
Rings of Redemption

The story unfolds the journey of Edward "Stretch" Miller, an ex-juvenile delinquent and amateur boxer, trying to start anew and integrate into society after spending time at Pine Crest Detention Facility. His journey is filled with trials and tribulations as he navigates relationships with old friends, new friends, and boxing rivals. Edward's perseverance, strength, and growth are tested in his efforts to overcome his past and make a better future for himself.

Easle_Jnr · Action
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Eddie Miller

Mikaela's Perspective.

(The Past...)1

"Sorry, Mikaela, but we have football drills scheduled all day today. So, I'm afraid I can't spare anyone for fighting."

"Spar, Coach," I corrected. "It's called sparring."

"I suppose it's similar, but not quite the same. Regardless, I can't assist you with that, unfortunately."

"Thanks anyway," I announced as I made my exit.

As I strolled down the hallway, I took my time, flipping through photos from Brooke's signing ceremony. Suddenly, a glimmer caught my eye—a smartphone screen emitting a bright light. Inside the classroom, there was only one student. Upon closer observation, I recognized him as Edward Miller, the individual I bumped into yesterday. His name lingered in my mind for some inexplicable reason. He appeared to be rubbing his shoulder.

"Eddie!" I called out as I entered the empty classroom. "How's your shoulder?"

"Much better now, thanks," he replied with a quizzical look on his face. "How do you know…" 

"…So, I need a favor." I had interrupted him midway. "Oh, go on then." I continued

"After you," he replied.

"Are you free now?" I asked, tilting my head to examine his phone, my fingers were now locked behind my back as I leaned forward to make out what was on the screen The wallpaper was his schedule he had a free slot right this moment.

"Do you need something?" he asked, sounding somewhat impatient.

"Yeah-yeah. A sparring partner!" blurted out, almost without thinking beforehand. He seemed like the perfect match to train with. His physique suggested he was into sports, and most importantly, he was left-handed. I noticed how he held his phone and placed it down, all with his left hand. He would be a great fit to study Damaris with. He also looked familiar, but not in a good way, like a painful distant memory, one I couldn't place at the moment. had I maybe met him at the Pine Crest Sicko Institute I wondered.

"A sparring partner? wait do we know each other?" he asked, almost as if he had read my mind.

"You don't remember me?" I prodded, hoping for some insight.

Seeing through my attempt, he replied, "I don't know you to begin with," shifting his gaze away.

"I know you though." I think I do. anyway. "Tell you what? I'll trade you that information for one session. Four rounds, nothing too serious."

He stared back at me with a blank expression on his face "Thanks for the offer, maybe next time," he replied as he walked away.

As I sat where he had been moments before, embarrassment flooded over me. I needed a sparring partner, but I realized I might have come off as a creep with my awkward proposition. "C'mon Mikaela get it together, who even says those kinds of things."

A beeping sound caught my attention. He had forgotten his phone. Glancing at the picture on the screen, the other person seemed much more familiar. I was certain I had seen him before. I closed my eyes, trying to recall where I might have encountered a white man with braids. Something felt off; it didn't sit right with me. I recognized both of them, but not in a good way.

I should probably return the phone I thought as I attempted to stand. However, the laces from my gloves got caught on something on the chair, causing my bag to tumble off my shoulders and spill its entire contents onto the floor.

The screeching sound of my gloves sliding across the floor as they dragged under the weight of the bag made me instinctively shut my eyes. 

Standing amidst the scattered mess, a rush of memories from the past flooded into my mind. I recalled that night—the piercing sound of brakes, the earthy scent of soil filling my nostrils, the trial. I remembered being called up as a witness against Mr. Marques, the driver. These were memories I had long suppressed, so why were they resurfacing now? Suddenly, he was right before me again. I recalled pointing him out to the jury, meeting his gaze without fear.

Opening my eyes, I whispered, "His hair." It was braided.

Taking a deep breath, I reminded myself that I was in control of the situation. I could harness the chaos; I had learned how to do so. With determination, I began to walk towards the door, gathering the scattered contents of my bag as I went.

I got to the door. My phone was vibrating, Brooke had sent me a text, she was sending several texts all at once.

