
Rift through Space

They say you truly know someone when facing hardship. That rings painfully true for us, orphaned and struggling to survive together. We believed in our camaraderie, forged through years of adversity and sacrifice. But when the moment of truth arrived, it all crumbled with shattered trust and broken dreams. 『 Author's note: Hey everyone! How have you been? I'm finally getting back to writing. I've been struggling a bit with creating plots and letting my egotistical imagination run wild here, haha. Anyways, I wanted to mention that the cover of this novel isn't originally mine. The background image of space was simply found via Canva, while the character was generated using AI. If it doesn't meet your liking, I can take it down and create a new one from scratch. Ciao!~ 』

Orionyx · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 0: The Genesis

**Year 4063, Evangelical Calendar; Kors 2nd**


"All troops, charge! Don't let those measly beasts set foot in our homeland!"

"For honor, for our families, for our dear land... charge!"

The cries echoed across the crumbling battlements of Heaven's Capital as humanity's desperate defense against the encroaching tide of mutant creatures reached a fever pitch. The black fog, a sinister omen that had swept across Hildeburj, continued to spawn ever-stronger aberrations that threatened to overrun the last bastion of human civilization.

"Lieutenant Froil, I have an urgent report."


"The West gate has been breached, and the South has been turned into a wasteland. The North is still holding, but barely. Our Central Headquarters is in ruins."

Lieutenant Froil clenched his jaw, his eyes narrowing with grim determination. "Damn it! Those blasted creatures keep coming. What about the Commander's Elite troop?"

"No updates yet, sir."

Froil sighed heavily, the weight of impending doom pressing down upon him. "For all your service, Sergeant Terns, I thank you."

"I'm just doing what must be done, sir."

"Alright, alright, you're so stiff, as always. Once this invasion is over, let's grab some drinks."

"If that's your order, sir."

"HAHAHA, alright, now prepare the BH-369 GT, deploy them at all the entrances, and relay my orders to the Commanders. Let's make this our last battle."

"Sir, yes sir!"

In the dimly lit war room of the Eastern Headquarters, where the remaining high-ranking personnel had gathered, the decision to unleash the BH-369 GT weighed heavily upon their shoulders.

The atmosphere was tense, punctuated by the occasional beep of the strategic consoles and the distant sounds of battle outside. General Aldrich, his face etched with lines of weariness and resolve, addressed the room.

"Gentlemen, ladies, we've exhausted all conventional means of defense. The enemy grows stronger with each passing day. Our only viable option now is the BH-369 GT, Lieutenant Froil had already taken measures and deployed them in advance."

"Is this really the last?" Admiral Veronika asked in a frighten voice. 

"We understand the risks, Admiral. The BH-369 GT is our last resort. We cannot allow these creatures to breach our defenses any further, let's make this our last, shall we?" softly beckon by General Aldrich

Commander Lysander, his gaze piercing with a lot of regrets, as he slowly crumbled the documents in front of him and spoke: "I've reviewed the reports. The situation is not just dire — it's our final destination, we're lucky enough to even reach this place. Meanwhile, our dead comrades will —

"I know, that's why I ask even if the truth hurts, who would've thought that this once peaceful country would just end." replied by Admiral Veronika while sulking in grief.

"Don't worry folks, if this is our last, that we should at least drag them with us, right? Those freaking monsters shall perish too with us, for GLORY, for HONOR, for our dear HOMELAND, we offer this last tribute to you, Oh our Goddess of Life — Vivien, LIIIIIIIIIIIBERRRRIIIAAA HILDEEBURJ!" shouted by General Aldrich as they approach their last requiem. 





All remaining soldiers chanted in synchrony as each of them are preparing for countdown for the bomb to detonate. They held their breaths as the minutes ticked by.

The BH-369 GT, a weapon born of desperation and despair, awaited its moment to unleash its catastrophic power upon the encroaching horde.

At last, the moment arrived. With a thunderous roar that shook the very foundations of Heaven's Capital, the BH-369 GT detonated. A blinding flash of light pierced the darkened skies, followed by a shockwave that swept across the landscape with unrestrained fury.

