

Surely only the quest for power and vain ambition can turn the once loving and caring sisters Ji-soo and Ji-woo to rivals . The duo sisters who were born to the supreme ruler in Sai (a mystical world existing between heaven and earth completely unknown to humans) were inevitably seperated when fate chose to favor one over the other creating an invisible distance between them. When bridges began to break between them, an incident occurs where Ji-soo is falsely accused and framed for a crime. Later on she is forcefully dispelled from Sai down to Earth to live as a human with great ire and anguish in her heart. What exactly turned them to rivals? What happens to Ji-soo? What happens to Ji-woo? Who will rule Sai? Do Ji-soo and Ji-woo even have a chance at amending their relationship? Read RIFTING to find out.

Ammyk · Fantasy
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35 Chs

A reconciling meeting

"How have you been Ji-soo?"

"What are you doing here?" Jisoo irritated voice questioned harshly.

 "I brought her here" Aegyoung quickly interjected standing between both of them facing Ji-soo with hands open before things got out of hand.

 Unable to utter a single word, Ji-woo hung her head down staring at her fidgeting fingers.

 "I'm aware of everything that transpired between the both of you"Aegyoung started " But Please can we just put aside our differences and just be happy".

 Aegyoung noticed her daughters expressions stepped in to lighten the mood.

 "Can't we go back to the way things were before?"

"Our cuddling ,our snuggling, our....."

'Ha ha ha ha ha' They both burst into laughter as Aegyoung tickled them.

 "And our laughters, I want us to always be happy together and with that being said let's spend some time together today, shall we?". Aegyoung concluded pulling them into Ji-soo's chambers.

 They enjoyed the rest of the day chatting, embroidering and gardening that Ji-soo soon forgot about her predicament and ended up smiling throughout the day.

 Days went by quickly and Ji-soo was still in confinement. Luckily she was often entertained by her mother and Ji-soo so the confinement felt bearable.

 Fortunately the times they spent together bonded them more and they could at least talk peacefully to each other.

 Lately Aegyoung had been persuading them to spend more time together and today after much persuasion they finally caved in and planned a secret outing together while Ji-woo felt elated and bubbly, Ji-soo only saw it as a duty she had to carry out to please her mother.

 It was already past noon and Ji-soo was yet to show up at their agreed meeting spot under an old oak tree that stood afar off from the Sai court.

     Ji-woo stood under the oak tree all smiles patiently waiting for her sister,she was glad her sister was giving her a chance to make amends.

"Hugyeja" a familiar voice called her, Ji-woo turned to see who the owner of the voice was.

     Lady Inhae greeted with a bow with Min-Kyu standing beside her. "I visited your chambers but you were not there, Min-Kyu informed me that this was where you are"

    "Yes Lady Inhae, is something the matter ?" Ji-woo asked secretly hoping it wasn't anything that could disrupt her fore planned meeting with Ji-soo.

     "The seojjog group has been taken care of, I have made sure that the matter is settled discreetly".

 "What about my sister Ji-soo?"

"I have made arrangements for her to assume a suitable position in Sai court when the time is right".

   "Thank you Lady Inhae, I appreciate all your help, I hope this stays between us".

    "What do you mean by that?" Ji-soo's brittle voice pierced their ears making them jerk violently almost causing Ji-woo to trip over a little log in her front of her.

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