"Thanks for the support today XoxO."

"By the way we need to work on a poster for the newbies or something. Extracurricular registration ends soon."

"Kelly's also out basically, so we also need a new Cap'tn."

"That's probably me as well. You don't need all that sis, trust me. Let me deal with Garcia and the rest of the hooligans"

"Also Boxing Kit is in your bag. I won't be able to, make it. So tired!"

"I might have overshot the size on the kit anyway. I'm pretty sure I did. Just switch it out for the one in my locker. Bye-bye!"

I could hear footsteps in the distance. It was Edward "Don't you need to be part of a club or something anyway? Newbie." I remarked, a hint of annoyance in my voice as I stood up to hand him the phone. 

"Thank you" he replied.

I refused to release my grip on the phone; now, both of us were holding onto it tightly. I stared directly at him. 'What's 'no'?' I asked myself as we both stood there in silence. I never, ever accepted being told 'no,' especially not by a confused freshman. With that thought, I relinquished my hold on the phone.

"I'll be in the gym," I announced as I grabbed my bag and exited through the door.

As I strolled through the hallway I could hear the distant shots, Kelly's trademark one-two-three combos. A smile spread across my face, "Looks who's done with boxing" I muttered.

I turned back, noting the still-empty hallway behind me. "Good," I thought to myself. "Got you now."

I pressed my phone against my ear. "James, what made you think it was a good idea to call me right now? Huh? Not a good time at all. Anyway, Tony, your wannabe private investigator gym instructor. Send me his number. Right now!" I took the phone off my ear.

 I took the phone off my ear. I could still hear his voice through the phone. I returned the phone to my ear. "Now, James!" I turned the phone around and hung up.

As I entered the gym, I spotted Kelly resting against the heavy bag out of breath, "Someone still loves boxing, nana nana nana." I said in a sing-songy tone as I placed my bag next to hers.

She now had her hands on her knees, "Give me five I need to get changed," I continued "Oh, and help me get out an extra pair of gloves please and the Vaseline."

"What's... Going on?" she questioned between breaths as she undid the straps on her gloves.

"About to beat a stupid freshman senseless that what's going on," I muttered inaudibly.

"What was that?" she asked.

"Nothing. Thanks, Kelly."

After changing, I headed back out. I sat for several minutes while Kelly quickly braided my hair and packed them neatly. I was already beginning to sweat from going at the heavy bag when Edward arrived featuring a menacing look on his face.

"There we go. Almost thought you wouldn't make it. Chickened out on me or something..." I could tell he hadn't heard what I said. He was more bothered about the other people in the gym.

"You made it!" I called out, much louder this time.

Kelly turned around surprised. "Mikaela don't tell me that's who...."

I didn't say a word I just nodded. 

"You've got to be kidding me, he's at least a weight class above you and even worse he seems like he knows his way around."

I walked towards Kelly, "Not my first rodeo Kels, just relax and enjoy the show. Gloves?"

As soon as she handed me the gloves I swung them violently towards the direction I had last seen Edward standing without even turning around.

Kelly let out a gasp "Mikaela? What's going on? Is there something is should know? Mikaela!"

I took a few steps towards a corner of the ring, flashed a smile and then waved him confidently into the ring.

"Whoa, Kels, take it easy, okay?" I gestured with my hand towards my chest, signaling for her to calm down. "You make my mom seem almost neglectful," I muttered.

"Just feel him out, Don't actually hurt the kid if he can't box. Brooke will literally kill you if you have. Mrs. Garcia shut down the program."

I nodded. "Just target practice Kelly, Damaris Umar is a southpaw and..." I motioned to Edward who was picking the gloves with his left hand "...so is he. Plus they're about the same height so."

"Okay, Mikaela. I trust you."

"Don't," I replied with a shrug, leaning back just in time to avoid the playful slap Kelly aimed my way. In retaliation, I threw a one-two combo in her direction. "Don't mess around now..."

She managed a concerned smile. "Stay cautious and keep your guard up. I don't like the expression on his face."

"Thanks for the reminder, Kelly... Vaseline, please."