
What's wrong with me

The light eventually went away and I had a peaceful sleep. I woke up early the next morning so I wouldn't be late for school, I got up, did few stretches and was about to make my bed. When I turned around my bed was already made, this seemed weird but I didn't think about it much "I guess I made it before stretching" I thought and went on. I got dress and head to the kitchen, I saw mom preparing breakfast.

"Good morning Mom"

''Morning Liam'' she said with a smile

"Do you want eggs salad or an egg sandwich"

"Egg sandwich please"

When I said that mom looked at me stunned, "Are you ok mom ?".

" Yeah" she said with a dismissing hand.

I finished breakfast and head out, I walked to the bus stop and waited until the bus came . I looked for a seat and sat down, there were several other people in the bus and I looked around until I found a window seat. Person's sat in twos or single, as some talked and some kept quiet, probably thinking. I was sitting until I heard talking a lot of talking, I looked around but not a lot of people were talking "maybe I'm just hearing things" and the talking got louder, I looked around again but not many people were talking. I was still hearing people talking in my head "Why is this happening to me ?" and I was hearing them even more and these were their thoughts "I'm really hungry" , "I didn't do my homework" ," I got fired yesterday", and more talking kept coming.

"I'm going mad", I took out my ear phone from my bag and then played music. The noise was still there " why is this happening to me". I was almost at my destination and I couldn't take this anymore so I got off and started walking. I was on the side walk, the street was busy since it was Monday. Tall buildings and a lot of business places were opened and vehicles busy on the streets. I was walking by other people and it was like I was hearing their thoughts, this was very weird and so I walked faster so i could get to school. I kept walking until I was at the school gate.

I walked inside and went to my class, the noise felt familiar as everyone was with friends chatting, gossiping, studying or playing games. This felt right, I sat in my seat and took out a Math book since it was the first topic we will be doing and so I sat there studying until it was time for class. Our teacher walked in and everyone went to their individual seats.

"Good morning class" Mr. Wild said as he placed his things on the desk.

"Good morning sir" the class said.

Everyone sounded so tired , Math was the first class of today and no one liked math it made the brain hurt and some of the students said that Mr. Wild teaching was boring. Few of us didn't really care, they just want the two sessions to be over. As our teacher placed today's lesson on the board and it was Trigonometry Ratio, when they saw that, the life of most of them was sucked out, as they all grumbled and cursed under their breaths. They knew better than to let Me.Wild hear, it was Friday evening and everyone couldn't wait till school was finished and the last class was Math class, they wanted it to be finished in a minute, but it seemed like the lesson was too long and then some of them complained about his lesson he added more questions and we had to come back on the Saturday, no one enjoyed there weekend. No one wanted history to repeat itself so they all stayed quiet.

Math class was now finished and it was time for Physical Education class . When we were finished changing the girls and the boys went separate ways. We were going to play dodge ball, we were our warm ups before we started playing, everything was going smoothly nothing was out of ordinary until the game finally started. Normally I would be out within 3 minutes, but now I was still in the game, five person's were left on my side and on the other team there were eight. My reflexes felt faster somehow, I felt really good as I dodge those balls heading towards me. ''Is this me?" i asked myself.

I looked at the other team and there were five of them and then I stole a took at my teammates but there was no one it was only me "how did this happen?" I looked at my opponents as they were ready to throw ball,

"This is going to hurt Liam" a voice said.

"I don't like this" I said to myself.

And then they threw the ball with a strong force, I don't know how it happened but all the balls that were thrown missed me, I looked behind me to see if this was real and it was and then a ball was thrown at me " Oh God ", I don't know how my body did it, but I caught the ball before I could think about it as I catched the ball with both hands and slid backwards. This ball wasn't just thrown to strike me out but something else, I looked up to see who threw the ball and I saw Shin, Noah , Jin, Ray and Yan, smiling and the person smiling the most wickedest was indeed Noah, they were the best athletes in the school and the always win, but not today. 'So they wanna play dirty huh?, well I can play dirty too" . They were there spinning the balls on their finger tips waiting for me to do something.

I steaded myself and threw the ball hard enough to strike them out, before they could all react two off them were out and it was now down to three. I looked at them and they stood there shoked and whispers could be heard from the others who got striked out.

"I didn't know Liam could play "

"Me neither"

"Did you see how he striked out two of those guys with one ball''

"I know right"

"Who do you think will win"

"Maybe Noah, he has never losted a game"

"Or maybe Mike, if he's lucky"

And more talking could be heard " never losted a game i see, well that changes today ". I held a ball in my hand while looking at the other team. I placed my hand up gesturing for them to bring it on.