Radiation, heat exceeding 500 million degrees Celsius, and unimaginable destructive force were unleashed upon the mutant creatures. The earth trembled beneath the onslaught, and for a fleeting moment, it seemed as though the very fabric of reality itself would tear apart.

The aftermath was a scene of devastation: scorched earth, smoldering ruins, and a haunting silence that settled like a shroud over what remained of Heaven's Capital.

Humanity's desperate gamble had partially succeeded. Level 13 mutants to Level 4 were extinguish into flames, but it wasn't enough to kill the upper ranks. 

"Kekekeke, those foolish humans thought they could win against us."

"As you jest, Chronos, it was quite a show, though." Kolis added.

"It was quite boring; I need more toys to played. The last bitch I played with easily broke, she's really fragile tsk tsk tsk..." Lacos commented. 

"Boring? Like the burns in your body? What a weakling!" Kolis interrupted. 

"Are you picking a fight? You're also a Level 3 like me, maybe you're more fun to break than that bitch." Lacos said with pride. 

"By bitch you mean their Queen?" Chronos asked in curiosity. 

"Ah I remembered them calling her like that, but twas' no fun kekeke..." Lacos replied with a playful tone. 

"What about you Chronos? How long will you evolve to Level 1?" Kolis asked. 

"Hmmm, soon but I will need more resources and we mustn't linger," Chronos mused, his gaze fixed upon the horizon.

"There are other worlds ripe for the taking. Let us depart, and may our next conquest be swift and merciless."

As the mutant creatures regrouped and prepared to depart from the ruins of Heaven's Capital, a shadow of uncertainty loomed over the survivors. What kind of future does these mutants will bring? 

As the reigning powers of the mutant creatures remain alive, they have finally set their next course and target—a blue planet full of life called Earth.


**[United States - Military Base: Area 51]**

"Commander John, meeting with the council and the board will start soon, would you like me to accompany you?"

"It's alright Sanders, I'm an old man for sure but I'm still as strong as a lion."

"As per your orders."

"But what do you think of this video Sanders? Any thoughts about this miasma in the Atlantic Ocean?"

"Hmmm... it seems like this fog is -"

"It's alive?"

"Yes, Commander. Data from the last 3 months show how big this black fog is and how it almost covered a part of the vast Atlantic Ocean, though I'm not sure what that is. What about the scientists in MIT? Any relevant findings from them, Commander?"

"Not yet, not yet. *sigh* As the world shows signs of peace after World War III, now this happens. Is it really hard to live in tranquility, Sanders?"

"I don't have the qualities to answer it, but I will just think of it as a trial given by the Gods of Olympus."

"HAHAHAHA you still believe in that nonsense, well that's why I like keeping you around."

"Thanks for the compliment."

As Commander John and his servant Sanders were about to reach the meeting room, they met a peculiar-looking pair of an old man and a petite girl.

The old man looked like he was wearing an old traditional Chinese Machu-style outfit while the girl was wearing a modern hanfu.





"Isn't it the great old man Xing!"

"It's been a while, Little John."

"Little? Tsk, tsk, tsk... Your tongue is as sharp as ever. Even if I'm 'little,' I'm still the Commander of the U.S. Military."

"Hahaha, forgive this old man, as he is old enough to have survived another war."

"Want to go for another round?"

"Ha? You're still such an impulsive person. I wonder how that servant of yours has survived."

"You don't have to mind me, Elder Xing, as my Commander is a man worthy of my respect."

"So is my grandpa—!"

"It's okay, Little Fu. Anyway, Commander John, have you seen the video already?"

"I did, and your thoughts?"

"Nothing, no clue at all."

"We will find it out later in the meeting."

"Elders first—"



**[Meeting Room]**

tap... tap... tap... 

Echoing steps of some of the world's powerful leaders can be heard through. Representatives from various nations had also gathered, each with a look of grave concern. The room was dimly lit, with a massive screen at the front displaying images and data from the Atlantic Ocean.

