
Born to be a God

LEGENDS said, "there would be a boy who would try to destroy the whole world."If that was true which era he be descended and why he would annihilate the universe.

There it goes, for maybe revenge. If that was, then there was a newborn child that was feared by all, maybe the cursed boy who was tasked with demolishing everything

by the destruction god. And this was not everything that

was forced upon this innocent newborn child. He was thrown away not only his clan but also his own mother being told him cursed and his father, what did one can expect from one's father if one mother could tell him being cursed, the man who took him away from his family, the leader of yashuma clan, is considered as the Noble clan. And perhaps his father Yotsuji Yashuma is probably a cold-blooded man for throwing him away in the middle of the rain. But the gods didn't know the boy, who

was he, maybe the fated one, maybe the supreme ruler of

the rings, They would have to pay for what they did. Maybe fate was a seed that was no hindrance for him.

And maybe that's why a kind-hearted man took him in.

The man, Yami Suji from the Suji clan, was surprised to see that despite the rain, he was fine and then Yami saw something strange, the dark lines, the circle black colored

tattoos that are being told curse in his right hand's palm and the curved line that is connected from the palm to

another circle black colored tattoo in his elbow, Yami wrapped bandages carefully so that no one can see the


A few days later,The boy, named, Itsujo Suji, the clan leader named him.No one knew about the marks but Yami. And so

everyone took good care of Itsujo. Such wise, days were passing by and Itsujo became big brother after being found his little sister Sufia by Yami in the Suji clan temple


4 years later,

The 3rd great world war began. Itsujo just 6 years old. He didn't know what was war, he was just a little boy but what was fated for him. One day, while playing hide and

seek with his little sister and his clan's friends,he made a big mistake. Mistake for hiding in the cart and while hiding

there, the cart was suddenly moving. He had no idea where he was going but he was not frightened, maybe his expression was like this or he was so afraid that he could

not bring his expressions back on his face. The cart was running on the sub street, around it is a lot of fields and there was a boy in the cart who just glared at the fields

and then he saw a small town behind the fields. The cart stopped at that town.Itsujo had no clue what he would do. The driver noticed Itsujo while he was gonna check

the necessaries behind the cart. He asked questions to Itsujo but rather could no say anything. Cause what Itsujo was watching was interesting to him. He was seeing black

fire in the sky. He knew it cause being born in a fighting world, it's not a surprise for a child knowing black fire or a weapon. He probably knew about weapons more than

anything thanks to Yami teaching him. Yami perhaps knew that kind of knowledge was important for him to survive and certainly Yami had experienced it. Great to had that knowledge, Itsujo was viewing something that he would never forget through his life. The black fire that he saw coming towards the town. Every person who saw that

fireballs could not move and Itsujo was no exception.

Itsujo saw people being hit by dark black fire but they could not scream, they felt pain but after being hit by that they died instantly one by one before his eyes. The driver

was ready to protect by taking the hit for him and had died. He could not do anything. For the first time, he had felt that was only reserved for Yami and his little sister. He

began to screaming and then suddenly started crying. The man floating in the sky came down to earth and coming

towards Itsujo. He was wearing white clothes that covered

up his whole body except his face that had black tattoos like a straight line from forehead to nostrils and nostrils to cheek and curved lines from forehead to chin and of

course, he had the gigantic weapon with him that had killed the many people of the town." Bow to me, boy." the man said."Every human may bow to us, the member of Kara clan-the God's clan."Saying that he killed an old

woman who was coming towards him with a bamboo stick maybe to protect Itsujo.Itsujo ran to the lady and the lady's

last word for Itsujo was to flee from here. The man was laughing and said, "It's the blessing from me, Lord Kara nji

Shoujo."Being sad and angry, Itsujo attacked him but failed to hit him rather Shoujo kicked him and Itsujo fell to the ground.Itsujo noticed the ground being red with blood and.that's made him quite sad and in the meantime, being mad, he again tried to punch but hit by the weapon.Shoujo laughingly said, "Why didn't you run, boy?"Itsujo didn't answer and Shoujo being mad at him thoroughly punched

and kicked him and said"Now boy, playtime is over".And.he targeted Itsujo from his weapon and hit the trigger.

Buu...ut, fortunately, he took the hit.Shoujo could not believe in his eyes.

the power

Itsujo's hand that was wrapped with bandages was suddenly shinning and his left eye, it looks like it was a devil's eye cause its color changed into black-red. Shoujo didn't know what was happening but again shot with his weapon and said, "If it's your power, I don't care. You can't beat me."Shoujo saw the madness in Itsujo's eye and a dark aura that was coming from him. Itsujo easily dodged it and ran towards him very fast and cut out the weapon with his right arm and using his left arm like a sword, he cut down Shoujo's neck.

The offer

He killed Shoujo. Itsujo hardly remembered what he did. After a few moments, a random but strange one dressed as same as Shoujo appeared. "I see, you are one of us. Then why not join us. We both killed people and share our blessing. The RING Of GODS is waiting for you." said he.

"What is the Ring of GODS?" said Itsujo while holding his hand.

The man smiled and said, "Then why not die, Itsujo? I hope, you will find the answer afterwards and also why are you being cursed?"