
Rin Replaced (BL)

Tragically, Rin Grace - just your average person going about their day - was caught in a terrible accident. Amidst a heated argument, he stumbled and fell into oncoming traffic, causing a car to hit him, knocking him unconscious. At the same time, in another world, Misha Minari, an assassin, was shot. Fortunately, Misha woke up in a hospital bed, where he was greeted by an unfamiliar face standing beside him. "You seem to be fine. Next time, don't run out in front of my car. I will be handling the bill. Take care, Mr. Grace." He says as the door closes behind him. The man who just left was Jay Fenrick, the Crown Prince himself. Misha was feeling very confused and uncertain. He looked around, trying to make sense of his surroundings, but it was all too bewildering. Suddenly, he noticed something strange - his hands looked different. In fact, they didn't even seem like his own hands at all. Misha rushed over to a nearby mirror, and, to his horror, he saw a stranger staring back at him. It was clear that he was no longer in his own body, and he was now someone else entirely. What happened to the original Rin Grace? How did Misha end up as the Crown Prince's bodyguard, and what will Misha do now? Uploads Mon, Wed, Fri.

Tiffanie_Rose · LGBT+
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Character List Vol. 2

!!!!!!!!SPOILER WARNING!!!!!!!!

If you haven't read Vol. 1, this Character list will have spoilers! 

Misha Minari (Ven)

27yo, Male, 6'3, 167 lbs, messy black hair and red eyes

Misha, who previously inhabited Rin Grace's body after being killed in his world, is currently in the body of a man named Ven. After his soul was successfully removed from Rin's body, Misha woke up in a strange room full of medical equipment. He was greeted by two unknown men who seemed to be doctors. One of the men mentions Dr. Nelson, Misha's former therapist, which enabled Misha to piece things together. He is still in Zallal. But where in Zallal? What exactly did Dr. Nelson do?

Birthday: Unknown

Favorite food: Lasagna and garlic bread

Favorite drink: Beer

Likes: books, drinking, knives, and Jay

Dislikes: loud mouths, wine, sitting still and spiders

Job: Unknown

Misha is a very observant person. With his background in collecting intel for his job as a hired assassin, Misha can see what others might miss. Misha is a strong-willed person but extremely hostile towards himself. He feels guilt and remorse for the lives he took in his previous life and hopes to atone for them at any chance he can. Even though Misha's circumstance has led him to be separated from his love, Prince Jay Fenrick, he continues to hope for a future together with him. That very hope is what keeps Misha pushing forward.

Prince Jay Fenrick

27yo, Male, 6'2, 172 lbs, silver fringe hair, and blue eyes

After the chaos of his father's murder and dealing with corruption, Prince Jay Fenrick works alongside his older brother, King Kista Fenrick, to make his home country, Dalmane, more stable. At the same time, he is mourning the loss of his lover, Misha Minari, who is thought to be gone. While working tirelessly to help Dalmane, Prince Jay is searching for Misha's former therapist, Dr. George Nelson. Dr. Nelson disappeared after potentially tampering with the procedure to remove Misha's soul from Rin's body. Jay needs to find him to get the answers he is hoping for.

Birthday: March 21st

Favorite food: Curry

Favorite drink: Cherry cola

Likes: horseback riding, video games, sports, and Misha

Dislikes: know-it-alls, corruption, being cold, and Monopoly

Job: Royal Treasurer 

Jay is a confident man with the personality to back it up. He is a caring and understanding person who will fight for those he cares about. He won't let anyone suffer if he can help it. Jay is a man with trauma but won't let it affect his future. But don't be fooled. If you piss him off, he won't hold back. Jay doesn't want much. He wants to see his country thrive and live a simple life with those he loves. 

Anon Quin

28yo, Male, 5'8, 145 lbs, brown short hair, and brown eyes

Anon Quin is working day and night alongside Prince Jay as he has always done. He now has the help of his assistant Bonnie West, though at times, not even she is enough. Anon has been friendly with Rin and Parker Grace after their "adventure" together. However, Anon is still easily annoyed by Parker. Rin and Anon are surprisingly thick as thieves. 

Birthday: April 1st

Favorite food: cheese Danish

Favorite drink: coffee

Likes: ice skating, cats, trivia games and organization

Dislikes: loud noises, red meat, slow cars, and Parker

Job: Prince Jay's Valet

Anon is a stickler for the rules but bends them when needed. He won't let anyone talk bad about Prince Jay but will insult him to his face. Anon is a nag, but only to those he cares about. He won't let loose easily, but once he's comfortable, you'll see a whole new side to him. When he finally trusts you, he will be loyal to you till the end. Except for Parker, he's easily annoyed but can contain his rage well.

