I've been tortured for a long time
Il can't tell the time anymore because of the torture I don't know how long has it been. I forgot everything
Why is this happening to me?
And why that motherfucker that is tied up inside me doesn't want to come out
Please help me.
Kill the world like you told me. You would?
I can't see anything anymore
The door opened and fegar step in front of me
My heart was shaking with each step he took
What kind of torment I'm gonna have to go through this time
I can't see anything
Because there was something covering my eyes
"Are you done?"
That's Commander Hassan's voice
"Please, Commander, I'm not the Joker, please, you have to believe me."
I felt a powerful electricity hacking into my body and making me vibrate from the pain
Why doesn't anyone believe me?
My body hurts so much
"You said yourself that you were the Joker"