The boy moaned.

"Since when are you not?" Arct demanded, "Stop grumbling and get up. In case you forgot we were suppose to talk about something this morning."

The black haired boy rolled off the bed and slowly pulled his shoes on, muttering under his breath.

Finally at eight fifteen the three boys hurried into the Great Hall and took a seat near the end of the table. Harry glanced up at the head table and noticed Dumbledore deep in thought. He quickly looked away, incase anyone noticed his gaze.

"What's this?" Arct said while unfolding his newspaper.

The Dark Mark shone eerily on the front with a bold headline proclaiming, "Death Eaters Attack Kent!"

Arct laid the paper flat on the table where all three of the boys could see it, an action that was happening all across the Great Hall. Harry's reflief grew as he read further into the article but the last sentence made his stomach clench in anger. 'Luckily no significant losses were noted, although two muggles died in the fight.'

"I wonder who the group was that foiled the attack?" Arct asked, sitting back and filling his plate. Harry looked at the food distastefully.

"The Order."

Harry and Arct looked up sharply at Regulus.


"The Order. Don't tell me you haven't heard of them, even if they are just a rumored group. Supposedly they are a resistant group that fights against the Dark Lord."

"Well I've never heard of them before and I am usually pretty well informed." Arct said curiously.

Regulus simply shrugged and went back to his food.

"I thought you were starving?"

Harry pushed the food around on his plate a bit, "Lost my appetite."

Regulus glanced up as Harry pulled out his letter and added a few more paragraphs before grabbing his backpack and standing.

"Harry where are you going? Arct asked through his toast.

"Mailing a letter."

The boy swallowed his mouthful before continuing, "Wait for one of us, or did you forget about last night?"

Regulus pushed his plate away and stood.

"Sit down and eat. I'll be fine. Besides, Snape and Lestrange are still licking their wounds."

Neither boy looked very convinced but the black haired Slyterin sat down anyways and only watched as Harry walked out of the Great Hall.

He hadn't walked very far when an arm slung around his shoulders.

Harry gave a pleased smile as a smirking face met his green eyes.

"The Great Hall is the other way." James said with a grin and ruffled the smaller boy's hair, electing an eye roll from Harry.

"Yes, I know. I'm going to the Owlry." When the older boy looked at him curiously Harry continued, "Sending a letter to your parents."

A rumpled letter appeared out of James' pocket, which he aimlessly tired to smooth with a half-hearted jester.

The Slytherin looked at the letter with a raised eyebrow.

"I am guessing that you left your little exploit out?"

"Harry you wound me! Why would you think that I had anything to do with that incident last night?" The hand clutching the wrinkled letter came to the boy's heart and eyes closed in mock pain.

Harry snorted in amusement, "First off you assumed that I was speaking about last night, secondly McGonagall seems to agree that you did it, and thirdly…you told me you had something planned."

"I did, didn't I! However, my parents don't know that, now do they?" James waved the parchment as he continued, "My proclamation of innocence."

"Do you send a letter of innocence every time you get detention?" Two brown eyes widened in indignation, "Of course not, only when I receive detention for more than two weeks in a row. Discounting quidditch nights of course."

Harry snorted, "I take it that McGonagall likes quidditch?"

James nodded with a slightly crazed grin.

"So how do you like Slytherin?" He asked looking away and shoving both hands, letter included, into his robes.

"It's okay, partly what I expected, a few surprises."

"Nice and evasive answer." James accused.

Harry glanced at his father and noted the frowned brow. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair in thought causing James to look at him curiously.

"I assume that Gryffindor is very different than Slytherin." Harry said finally, "Slytherin has an hierarchy. Malfoy is the current leader, and what he says is law."

James looked disgusted, "Malfoy is the Prince of Slytherin?"

Harry's lips twitched slightly in amusement as James continued, "Wait until I tell Sirius."

"I may not like Malfoy, but I can't say that he hasn't been of benefit to me."

"What?" James sputtered.

"Apparently Malfoy told the Slytherins to not bother me. I was curious as to why a Death Eater, or a Death Eater to be would order such a thing. Malfoys and Potters, from what I've heard, have never gotten along. So why would he protect me?"

James looked baffled, "Perhaps you should ask dad. He has more experience with the Malfoys and their type."

Harry waved the letter as they climbed the stairs with a smile.

Albus sighed wearily and pinched the bridge of his nose as he waited on the door to appear.

They had barely gotten to Kent before the Death Eaters had arrived. He had expected perhaps twenty of Voldemort's follower's at the most, so when nearly forty arrived they were all surprised.

The majority had appeared in the south end, the exact opposite of what he had thought. In the past Voldemort had sent his followers to damage areas and to create terror, but from what the few captives the Order had detained the attack was supposed to have been a slaughter. T

he two muggles that were killed were little more than children in Albus' eyes. The two teenagers had been caught as they came out of a convenience store, both were hit with the Killing Curse. The Dark Mark had been their first alert that someone was dead.

The glowing skull had renewed their anger and gave the group one last burst of energy to drive off the Dark Lord's followers. The Order had dispersed after they gave portkeys to the wounded and made sure that the captured Death Eaters were bound.

