
Rin Replaced (BL)

Tragically, Rin Grace - just your average person going about their day - was caught in a terrible accident. Amidst a heated argument, he stumbled and fell into oncoming traffic, causing a car to hit him, knocking him unconscious. At the same time, in another world, Misha Minari, an assassin, was shot. Fortunately, Misha woke up in a hospital bed, where he was greeted by an unfamiliar face standing beside him. "You seem to be fine. Next time, don't run out in front of my car. I will be handling the bill. Take care, Mr. Grace." He says as the door closes behind him. The man who just left was Jay Fenrick, the Crown Prince himself. Misha was feeling very confused and uncertain. He looked around, trying to make sense of his surroundings, but it was all too bewildering. Suddenly, he noticed something strange - his hands looked different. In fact, they didn't even seem like his own hands at all. Misha rushed over to a nearby mirror, and, to his horror, he saw a stranger staring back at him. It was clear that he was no longer in his own body, and he was now someone else entirely. What happened to the original Rin Grace? How did Misha end up as the Crown Prince's bodyguard, and what will Misha do now? Uploads Mon, Wed, Fri.

Tiffanie_Rose · LGBT+
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236 Chs

Loyal Subject


"Hey, is this a dream?" I pinch myself, but even the pain doesn't feel real.

"Yes, shut up. Things are different now. We need to change our plan." Anon says as he takes out his laptop.

I can't believe I was afraid to answer the phone. I'm glad Anon was with me in the office this late at night. Not many people knew Misha's private number. I hung onto his phone because there wasn't anything else that was solely his. A few calls turned out to be wrong numbers. Whenever the phone rang, my chest tightened with suspense, and my heart began to race, thumping almost audible in my ears. The one time I don't answer myself turns out to be Misha. What a fool I am. I will never forgive myself for not being the first to hear his voice in his new body. Ugh. I'm an idiot.

"What do you think he had to tell Rin? It must have been important if he couldn't tell me." The curiosity is killing me.