
Rimuru in Danganronpa

In a world where the brightest and most talented students gather at the prestigious Hope's Peak Academy, an unexpected new face emerges: Rimuru Tempest, the "Ultimate Analyzer." Known for his extraordinary strategic mind and unparalleled ability to decipher complex situations, Rimuru finds himself mysteriously invited to join this elite institution. ---------------------------------------------------------------- English is not my first language, and I'm still working to improve my skills. I appreciate your understanding and patience. please support me on p@treon.com/rimurusupremechaoscreator

Rimuru_Tempest_1999 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter - 4 Daily life(Part1)

"Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!"

Hearing the cheerful yet annoying voice, I opened my eyes trying to take in the surroundings. The surroundings were unfamiliar nothing like the luxurious penthouse I lived in. Memories of two years came rushing like flood and I remembered where I was.

Right, I am at hope's peak.

<<Good morning Master>>

<<Morning Ciel, did you notice anything unusual at night>>

<<No there was nothing unusual in the room but I can not say anything about outside>>

Oh yeah the rooms are supposed to be sound proof no wonder you couldn't say anything. Well, let's stop avoiding the reality that it won't change anything. I have to accept it

I remembered everything. Getting into Hope's peak making friends with these misfits and how the "tragedy" that started from this very school plunged the world into despair.

Thinking back maybe it was very obvious that the mastermind came from our school. Maybe it was not a single person but a whole organization I didn't know or that is something I would like to say.

I had an idea about the mastermind from the start and ciel warned me many times but … I didn't take action . I wanted to deny the reality . I wanted the deny the possibility. But I guess I can't anymore … things have developed to this stage I have to take action now.

Okay, deep breaths.

I have to calm down, be their rock, and figure something out. Alright firsts things first let's get the laundry done .

Laundary Room

"So you are saying that you spent all last night trying to contact the spirit world to find out why this is all happening" I asked Hiro who was looking worn out.

"Man, it took all my mental juice too but I still failed," Yasuhiro says

"Maybe instead of talking to the spirits, you should use your head to figure things out, and by the way you are the ultimate clairvoyant right not the the ultimate occultist how can you contact the spirits"

"Huh how can you figure things out like that and my future prediction also comes spirits"

Maybe I should just let him die.

Dining hall

I took a bite of the bread a sweet feeling filled my mouth making me free of all the tension in the world. Eating the rest of the breakfast I looked at my breakfast companions Kyoko Kirigiri and Byakuya togami. Probably the hardest people here to get along to. Coming here I greeted them but I was ignored … sigh

"Do you guys want to pretend that others don't exist? "I said with a sigh I know they were like this at the start but even so…

"I'm only here to get breakfast. I have neither need nor desire to talk to you. Now withdraw." Byakuya said not even looking in my direction.

"… And you?"

"Do you need something" Kyoko said in a similar manner brushing her hair with her fingers.

" Well nothing in particular "

"Then I will take my leave," Kyoko said as she started walking to the door.

Maybe I made her uncomfortable or something. It's really hard to pretend you don't know someone after spending some time with them .

"Good morning Rimuru"

"Oh good morning Chihiro," I said as a small smile formed on my lips. And then there is her or should I say …, maybe I shouldn't say it.

"You know, we're standing here exchanging morning greetings, but we can't even look out the window to see if it really is morning," Chihiro said, a hint of frustration in his voice.

"I guess that's true, but I don't think Monokuma would have any reason to lie to us about that."

"S-Sorry if that was kinda weird..."

"You don't have to apologize..."


"How was your night? Were you able to sleep?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Ye-yeah, I was kinda tired from yesterday, so I slept pretty good."

"Nice we need to have a healthy mind to tackle all the challenges"

Chirio smiled and went to grab his breakfast. He seemed okay for the most part but there was still fear in her eyes I guess it's okay he doing better than Hiro. I thought as I finished my breakfast.

There are still many thing's do i put my feet on the table and rested my head on the chair as I thought about something.