Albus, as he was about to portkey away, received a letter from the Ministry requesting his presences. With a wave of his wand his soiled robes were replaced with fresh ones. Holding his arm in the air, Fawkes landed on it and the two flamed directly to the lobby at the Ministry.

Albus spent the rest of early morning speaking with Minister Bagnold about the attack. Bagnold knew that Dumbledore ran a secret organization against Voldemort, and for that she was very grateful, but officially the Ministry did not recognize the Order.

Albus arrived back at Hogwarts just in time to take his seat at the Head table. Alastor was supposed to be meeting him after breakfast in his office to discuss some Order business.

Whoever had sent him the warning note he was grateful to, but he still needed to find out who it was. Before Alastor arrived he planned to study the note closely for any clues as to its' sender. Hopefully if the sender was a student they would have left an obvious magical trail, since the majority of the charms used to hide identity and magical signanture was not taught at Hogwarts. And if normal methods failed he could always use some muggle technique.

In the last century muggles had made amazing progress and in some ways passed the wizarding world. If his informant was a pureblood he highly doubted that they would be able to fool muggle methods.

So imagine his surprise when he arrived back in his office only to find a pile of dust where the letter once was. He quickly questioned the portraits only to find that the letter had apparently self-combusted right after he left for Kent.

He sat down behind his desk and pulled the ashes in front of him and studied them intently. He was still testing the ashes when the fire flared green and Mad-Eye stepped out. He leveled a wand at the older man.

"What's Dumbledore's favorite jelly bean?"

Albus leaned back in his chair before answering, "Apple cinnamon. What is Alastor's favorite Kissinger novel?"

Moody's eye rolled in its socket as it surveyed the room.

"I don't like Kissinger. Good to see you alive Albus."

Dumbledore inclined his head slightly, "Lemon drop, Alastor?"

The scared man waved the offer away, limped forward to a comfy looking chair and took a seat.

"Who were the captured Death Eaters?"

Alastor leaned back and pulled out a flask, "Some stupid kids right out of Hogwarts."

Albus sighed and placed his head in his hands.


"Travers and Mulicber."

"Two Ravenclaws." Dumbledore removed his glasses and slowly cleaned the lenses.

Mad-Eye grunted before taking a swig from his flask.

"What information did gather from them?"

A look of annoyance passed over the man's scared features, "Not much, other than what we learned at the scene. They were either told very little, or were able to resist truth serum."

Albus nodded thoughtfully and replaced his glasses, "So no one except the inner circle knew about the attack."

"From what we know."


"What is it Albus?"

Dumbledore stood from the desk and began to pace slowly back and forth.

"The informant I mentioned earlier…I do not know who they are. Their handwriting was disguised and when I arrived back it had apparently self-combusted. The letter must have had spells on it that I did not notice before we left."

"Spells that you didn't notice?" Both eyes narrowed in on the headmaster, "What's the probability of that?"

Dumbledore shrugged his shoulders slightly.

"Do you know any more about this informant?"

"Nothing that is concrete. However, his letter arrived in a rather unusual way."

Alastor stared at him, re-corking his flask as he did so.

"Well get on with it Albus!" Moody growled when Dumbledore ceased to speak.

Albus smiled apologetically, "Yes, they used the same delivery system as the Ministry."

"So you believe the informant is at Hogwarts and has ties to the Ministry?"

Dumbledore nodded.

"So they are a high ranking Death Eaters' child. One parent, more likely than not, will work at the Ministry, and the child has access to important information, which they are willing to betray."

Moody grunted and leaned back in his chair.

"Well child of a Death Eater means practically every Slytherin."

"This epidemic is not restricted to the Slytherin house alone, as shown by our captives last night,"

Moody nodded in disgust, "Any of your students acting oddly lately?"

With a slow shake of his head, Dumbledore leaned his head back thoughtfully, "Not that I am aware of, at least none of the Heads have brought any student to my attention, yet."

Alastor nodded and pulled out a slightly battered watch from his inner pocket. Looking at the time he left out a dark curse before shoving it back in his folds, "Duty calls. After this little spat is over, I am going into retirement."

Standing he began to walk over to the fireplace, talking as he did so, "Owl me a list of all the Slytherins and suspected members of other houses. I'll look up on their families and see if they have any ties to the ministry and Voldemort."

Albus nodded and held out the floo pot for the scarred man to take a pinch. Moody nodded at the older man before throwing the powered into the fire and stepping in, only to disappear with a swift swish. Once the fire returned to normal Dumbledore turned back around and started to make his way back to his desk, but his attention was diverted when Fawkes let out a loud squawk that sounded very much like a loud laugh. An unusual thought passed his mind and he changed directions and walked over to his familiar.

"You know who sent the letter, don't you my friend?" Dumbledore asked staring at the phoenix intently.

The red bird let out another chuckle before a bright flame engulfed it and he flashed away, leaving a small pile of ash behind.

Albus sighed in annoyance as a loud snicker was heard from the wall.

"Thank you Phineas, that will be enough."