


Jjkb · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Who is coming?

" One, two, three" a middle aged woman stood in front of an open door counting out loudly while several girls ran past her into the house.

 Ji-soo had woken up late and still had trouble finding her embroidery kit she was to use for embroidery class today. She definitely didn't want to be late today, she didn't want to get on Mrs Chu's bad side, she was already so bad at embroidery, she at least wanted to be early to class.

 She searched everywhere but still couldn't find it, she almost turned everything upside down searching for it when she eventually found it underneath a stack of unwashed laundry beside her bed stand.

 " Finally " She screamed and grabbed the kit while cleaning of the dust that had built up on it.

 She hastily dashed through the door not minding to shut it. She looked ridiculous, leaping through the hallway while trying to put on her socks, dangling and losing balance from time to time.

 After successfully overcoming that hurdle she sprinted through the pathway in the garden.

 She ran as fast as she could even overtaking some persons who were before her. Her heart was pounding fast and her breath ragged but she continued till she could see the hanok where the class was to be held.

 " Seven, eight, nine, ten " the large door slammed before a girl whom Ji-soo was following right behind.

 " Nooo !!! " Ji-soo screamed in frustration.

 The door opened and Mrs Chu came out again to count all of them who were standing outside.

 Ji-soo looked around to see If she could find Yoorim but was disappointed when she couldn't.

 " She must have made it inside " she thought to herself.

" You all will clean and tidy the environment today after all classes okay? " Mrs Chu stated with a deep frown pasted on her face.

 " Okay ma'am " They all chorused in response before she let them all in.

 " Settle down, settle down " she commanded.

" Today we will all embroider our own different and unique representation of peace" Her voice echoed in the hall.

 Mrs Chu was a short and plump woman who was a well known fashionista, she never ceased to impress with her beautiful and colorful dressing.

 Her hanbok always shone the brightest wherever she was but she was very strict when it came to work.

 And yes she was Deungdae's embroidery teacher.

 Work began immediately and Ji-soo hurriedly began to set up her canvas while sneakingly looking for Yoorim with her eyes.

 At last she found her sitting on the left side of the hall by the window, she was already engrossed in her work.

 Ji-soo smiled to herself and turned back to her canvas which was still very blank. She stared at her canvas for a very long time, pondering on the theme " a representation of peace" and soon got to work.

 A little later, the loud footsteps that approached the hall caught everyone's attention and even Mrs Chu was not an exception.

 Two hefty men who identified themselves as the Sai court guards alighted from their horses and came into the hall.

" You have all been summoned to the Sai court" one of the men spoke when he was given audience.

 " Why? Is there an emergency or something?" Mrs Chu asked out of curiosity 

 " No no there's no emergency or any cause for alarm. There is just someone coming that the court would like the Deungdae students to meet " 


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