
Riele (His kids mom)

Mummy who is our daddy??,The kids in our class are laughing at us,They are saying we don't have a daddy", little Ariel said with tears running down her cute face. I stared at my poor kids that are crying, How do I start telling them I don't know their dad or how I even got pregnant. what happened when the first and only daughter of the Patrick's family has four kids and the worst part is she doesn't know who their dad is. who's she? meet riele Benedict,she's 25 years,she has 4 kids(3 boys and a girl) Noah, Nathan,Noel and Ariel they are five years old. she has a popular clothe brand names NNNA an abbreviation for her kids. Enough with the female lead. Meet the male lead Royce 27 years,he's a celebrity a popular one at that he's a very popular musicians known all over the world. He's the only son of the Grayson family he has a younger sister camilla she's 25 years. He is cold hearted and hardly smiles he is rumored to be an introvert, but you know people still don't believe it because when he's on stage he's a totally different person. He's music are always a hit. what happened when this two finally meet what do you think will happen??? Do you think they know each other?? you don't want to miss this ride, let's ride on.

Otse_Mercy · Urban
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

It was a woman

Alex Mansion



Alex's point of view

I sat on my bed staring keenly at my phone.I'm staring at the pictures of the CEO of NNNA and I just can't stop staring at it.

She looks just like Alicia,The smile, the blue eyes,the only difference is that Alicia wasn't this thick.

Alicia and I were classmates in highschool.We never got along at first but with time we became friends and I fell in love with her. I had confessed my feelings for her but she turned me down,saying that she's in love with Royce.

I felt really bad and heart broken it had to be Royce that got her, but I moved on anyways.

I was so heart broken when I heard that she passed away,I just couldn't believe it.It hurts me that most people think that it was me that killed her because of the rejection,The police were on my neck back then.

I sighed and sipped from my cup of vodka still staring at the picture.I was still lost in my thoughts when I felt someone hug me from behind and peck my right cheek.

Charlotte had come over yesterday evening that she missed me and wants to see me.We had dinner together and then she started kissing me and that's how we ended up in bed.

I know she still has feelings for Royce and she's obsessed with him,but I act as if I don't know.

She and I are more like sex partners and nothing more but she hates it if I'm with other girls.

Then,when I started having feelings for Alicia and she found out ,She was so mad and had wanted to even hurt Alicia.

She's just one obsessed girl who thinks she can have everything she wants.If only she knows that I don't give a f*ck about her.

"Hey??"She said.I sighed and turned around to see that she was already awake, I gave her a fake smile and droped my phone on the bed.

"What were you staring at??"She asked and took my phone before I could say anything.

"Wait, What's this??"She asked staring at me.

" What's what??? "I asked pretending not to know what she is trying to say.

"Who.... Who is this??, Why does she look so much like Alicia???,And wait the CEO of NNNA??"She asked in shock.

"I don't know too okay??, I just got a text from Sam,Telling me to check the trending news and I checked to see this"I said and stood up.

"Why were you staring keenly at her pictures ??, I hope you're not planning to do what I think right ??"She asked Staring at me.

"What are you talking about??"I asked with a scoff staring at her.

"You don't have still have feelings for Alicia right??"She asked almost yelling at me.

"Really, that's what you're asking???, I don't think it's any of your business if I still have feelings for her.It's obviously her doppelganger,So don't even start,Its not like we're in a relationship or something,you're host my f**kmate nothing else"I said and walked to the bathroom.

Charlotte's point of view

I stared at him in anger as he went into the bathroom and I couldn't help but to feel very bitter.

How could he say that without feeling remorseful,How dare him call me his f**kmate.

I picked up his phone from the bed and stared at the pictures of Alicia's look alike and I couldn't help but to feel anger and jealousy.

This version of Alicia is the real definition of a figure eight,I stared at pictures and droped the phone in anger.

I know that look on Alex's face,I could never forget that look he gives to Alicia alot.

He better not try anything gunny or else.... Wait.... Hope Royce didn't see this,What will be his reaction if Alex is behaving like this??.

There's no way my Royce would turn a blind eye to her,I better start acting fast,I though and picked up my phone calling a number and the person picked up at the second ring,

" Hello"The rough bass voice said.

"Yeah,Its me....again, Find out everything about the CEO of NNNA"I said and hung up with a smirk.

Royce and Alex are mine,I thought and laid back down on the bed.




NNNA company



Riele's point of view

I was checking out some designs when my secretary came in and told me that someone wants to see me.

I wonder who it is,I thought and told her to let the person in.

I went back to looking at the designs when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in?"I said waiting for the person to show his face.

The door opened revealing Baby and I smiled widely the moment I saw him.

"Look who's looking really good as the CEO"He said smiling walking up to me.

"Oh, come on"I said with a blush.

He sat down with a smile and looked around the office nodding his head.

"What??, Why are nodding??"I asked.

"Well,It's because I love the way your office is"He said and crossed his legs.

"I called you multiple times the day before yesterday but you didn't pick up"He said staring at me.

"Yeah, sorry I was tucking the kids in bed,I was going to call back but I forgot"I said.

"Oh OK, I thought you were mad at me or something"He said.

"Mad.... I actually thought you were the one mad at me because I didn't see you at the mansion yesterday"I said.

"Sorry about that,Gray told me about the surprise drink but I kinda forgot"He said and bit his lip.

"You forgot??,What made you forget??,I called you last night but you didn't pick up,Where were you last night??"I said giving him a suspicious look.

"Well... I was with someone"He said with a blush.

"Someone.....does this person don't have a name??"I asked.

"Of course yes"He said.

"Come on Baby tell me who she is,What's her name??,Is she pretty?? "I said and noticed his countenance change.

"What's wrong??,What's with the face?? "I asked but he smiled and muttered a nothing.

"Urrm, oK.. If you say so"I said giving him a look that says that I don't believe him.

"How are the kids doing??"He asked staring at me.

"They're all fine"I said and suddenly remembered the dream I had,I should tell him.

"Baby??? "I called.

"Yes, What's it??"He replied staring at me.

"You remember I told you that I have some strange nightmares about me dying??"I said.

" Urrm... Yes? "He said staring keenly at me.

"I had that nightmare again today buy the only difference is that I almost saw the persons face. I only saw the hair of the person, Baby, It was a woman in my dream".

" And Ariel also had a dream about me dying last night ,She said she saw me die in her dream?"I said panicked and noticed he had a worried look on his face.