
Rimuru in gate with a world traveling system.

Surprise, surprise motherfucker I'm back. I got hit by truck-kun and fucking died the end goodbye. Well shit, met ROB (no fucking idea what it stands for) and now I live in the gate anime at least I get to go back to japan, what do you mean that I'm a decade early, and I have to cultivate to keep my system and get stronger. cover by paint by numbers.

Milimnava74363 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

The concept around the system

Worldwalker Cultivation System

Core Concept: The Worldwalker Cultivation System revolves around harnessing the unique ability to traverse between different worlds or dimensions. This power is not only a means of exploration but also a tool for growth and enlightenment.

Key Elements:

World Nodes:

Worlds or dimensions within the multiverse are represented as nodes. Each node contains unique environments, challenges, and energies.

The character can access these nodes through their world-traveling ability. Some nodes may be accessible only under certain conditions or after overcoming specific challenges.

Energy Sources:

Each world or dimension harbors its own unique energy source, such as elemental energies, spiritual energies, or cosmic energies.

The character must learn to harness and harmonize with these energies to cultivate their power.

Cultivation Stages:

The cultivation system is divided into stages, each representing a milestone in the character's mastery of their world-traveling ability and the energies they encounter.

As the character progresses through stages, they gain access to new abilities, heightened senses, and increased resilience.

Techniques and Techniques:

Techniques are skills and techniques that the character learns from different worlds. These can range from martial arts styles to elemental manipulation to spiritual practices.

Techniques can be acquired by studying under masters in different worlds, deciphering ancient texts, or even through direct experiences during world traversal.

Balance and Harmony:

Balance and harmony between different energies are essential for optimal cultivation. Imbalance can lead to instability or even backlash.

The character must learn to balance the energies they gather from various worlds, blending them into a cohesive whole within themselves.

World Essences:

World Essences are rare and potent energy manifestations found at the heart of certain worlds. They represent the quintessence of that world's energy.

Absorbing or mastering a World Essence grants significant power boosts or insights into the nature of existence.

Interdimensional Foes and Allies:

The character encounters various beings, both hostile and friendly, during their travels. Some may serve as mentors, allies, or adversaries, offering challenges and opportunities for growth.

Overcoming powerful foes from different dimensions can yield valuable insights and treasures.

Progression Mechanism: Progression in the Worldwalker Cultivation System is driven by exploration, mastery of energies, and overcoming challenges across different worlds. Advancement through cultivation stages requires accumulating experience, honing techniques, and integrating diverse energies into one's being.

Downsides: The Worldwalker Cultivation Systems host must traverse a world every twenty years to allow time to explore the world or risk losing The Worldwalker Cultivation System.

Final Thoughts: The Worldwalker Cultivation System offers a dynamic and expansive framework for character growth, emphasizing exploration, adaptability, and the synthesis of diverse influences. Through traversing the multiverse, the character not only gains power but also deepens their understanding of existence itself.