"Good morning, everyone," Commander John began, his voice resonating through the hall. "We've all seen the reports. This black fog, or miasma as some of you have called it, has been expanding rapidly. The top scientists from MIT and military strategists are at a loss too. We need to discuss our next steps."

An elderly woman, dressed in a sharp suit, stood up. "Commander, what exactly are we dealing with? Is this a natural phenomenon or are the Chinese government are up to something again?" replied by the elderly woman while looking at Elder Xing with hostility. 

Before John could respond, a young scientist from MIT rushed into the room, panting. "Sorry for the interruption, but we have new data," he said, his voice trembling. "This fog... it's not just spreading. It's intelligent."

The room fell silent. The scientist continued, "We've detected patterns in its movements. It's avoiding certain areas, congregating in others. It's almost as if it's searching for something."

Elder Xing leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "Searching for what?"

The scientist hesitated. "We believe it's searching for life. Every place it has covered has shown a drastic decrease in living organisms. Plants, animals, even microorganisms."

A murmur spread through the room. Commander John raised his hand for silence. "Thank you, Dr. Wilson. This aligns with what we've observed. But the question remains: what do we do about it?"

A military general from Russia spoke up. "We need to consider this a hostile entity. If it's intelligent and consuming life, then we have to treat it as an enemy."

"But how do you fight a fog?" asked a representative from Japan.

"Conventional weapons won't work. We need a new approach."

Elder Xing nodded. "I agree. We need to think outside the box. Perhaps it's time we look into our more... unconventional resources."

"What do you mean?" asked by Dr. Wilson 

"Magic," Elder Xing replied, his voice steady. "Our ancestors dealt with things like this. We have records, ancient texts. It's time we consider them."

"If world domination is not enough for you and your government, you're now playing with toys? How far do you intend to fall?" commented by the Elderly woman who seems hostile to Elder Xing. 

"Oh my, what if these little toys you mention will really work? What's your bet on this one Ms. Ellington of England?" 

The room erupted in disbelief and laughter. Commander John, however, remained calm. "Enough!" he bellowed. "Elder Xing has a point. We have nothing to lose at this stage. Dr. Wilson, gather a team. Search through any historical records, myths, anything that might give us a clue."

Elder Xing smiled. "I'll help with that. My granddaughter and I have been studying these texts for years. We might just have what you need."

"Then this task is yours to take, report to us if you need more manpower and resources, Elder Xing," John said. "In the meantime, we'll continue to monitor the fog's movements. This meeting is adjourned for now. We reconvene in 24 hours. Dismissed."


So, here's a bit of summary regarding the mutants. The more they eat life, the more energy they can get for evolution, and the more they evolve; the stronger they get. 

Level 0 - 1 [Supreme Rank]: One of the scariest mutants that can rule over the vast universe in just one swept of their hands. 

Level 2 - 3 [Upper Rank]: Second only to none, equipped with high intelligence and power; task with the important mission of absorbing life for the evolution of their kind. 

Level 4 - 6 [Pseudo Rank]: Takes for 1 decade to fully realized these stages as nutrients keeps on piling and piling which would cause heavy burdens to the host and its soul. 

Level 7 - 10 [Intermediate Rank]: Able to fight nuclear warheads toe to toe, pretty much immune to gun weapons. Sturdy skin with little intelligence, they don't have eyes, so they rely on their sense of smell most of the time.

Level 11 - 12 [Hunters Rank]: They like to prey on small size that them, as it's easier to collect nutrients. Pretty much dumb, but once aggro it will follow you forever until one of them is killed. 

Level 13 [Apprentice Rank]: The bottom feeder and rank, they will start to recognize what's life, their first taste of life will determine how crazy will be become once they reach Pseudo Rank. 


Next Chapter: The Gathering Storm

I've finally gathered the courage to break through the limits of my fantastical, imaginary, and somewhat cringe-worthy world.

Orionyxcreators' thoughts