
Chapter 17

I woke up feeling really tired and weak,I walked down the stairs sluggishly after brushing my teeth. I walked to the dining and met Dennis already serving the dishes.

He looked at me worriedly and came closer….I was feeling really sick.

I tried walking further but I fell, he was quick enough to catch me. He picked me up and touched my forehead.

He screamed, placed me on the chair and ran to pick up his car keys.

He drove crazily to the hospital….neglecting all the traffic and warning signs he saw on the road.

I was rushed in on emergency….

After thorough medical attention, I felt better and I was placed on bed rest.

He came in afterwards looking so worried. He placed his hand on my head, kissed my forehead slightly and breath out with relief.

"Why didn't u tell me you were stressed out" he said.

I didn't even know how to answer him, I just smiled weakly and held his hands tightly.

I was discharged the third day, he drove me home and took proper care of me, he pampered me and nursed me back to good health.

I felt so happy because I've never be cared for like that ever since I lost my family.

I was back in school the following week, Everyone was happy to see me except Gloria and Tricia…. They made mockery of me and scorned me.

I didn't pay attention to them though, I only focused on my studies.

Also, the pest didn't leave me. "Mark". He was always on my neck trying to dig out something about me.

I don't even trust him enough to tell him anything. I just kept my cool because I didn't want to disrespect him or anyone.

The school finished the first session and I checked my result. I was glad because the result was great. I had 9 A's and 1 B.

Making me the best student in the class… we were about graduating into another class.

The school organized a party for us and the best student would be awarded at the party.

Normally, I'm not a party type, but the school made it compulsory for everyone to be around, so I didn't have a choice than to attend.

I told Dennis about it and he approved, I asked if he would follow me but he declined.

"I can't stop u from having fun" he said and pecked my cheeks softly.

I blushed and thanked him.

He bought me a lovely gown and a to match shoes to rock on. He took me to the salon and I got my hair and nails fixed.

"You're very beautiful my love" he commented after I came out of the salon.

I grinned and smiled at him.

I couldn't wait for the party to hold.

I really wanted him to follow me so badly but I guess he just wanted me to have my own fun without bothering about him.

This would be the first party I would be attending in years, I didn't even know how parties in high school works.

I was waiting for the day to come but what I didn't know was that something else would be awaiting me at the party.

Something I wasn't expecting.