
Ring A Ring A Roses

Selene is a crazy delusional witch who lost her son when he was 6 years old. She's not just a witch but also a scientist who experimented on her son until he couldn't take it anymore and died. She started kidnapping kids and conducting experiments on them. But she still wasn't satisfied. She killed her witch sister and her hybrid husband and then took Zhan. He escaped after 10 years and was hunted like an animal. Until he was rescued by a family who took him in to earn his keep. In order to save money and move out of his guardian's home. He found himself fighting in an underground dungeon where different supernatural's come day in and day out. He never liked vampires and always fought to kill them until he met a vampire he couldn't resist.

Daddysjewel · Celebrities
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11 Chs


Selene cut Ming some slack. This godforsaken bed has been his home for the past two days. Don't you care about him anymore? Anger erupted in Fang's voice.

I'm making him strong, sister. Can't you see that? He can't be a weakling like his father. Selene fired back.

That's rich coming from you. His father was not a weakling. When you were pregnant with Ming, you channelled him until you killed him. Hong replied to Selene and proceeded to stand beside his wife.

Fang, you don't understand what it feels like to be powerless. You're a powerful witch. Hong is a hybrid. Do you know how powerful Zhan would be? Selene pleaded with her sister to understand.

We don't know what he is. Zhan is 6 and he does not have an ounce of magic in him. And I'm not voodoo-ing him. Hell, I don't care if he has powers or not. He is my son and I love him. Ming is a shape-shifter like his father. Why don't you let him train with Zhan and Hong? You can do whatever you want to do with him when he grows up and agrees. However, right now, I'm taking him with me, and if I see you put him on that stupid white bed again. I will make sure you sleep for the next 50 years. Fang hissed at her sister and turned to carry Ming out of the bed.

Selene, you are a brilliant scientist. Why don't you do something useful with it instead of trying to crossbreed what mother nature has created? Hong spoke gently.

Thanks Hong, I will create something useful in my lab. She replied and asked him to leave.

But Selene is a psychopath and a power-hungry witch. She doesn't care who she hurts as long as she gets what she wants. She has always been jealous of her sister since they were young. She tried every ritual possible to make herself powerful but as her sister got older, her powers also increased. Fang didn't bother going to university, she stayed home with her mother to learn her grimoire while Selene chose to be a scientist.

Their mother passed away two years after Ming was born. As a matter of fact, they are one of the richest families in the country and live in a massive country house. With vast farmland and money. No matter how lavish they are, they won't get broke for the next 100 years.

They each have their own building built according to their preferences, and Selene built an adjacent laboratory.

Ming was only two years old when she started doing mild experiments on him. As he got older she started doing other things. She would hunt vampires, werewolves, and other creatures that have magic and inject them into him. At first, Fang wasn't bothered by the screams. She knew her sister to be callous and only disciplining Ming until Zhan told her what she was doing to him.

Selene visited her sister's flat a few days later.

When she knocked on the door and entered, she saw Zhan and Ming playing in the foyer. Ming ran to hide behind Fang in the sitting room where she and Hong were sitting by the fireplace and sipping wine.

What are you doing here? Fang hissed at her.

Sister, I'm here to apologise to Ming and also to tell you that I'm heading to town for a few days. Selene replied and looked at Ming.

Fang grimaced at Selene's words and pulled Ming to sit beside her. You can leave now. Ming is fine, I'm sure by the time you get back he would have forgiven your nonchalant attitude.

Selene nods her head and leaves the house.

A few days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months turned into two years.

Ming's 6th birthday was just a few days away. The boys were playing outside the house while Hong was grilling and Fang was reading one of her mother's grimoires. When Selene drove in and ran to them looking excited.

Fang, I am so sorry I'm just coming home. After I left I saw a lot of parents and how they took care of their children. I regret what I had done to Ming, especially to his father. I stayed away to punish myself and now I'm back to make things better. I'm planning to demolish my lab. I'm not practicing anymore. Tears formed in Selene's eyes as she spoke.

Fang wants to believe her sister has changed but Selene is incapable of changing. Unable to say anything, Fang just nodded. But Hong spoke instead.

Selene, I have known you for a decade now and honestly, I don't believe all the bullshit you spew out of your evil mouth.

That hurts, brother-in-law, but I will prove you wrong. Selene smiled and walked in the direction of her flat.

She flicked her fingers and her dusty home turned squeaky clean in minutes. She hummed to the back of the building and raised her hands up, mumbling a few things under her breath and clapping them together as she spoke, and boom the building collapsed. Satisfied with herself, she returns to her house.

For the next couple of days, she was on her excellent behavior. Got lots of gifts for Ming and Zhan. Ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner with her family. Didn't bother Ming.

A day before Ming's 6th birthday. Selene and Fang bake cakes and cookies. She was happy. Fang can't remember the last time her sister sat down and laughed like that. Fang was trying to give her sister another chance. Maybe she has changed. But Hong wasn't convinced. His gut kept telling him she was up to something heinous.

On Ming's birthday, everyone was waiting for Selene in the garden. It's unlike her. She's always early and wants to be on the positive side of Ming.

Zhan dear, can you go and call your aunt Selene? Fang asked Zhan and rubbed his head.

Zhan stood up and left to call Selene. When he got to her house it was wide open.

Aunt Selene, Mama asked me to call you.

I'm coming honey. I was so excited I didn't get to sleep all night and fell asleep this morning.

Okay… Zhan nods and sits on the chair in the living room.

Five minutes passed and Zhan wasn't back so Fang sent Ming to go and call his mom.

Zhan, where's mom? Ming asks as soon as he step inside.

Ming, Selene says as she enters where they were both sitting beside each other. Her fingers snapped and both of them couldn't move from where they were sitting.

She took out a needle from her pocket and injected the substance into her son's hand. She didn't even care that he was crying. When she was done, she released them. They both ran outside while Ming was struggling to breathe.

That's my birthday gift to you Ming. Happy birthday baby! She yells and walks behind them majestically.

Zhan noticed Ming was struggling to breathe and walk. He knelt in front of him and piggybacked him while he call his parents.

Hong heard them and ran in their direction. What happened? He asked Zhan as he picked Ming from his back.

Aunt Selene injected him with something. Zhan cried.

Fang knelt beside them but Ming was already choking on blood. And before she could do anything he died. She was so enraged.

Congratulations Selene, you succeeded in killing your son. Fang sneered at her.

That can't be true. I only injected him with ancient sorcerers' blood. Selene replied looking confused.

When Hong sniffed the blood. He let out a hysterical laugh. Yeah right. I'm sure you didn't wait to hear the part where she tells you she is a Lich. He growled at her.

While the rest of the family was crying. Selene walked into her car and zoomed off.

"A Lich is a former sorcerer. Further back before Greece fell to Rome. Not exactly the friendliest either. Lichs are naturally intelligent and capable of mass destruction. Lichs are basically very smart, very cruel zombies that can shapeshift."