Parker Grace

23yo, Male, 6'1, 183 lbs, wolf-cut blonde hair and green eyes

Parker's popularity grew after publicly supporting Prince Jay in his pursuit of justice. He is now being asked to do more interviews and guest appearances. Parker spends most of his time at the gym, as he always does. He still lives with his cousin Rin and continues to fight professionally as a MMA fighter. He remained friends with Anon Quin and Prince Jay. His new favorite hobby is annoying Anon. After Anon saw a picture of Parker in his youth, he made fun of him for his dyed black hair. On a whim, Parker chopped his hair off and dyed it back to his natural color, blonde, for no reason. He just wanted to. Honest.

Birthday: December 23rd

Favorite food: steak

Favorite drink: Protein shakes

Likes: fighting, working out, sex, and teasing Anon

Dislikes: reading, losing, shopping, and cleaning

Job: MMA fighter

Parker is a carefree person. He doesn't let much affect him, but if you mess with the people he cares about, you'll see firsthand why he's a world-class champion. Parker keeps his problems to himself but expects everyone to lean on him. He doesn't always think things through before making decisions and can make things difficult for those who work with him. Parker has a cousin complex and will do anything for Rin. He's a known player but doesn't want another heartbreak. Casual flings are all he's looking for. However, once he sets his sights on someone, he won't let them go.

Rin Grace

26yo, Male. 5'11, 151 lbs, Black mid-length hair and green eyes

Rin was orphaned when he was five after King Wolfgang murdered his parents to cover up his crimes. After that, he was raised by his Aunt and Uncle. After his Aunt and Uncle's passing, Rin inherited his Uncle's debt. He did his best to pay it off while caring for his younger cousin, Parker. After having Misha's soul take over his body, he discovers he isn't a legal citizen of Dalmane. That then led him to learn that his parents were not his birth parents. Now, after Misha's soul was separated from Rin's body and he rekindled his relationship with Josie, Rin is doing some serious soul searching. 

Birthday: June 13th

Favorite food: potatoes (in any form)

Favorite drink: green tea

Likes: watching movies, decluttering, sleeping, and dogs

Dislikes: warm weather, reading, pointless conversations and liars

Job: Barista at Cafe Window

Rin is an introverted minimalist. He doesn't need much and likes to keep things simple. He's a big brother figure to his cousin Parker, even though Parker thinks he is Rin's protector. Rin is quiet around strangers, but he will open up once he's comfortable with you. He's hard-working and dependable. He keeps his struggles to himself even if it hurts him. He's only ever loved one person, Josie, his high school ex-boyfriend. Their breakup greatly affected Rin, causing him to have casual flings only. Now that they have gotten back together, Rin feels like a piece of himself that was lost has returned.

Josie Rasmal

25yo Male, 5'11, 200 lbs Short dyed green hair and blue eyes

Josie Rasmal is a high school ex-boyfriend of Rin Grace. After his parents kicked him out of his home, Josie left college and became a personal trainer. He is currently working as a trainer for Red Stone Sports. He is training MMA fighter Parker Grace and one other MMA fighter. He is a sweet man with a big heart, but don't piss him off. You won't win.

Deacon Renault

25yo, Male, 242 lbs, 5'8 Black hair, Purple eyes 

Deacon is a professional security worker. He is highly skilled at what he does and keeps things professional. He is stoic but has a goofy side when he is relaxed. Deacon was recently rehired as Prince Jay's bodyguard. The two became close after Jay explained the events between Misha and Rin. 

King Kista Fenrick

31yo, 6'2, 172 lbs, with long silver hair with blue eyes

King Kista was kidnapped and brainwashed when he was ten years old. He offered himself up to save his brother, who was the original target of the kidnapping. Kista is adapting to his new life after returning. He has frequent headaches and forgets things now and then. He was forced to take the throne quickly after his return home after his father was killed. He is adapting well after receiving treatment for his brainwashing. He is making significant progress with his duties as King and showing fantastic leadership skills. He is secretly dating his childhood friend, Noelle.

Prosecutor Noelle Lancaster

30yo, Female, 5'4, 125 lbs, Long blonde hair, amber eyes

Noelle is Prince Kista's childhood best friend. She is from a family of lawmakers, lawyers, and judges. She spearheaded the search for Kista after being made Prosecutor. She is secretly Dating King Kista.

Celena Rasmal

28 yo, Female, 5'5, 148 lbs, short dyed purple and blue hair with golden eyes

Celena is Josie's older cousin who lives in Kervini. She owns a club in the capital city, Ollette. She is also secretly an information broker for Kervini's underground Crime Factions. Josie and Celena's girlfriend are the only ones who know. 

King Walter Lao

66yo, Male, 6'1, 200 lbs, with Long black hair, hazel eyes with a scar on his upper lip (hides it with facial hair)

King Walter Lao is the King of Kervini and the Leader of the secret White Crime Faction. He is obsessed with prolonging his life, no matter the cost. He is a true dictator and cares only about himself. He has two sons. Crown Prince Yule Lao is the oldest, and Prince Teneth Lao is the youngest. 

