
Ring A Ring A Roses

Selene is a crazy delusional witch who lost her son when he was 6 years old. She's not just a witch but also a scientist who experimented on her son until he couldn't take it anymore and died. She started kidnapping kids and conducting experiments on them. But she still wasn't satisfied. She killed her witch sister and her hybrid husband and then took Zhan. He escaped after 10 years and was hunted like an animal. Until he was rescued by a family who took him in to earn his keep. In order to save money and move out of his guardian's home. He found himself fighting in an underground dungeon where different supernatural's come day in and day out. He never liked vampires and always fought to kill them until he met a vampire he couldn't resist.

Daddysjewel · Celebrities
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11 Chs


Yibo's Pov.

What's your name again? Lan inquired.

He stared at Lan for a few seconds without saying anything, then he glanced between Lan and me. And he fixed his eyes on me for a few more seconds before he sighed. My name is Zhan, and if anyone in this village knows my name aside for my guardian. It would be the last thing you said. His gaze was cold, but his voice was soothing.

"Interesting. Seeing you like my brother; I assume you are just a boy looking for a... benefactor or something." The insinuation didn't escape Zhan's notice, and I stared wide-eyed at my brother.

Lan had managed to insult Zhan with just a handful of words, and I just realized what was bothering him.

This wasn't Lan. This crude, self-absorbed man wasn't the Wang Lan I know.

Do you know what they say about assumptions? Stupid men use them as tools. "How about you ask the next time rather than assuming?" I had no idea what possessed him to say the words, but it was too late to take them back. Lan's jaw and fist clenched at the words and his eyes blazed.

"Take it easy with him, brother," Lan smirked at me and just before we knew what was happening his fist was kissing Zhan's face.

Zhan didn't even flinch. He didn't even look angry. He just stared at my brother and just pointed his hand toward him like he was trying to rip his heart, but he didn't touch my brother.

Lan screamed and clenched his chest, and we could hear his ribs crunching. He leaned against me.

You are going to kill him if you don't stop, Zhan. I yelled at him.

He looked at me and put his hand down.

You almost killed him. I growled at him.

No, I wasn't trying to rip his heart out of his chest. I only added a bit of pressure to squeeze it. Will it kill him? No, will he feel excruciating pain? Yes.

You see Lan, I don't care what Sean tells you. Sean doesn't know anything about me. Met him in town a little over two years ago when I killed some vamps. However, he wasn't aware of my motives for doing it. While they were fighting in the compound, their witches were practicing dark magic in their basement and sacrificing children to enhance their powers, causing me to have a terrible headache.

I always got headaches from dark magic... Zhan sighed.

You didn't punch me because you were fast. I let you punch me. Don't ever do that again. I would like us to be in-laws and not enemies...

You are crazy. Lan growled as he stood straight. I guess the pain has subsided.

I'm crazy about your brother. Zhan grinned.

Stay the fuck away from my baby brother. I mean it, Lan warned.

You call a 375-year-old vampire, baby. I guess you will call me a foetus. Zhan shrugged.

What, who told you that? Have you been stalking me? My curiosity got the better of me.

I know a lot of things.

Lan gave him a questioning look.

Don't worry I don't see the future, but I know things. And for some strange reason, I believe him.

I had this sad and worried look. It makes me wonder what happened to him and who his parents are.

I'm sorry I scared you pretty. I just wanted Lan to know I could kill him in less than a minute, but I didn't. I promise I won't touch him ever again. He pouted.

Omg, he is so cute. I cursed myself internally as I thought of him being cute. But I wasn't worried about my brother, I was worried about him.

I'm sorry Lan. He apologized to my brother.

Apologies accepted but stay away from Yibo.

Too late. Sorry.

What's with the gloves? Lan took the question out of my mouth.

"I can show you," he said as he removed the gloves. We were waiting for him to show us when he grabbed my hand. And we were standing facing each other.

What is the meaning of this? I clenched my teeth.

Your brother cannot see or hear us. However, you can hear him and see him.

I know you are there even though I can't see you. Please don't do anything stupid to my brother.

That was when I believed him. Then he ruined it with stupid questions.

Can I blow you?


You are so cute. I want to see the look on your face when you cum.

His words didn't make sense to me... I rolled my eyes.

Can you blow me?

Ewww. Nooooo…

Can I bite? Before you say no let me explain. You know that feeling of having sex before you cum? Imagine my bite making you "cum" without having sex. It's pleasurable.

That's creepy and disgusting. I grimaced.

He let go of my hand and we were visible again. He looked sad, though. Could it be because I rejected his advances? No, it can't be, and even if it is, I don't care.

Lan, I'm sure you're happy that your brother rejected me... He pouted.

"But it's alright, I can try again later." He smiles and rubs his thumb on my bottom lip while he caresses my face with his remaining four fingers and takes a step back. A surge of electricity bursts from it and travels through my body. It's a feeling that I can't really explain because I've never felt it before. He puts his thumb in his mouth and sucks it.

As soon as I felt my cock twitch, my heart raced. "Shit." I cursed at myself.

"I will see you tomorrow." He assures and turns to walk in the opposite direction.

Do you like him that much? Lan brought me back to reality.

Hmmmm... I don't trust my voice and Lan will mock me with it for the rest of my life. On our way home, we talked about our childhood and how much we miss our mom. But my mind kept drifting back to Zhan. I'm curious to learn more about him.