Should tell everyone about what's happening here? Maybe it will help stop any thoughts of someone killing someone. But would telling everyone help? Will they believe me ? Will the mastermind won't really do something about that situation? Still, there is a question in my mind. If things go like I don't anyone will kill anyone I mean I know we are trapped here and all but other than suspecting there is no pressure we can do anything we want with limitations.

<<I also think something is missing>>

Oh, you also think so maybe I was thinking in the right direction. As I was thinking I was interrupted by a sound from my side

"What are you thinking so hard about," Chihiro said as he put down the plate.

"Well I was thinking about the school as a whole and how we get out of here," I said, putting my feet down from the table.

"You are strong, aren't you even now instead of being scared you are thinking of a solution. Compared to you, I … I can't even stop feeling scared"Chihiro tugged his shirt his eyes watering.

"What are you talking about I am also scared" I smiled wryly eying Chihiro.

"What! bu-but you don't sound scared at all" Chihiro shifted nervously at the chair looking down.

"Well everyone handles fear differently, Chihiro. It's okay to be scared; it's what makes us human. But it's what we do despite that fear that truly shows our strength," I reassured him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Chihiro looked up, his eyes grateful for the support. "Thank you, Rimuru. I guess you're right."


Walking down the creepy hallways I made my way to the gym. I want to meet everyone and there was no one in the dorms . Walking silent ahead I saw two people .

"Good morning Sakura, Hina what are you guys doing"I smiled at the duo. Well I guess somethings doesn't change.

"Well, look who is it! 'Sup. We're picking up where we left off yesterday. I'm hopin' we find something today! If we do, I'll be sure to let everyone know ASAP!"

" We have to find some way out of here, no matter what."

"And that's why you went with Hina?"

"Well, Hina invited Toko but she ran off earlier. I have trouble talking to people directly..."

Ah, understandable but Toko together with those other two... Quite a combination.

"Right, and she was super mean! about it Yesterday she was complaining how nobody invited you! That's the only reason I asked her to come with us!"

Well I guess that's just how she is but more importantly …

"Did you guys find anything?"

"That is the problem we weren't able to find anything at all"

"It isn't that easy I also went around yesterday but didn't find anything"

After spending some time with Aoi and Sakura, I felt a little more centered. As I turned to leave, Sakura called out to me, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Rimuru," she began, her voice steady and sure, "I've been thinking about something. You are a speed-type fighter, aren't you?"

I blinked in surprise. "A speed-type fighter? What do you mean?"

Aoi looked equally confused. "Yeah, what do you mean, Sakura?"

Sakura smiled, a hint of admiration in her eyes. "I've observed your movements and your muscle structure. You have strength above that of an average high school boy, but your build and muscle composition suggest that you rely more on speed and dexterity, much like a swordsman."

Aoi's eyes widened in realization. "Oh! That makes sense. Remember when he stopped Mondo's punch? That was so fast, I could barely see it."

I chuckled modestly, scratching the back of my head. "It's not that impressive."

Sakura nodded approvingly. "It's a valuable skill, especially in our current situation. Speed and precision can often overcome brute strength."

"Wow, Rimuru," Aoi said, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "You're really something. It's good to know we have someone like you here."

I smiled, feeling a bit embarrassed by the praise. "Thanks, but I'm just doing what I can. We're all in this together, right?"

"Indeed," Sakura agreed, her eyes reflecting a quiet strength. "We must all use our unique abilities to protect each other and find a way out of here."

"Stay safe," Aoi said, her voice warm and supportive. "We're stronger together."

As I turned to leave, Sakura added with a hint of anticipation, "Rimuru, I'm sure you would make an excellent sparring partner."

I smiled wryly at the idea. "Maybe if we ever get the chance in the future. Though I doubt I could keep up with you."

Sakura's expression softened, and she shook her head slightly. "You underestimate yourself, Rimuru. Strength isn't everything. Your speed and skill could surprise even me."

I couldn't help but smile at her confidence in me. "Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that. We need to work together, not against each other."