Queen Marta Lao

61yo, Female, 5'8, 135 lbs, red hair and red eyes

Queen Marta is the wife of King Walter Lao. They had an arranged marriage when Marta was 14, and King Lao was 20. Marta had two sons with King Lao. Yule and Teneth. She is a very egotistical person. She edits all of her photos to make her look younger. If anything might make her look bad, it must be destroyed.


Prince Yule Lao

46 yo, Male, 6'0, 213 lbs, short black hair, with a beard and red eyes

Yule Lao is the Crown Prince of Kervini. He is the oldest son of King Lao and Queen Marta. Prince Yule is Married to his wife, Penelope, who is suffering from an unknown long-term illness. They had one son together, Sinow Lao. Yule is well-trained in martial arts and is known for his soft personality. Prince Yule is disgusted by his father's behavior as King but won't do anything for fear of losing his rights to the throne. His father being the King is terrible, but it would be even worse if his little brother Teneth took the throne. 

Prince Teneth Lao

44 yo, Male, 6'1, 193 lbs, short black hair and red eyes

Prince Teneth Lao is the second oldest son of King Walter Lao. He has a son with his ex-wife Rowena, Benni. Teneth remarried his second wife, Trina, and they have a daughter together, June. Prince Teneth is a very stubborn and arrogant man with an unstable temper.

Prince Sinow Lao

23 yo, Male, 6'1, 193 lbs, short black hair and red eyes

Prince Sinow is the only child of Crown Prince Yule. He is knowledgeable. He graduated from college early with a bachelor's degree in Political Science. He is a calm and rational person. He seems uninterested in dating even though his father hopes he will get married soon. Prince Sinow is close with his younger cousin June but hates her brother Benni.

Prince Benni Lao

21 yo, Male, 6'1, 166 lbs, short black hair and red eyes

Prince Benni is the oldest child of Prince Teneth and the only child from Prince Teneth's first marriage. He is an angry person. He is constantly getting into arguments with just about anyone. Well, except for the King. He idolizes his grandfather and sucks up to him at any chance. Prince Benni is a womanizer and a player. He doesn't hold any affection for his father or little sister. 

Princess June Lao

11 yo, Female, 4'2, 91 lbs, long black hair and red eyes

Princess June is the only female grandchild of King Lao and is doted on accordingly. The only person who doesn't like her is her older brother, Benni. Her mother is Trina, who is Prince Teneth's second wife. She is homeschooled and only hopes to make a true friend one day. She is a sweet and kind young lady. 

Dr. Riley Monroe

62 yo, Male, 5'9, 136 lbs, white hair with brown eyes

Dr. Monroe is the head researcher at Lao Labs. He took over the job when Dr. Quin quit. He holds a grudge against Dr. Quin and has been trying to outperform him in any way possible. Getting the King's praise is all he cares about. He has a very intimidating aura and an overwhelming confidence in his skills. He is conniving and will do anything to gain power.

Dr. Trevon Everette

29 yo, Male, 5'7, 137 lbs, Blonde hair with hazel eyes 

Dr. Everette is a new doctor working under Dr. Monroe. Dr. Everette joined Lao Labs with the sole purpose of finding his Aunt. She was a lab technician for Lao Labs but never returned from work one day. The case was swept under the rug and remains cold to this day. Dr. Everette is kind and empathic. He treats his patients well. He hates how Dr. Monroe works as a doctor but won't say anything until he gets the answers he wants.

Dr. Collen Quin

38 yo Male, 172 lbs, 5'7, short brown hair, brown eyes with a scar over his left eye

Dr. Collen Quin is Anon and Melony Quin's Uncle. He is a neurologist and neuroscientist at Quin Labs, which he owns. He is a former Researcher for Lao Labs in Kervini. After King Lao forced him to do unethical experiments, he left Lao Labs alongside his co-worker Dr. George Nelson. He performed the procedure that separated Misha's soul from Rin's body. However, something didn't go right, leaving Dr. Quin suspicious of Dr. Nelson. Now, he is searching for Dr. Nelson, who is on the run.

Dr. George Nelson

40 yo, Male, 6'1, 169 lbs, shoulder length brown hair, mustache, a goatee, and blue eyes

Dr. George Nelson is a former researcher for Lao Labs in Kervini. He worked alongside Dr. Quin. The two doctors left Lao labs and founded a new research lab in Dalmane. Dr. Nelson focuses on his studies on psychology and the human mind. He's flighty and can quickly put someone on edge just by looking at them. He can easily be described as "Odd". He has been avoiding Dr. Quin and Prince Jay since he disappeared after Misha's procedure.

Thank you for reading Rin Replaced!

Look forward to more in Volume Two!!

Tiffanie_Rosecreators' thoughts