



I just want to leave the graveyard.And I just want to leave the graveyard.

La,La,La ", said Itsoi being frightened. " What are you singing,Itsui. Look here,open your eyes. I am with you,your father,your mother and with you have the entire church - look,we have a lot of people. You will be our precious lady - a grown up kid doesn't afraid of ghost", said her father being polite.

"Because I am a kid - five years old", replied her. "Don't be like that. From now on,you have to learn to walk alone. Walk with us. Leave your dad", said her mother."No,no,no. I don't want to. You just being envious,mom", said Itsui.

Suddenly a cracking sound-

" What is it?"said someone being afraid."Why are you just standing like that?Go look up... every one of you", said the priest.

"Hello,nice to meet you. Sorry for my interruption", said Dark.

"Who are you?What you want?" asked the priest being afraid.

"Oh,pardon me. I am....(they could not hear)and of course I didn't want to kill you all if you don't want to", said Dark with smile.

" A grave is open out there", said someone.

"What...you, a ghost?" said the priest.

"Ghost? Don't be like a child,priesty. A ghost...ridiculous", said Dark (sigh).

" Look, the little girl is now afraid of me".

"Shut up,you evil. Go back Frankestain with your daughter. I wll handle it. I will purify you,devil", said the priest angrily.

" Oh my,then I have to do so. Sorry,young lady", said Dark.

People were ready to unleash their magic and some were to call a summon. Their head(priest)ordered them to attack however...

"Sorry,fools. You all are so useless and one thing I really have to say,(smiling)you were in my control from the time, these nuts saw me. This is my world and I am its master...the darkest master of illusion. There is nobody here to...

And the attacker ... What will happen to them..."

People who attacked him died. But he didn't kill them.


"It's looked like you did summon me,huh. What do you want?...

Uh,I want to take a nap more but you idiot,for what purpose did you wake me up?..."said Dark.

"I have something, I need you to look up. Yes,I am the summoner. " the summoner said.

"Umm,okay. You know me means you are quite skilled in summoning. But that doesn't mean I have to obey a nut".

" I did expect but what about some deal between us. I know I can't control you but what if i help you to revive your kingdom."

"Huhh...kingdom,i see..a fool with summoning skill", thought to himself."What do you think you are?...

Do you know who is standing right before you. I just revived, it doesn't mean... "

"I know, my lord. But the fact that you are summoned...obey me,my lord".

Someone came behind him(the summoner) and slaughtered him like a piece of paper.

And at the next moment,he along with a lady kneeled before him and said,

" My lord,happy to see you. The greatest power in earth, the Lord of dark magic and Wasabella empire...our lord..."

"Good to see you. How did you siblings come here,Destine as well as Desabelle?" said Dark.

"My lord,forgive us but we said we will welcome you after you wake up."they said.

" Yeah,I just woke up... Everything is going well right?""

" Yes,lord. The empire is same as you said has to be",they replied.

"I did want to sleep more and He didn't wake up too and... that moron woke me up. What should I do, then?Should I wake Him up, too?"

"My lord,it sounds rude but I have to tell that He didn't sleep as you do . He just went to earth after that incident as a newborn child and you said that it was boring and will miss him and went to sleep telling nothing to us...", said Desabelle.

" Stoopppp, and ohh,...that Delk sent him to earth,huh".said Dark.

"My lord,we think you did forget something",said both of them.

" What",said Dark while fanning himself with his right hand.

"My lord wakes up means he wakes up too", said Desabelle.

" He... oh,shit... How did I sleep without bathroom and shower,it's stinky - my clothes;we really have to hurry and it's hot out here...but first,take them in their place", said he while showing the priest,Itsui and their people.

"They didn't die,just unconscious. Really fools,calling me a ghost while living in a magical world....and take that priest and it's people into the prison... um... don't you feel pain in your knee,get up.". said he.

" Yes,my lord. I can read their mind as a book ; they are fraud,just using this family", said Desabelle.

" I hope you didn't read my mind,Desabelle", said he.

"I don't have to,my lord. (angrily)I just want to greet you after not seeing you a long time but enough...you should not use your power for that kind of thing...I am taking away your skill", said Desabelle being irritated.

"Nooo...Good part is coming...noooo..I want to see.You too want to see,right...Destine". I am your lord. What about my respect... give me my skill", said he.

"Sorry,my lord. But it won't happen", Destine said.

(Dark lost his mind)

" (being loud)Yeah!!! I know; I know, right. It's about him,right. I think my pal will take care of it", he replied.

"But I think it's better to check; what if he is still a child", Desabelle said. Destine nodded.

" Huh... That's a problem then...oh,right. Delk can take care of it", he said.

"(Sigh) Okay,fine..."

"Let's find him first before he headed towards Him(Itsujo)."

"Just let's go somewhere before I passed out in this heat...really,why are we here? Is this a punishment,huhhh?" said he.

Wasabella palace

"(smiling)Yes,I am ready", said Dark.

" What is this, my lord?"said Destine.

"Oh,this.My treasure - a magazine. A very famous book among men in earth...just don't tell Desabella. I will share with you for that", said Dark.

" (being frightened)my lord,no thanks", said Destine.

"My lord,what is in your hand?" said Desabelle being suspicious.

"(calming down his mind) Oh,this. A energy booster or you can tell - an equipment for defeating Shadow,hahaha...".

" Oh, i see. But why are you shivering,my lord?"said Desabella.

"(sweating)Oh,just a little cold out here. ("I hope she didn't read my mind", thought to himself)".

" But you are sweati..."

"No...I am just melting;look,I am like a black snowman, hahaha(loudly)...but let's go to... aaa...where", said Dark.

" In earth,my lord", said Destine.

"so....let's go to my pal",Dark said.


Dwark looking at Itsujo said to him, "Itsujo,it's looked like you are the main character but don't know your role of this story,you really messed up ...however just start the match."

"I don't know what to say;it's going all over my head,someone suddenly call me brother... (politely) you all are kidnappers", said Itsujo.

" Calm down,Itsujo. Okay...I will tell you what I know - what you want to know", said Ishijo.

"So what you want to know from me?"

"Everything...I don't know...ring of gods and kara and those comedian who threatened me", Itsujo said.

"It's rude,Itsujo. We are not comedian. We are Karadian", said Dwark.

"Wait...we ; And what the hell you mean Karadian ", Ero said.

" Threatened you ", Ishijo said.

" Oh...that. It's a misunderstanding.I just said we should make a team and kill the bad people", said Dwark while smiling.

"Hohh,then how about ring of gods?" said Itsujo.

"Oh,that.I just...um...oh,bathroom. Can I take my leave then; emergency calling", Dwark said.

"It's nothing. He was messing with you", Christiana said.

" Do you have your answer?" Ishijo said to Itsujo.

"No...then why am I here?"

"They are having good conversation. Should I interfere?" Shadow said.

"But I am sensing an aura that I really hate. I should make my appearance then".

somewhere in space

" I am sensing an aura; I really know,it's Shadow", said Dark

"We should hurry,my Lord", said Desabella.

"Let's go in full speed".