"Exactly," Aoi said, her voice warm and supportive. "We're stronger together."

"Thanks. I'll see you both later," I said, giving them a small wave as I headed back towards the main building.

The school corridors were eerily silent, the muffled sound of my footsteps the only noise breaking the stillness. The walls, once bright and filled with the energy of students, now seemed oppressive and cold. As I wandered through the dimly lit hallways, I spotted Makoto Naegi and Sayaka Maizono engaged in a hushed conversation near the gym.

"Good morning," I greeted them, walking up to join their discussion.

"Morning, Rimuru," Makoto replied, smiling despite the stress lines on his face.

"Good morning, Rimuru," Sayaka echoed, her voice soft but warm.

"You two look serious. What's up?" I asked, noting their tense expressions.

"We were just talking about finding something to defend ourselves with," Sayaka explained. "It's better to be safe, just in case."

Makoto nodded in agreement. "We were thinking about checking the trophy room near the gym. There's a replica sword on display there."

"A replica sword?" I repeated, my interest piqued.

"Yeah, it looks pretty real," Makoto said, leading us towards the trophy room.

The trophy room was dimly lit, dust motes dancing in the beams of light filtering through the small windows. The scent of old wood and polish filled the air, adding to the room's historical atmosphere. The walls were lined with trophies, medals, and various memorabilia celebrating the school's past achievements. In a glass case near the back of the room, a beautifully crafted sword caught my eye.

"Here it is," Sayaka said, pointing to the display case.

I approached it, admiring the intricate details of the sword. The hilt was adorned with ornate designs, and the blade, though dulled, gleamed faintly in the light. It was a replica, but it had the weight and feel of a real weapon.

"Be careful," Sayaka warned. "When we found it yesterday, some of the paint rubbed off on Makoto's hand."

Makoto showed me his hand, still faintly stained with a bright yellow paint. "See? It's not a real sword, but it could still be useful."

I reached out and took the sword, drawing it from its scabbard. The weight was surprisingly balanced, and I gave it a tentative swing. The paint indeed came off slightly, but it felt solid in my hands.

"Hmm, it's not perfect, but it might come in handy," I mused, examining the blade closely. The metal was dull, but the craftsmanship was evident, suggesting it had once been a prized possession.

"Wow, you really know how to handle that," Sayaka observed, her eyes wide with surprise. "Have you trained with swords before?"

"Yes, I had a teacher when I was young," I replied, memories of long hours spent in practice surfacing. "They taught me the basics of swordsmanship. It was more of a hobby, but I guess it's coming in handy now."

Sayaka's expression turned thoughtful. "That's reassuring to know. If we ever need to defend ourselves, it's good to have someone who knows what they're doing."

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that," Makoto said, his tone serious. "But it's better to be prepared."

I nodded, slipping the sword back into its scabbard and securing it at my side. "I'll keep this with me. If anything happens, I'll do my best to protect everyone."

"Thank you, Rimuru," Makoto said sincerely. "It means a lot to have someone we can rely on."

"Yeah, thank you," Sayaka echoed, her smile returning.

"Don't mention it," I replied with a smile



Hello everyone, how do you like the new chapter? i changed the writing style a bit . sorry if you found anything wrong I am still trying out new things. I have decided that I will update this 2 times a week.

please support me on p@treon.com/rimurusupremechaoscreator 

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I don't have any advance chapter there but u can still support me and commission chapters 

oh and thanks to Kennchan ,mataguiris54 ,DaoistimupZ0,Blaziken19 ,gilgamesh_heroking for supporting me power stones.


Hello  everyone, how do you like the new chapter? i changed the writing style a bit . sorry if you found anything wrong I am still trying out new things. I have decided that I will update this 2 times a week.

please support me on p@treon.com/rimurusupremechaoscreator 

replace @ with a 

I don't have any advance chapter there but u can still support me and commission chapters 

oh and thanks to Kennchan ,mataguiris54 ,DaoistimupZ0,Blaziken19 ,gilgamesh_heroking for supporting me power stones.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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