
Riele (His kids mom)

Mummy who is our daddy??,The kids in our class are laughing at us,They are saying we don't have a daddy", little Ariel said with tears running down her cute face. I stared at my poor kids that are crying, How do I start telling them I don't know their dad or how I even got pregnant. what happened when the first and only daughter of the Patrick's family has four kids and the worst part is she doesn't know who their dad is. who's she? meet riele Benedict,she's 25 years,she has 4 kids(3 boys and a girl) Noah, Nathan,Noel and Ariel they are five years old. she has a popular clothe brand names NNNA an abbreviation for her kids. Enough with the female lead. Meet the male lead Royce 27 years,he's a celebrity a popular one at that he's a very popular musicians known all over the world. He's the only son of the Grayson family he has a younger sister camilla she's 25 years. He is cold hearted and hardly smiles he is rumored to be an introvert, but you know people still don't believe it because when he's on stage he's a totally different person. He's music are always a hit. what happened when this two finally meet what do you think will happen??? Do you think they know each other?? you don't want to miss this ride, let's ride on.

Otse_Mercy · Urban
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33 Chs

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Grayson's Mansion

Royce Point of view

"Welcome back miss" The maids chorused as I helped Camilla up to her room.

She had just been discharged and the doctor said that she shouldn't stress herself.

The doctor also said that, for the meantime, she will be using crutches to walk since her leg is still not fully healed.

"Thank you" she muttered as I dropped her on her bed.

"Thanks Royce" Mom said entering the room,she had stayed at the hospital till this evening when Camilla was discharged.

"I'll just go downstairs and check if the maids have finished cooking" Mom said after dropping Camilla's stuff in her room.

"Hey, what are you thinking of??? " I asked Camilla after noticing that she looked sad.

"I don't know Royce, But I don't know why I keep thinking about Riele,Alicia's look alike"She said with a deep sigh.

"Royce,I don't know if it's because I'm thinking she's Alicia but she even smell exactly like Alicia to me, She had that same Vanilla scent that Alicia had" Camill said.

"Really??, you also perceived it too, At first I thought I was hallucinating when I perceived it, But as she passed me at the hospital I swear I perceived it again" I said staring at camilla.

"It can't be Alicia, Camilla,You and I know she's dead, we saw her dead" I said with a frown.

"I know Royce,But something is off, What if It's really Alicia???, Huh??,What if my Alicia is still Alive??? "She said with a sniff,Already crying.

"Common Camilla,I thought you were the one telling me that to move on, Why are you still saying that it has to be Alicia??, Alicia is no more, Riele is just someone who looks alot like her, Let's leave it that way" I said,trying to convince her, but the truth is...I myself, I have also been thinking the same thing.

The way she talks,Her eyes, her hair, the way she avoids my eyes when I'm talking to her, Could it be a coincidence???.

I'll just look into Riele,Maybe..... just maybe, it might be my Alicia,I thought.

"Common, take a nap before the maids finish cooking, Don't stress yourself over that, I promise I'll look into it" I said and helped her to cover herself with the duvet.

"Please do"She muttered and closed her eyes.

I gave her a kiss on her forehead and walked out of her room.

I brought out my phone and dialed a number, and the person picked up immediately.

"Hello boss" I heard his deep voice said.

"I've got a job for you" I said.

"Yes boss, I'm listening"He said

"Find out everything about Riele Benedict" I said.

"Yes boss " He said and hung up.


Benedict's Mansion

Riele's point of view

"Thanks for getting better mum" Ariel said happily hugging me.

I smiled and kissed her hair, Ever since they came back from school and saw me,they have refused to leave me alone. I had to force them to go change and eat.

And immediately they finished eating they came back to my room.

"Don't worry I'll not get sick anymore and make you guys worry"I said with a bright smile.

"I couldn't even stop thinking of you in school today"Noel said either a pout.

"Anwww,Im okay now baby and thank you"I said and kissed him.

If only they know how precious they are to me.

"I promise to take you guys out tomorrow for making you guys worried" I said and they screamed happily.

"We love you mom" They chorused,I smiled and pecked them each on their lips.

We were still talking when my door opened and Drake walked in.

"Good evening Uncle Drake"The kids chorused.

"Good evening Guys" He said still standing at the door.

"Can I talk to your mom for a minute "He said and the kids immediately stood up and went out of my room.

Well, I noticed that they fear Drake alot.

"Hey" he called and walked up to me.

"Hey, How are you feeling?"He asked and sat on on the bed.

"I'm better now thanks"I said.

"Sorry, I couldn't come pick you up from the hospital,I was really busy "He said.

"It's okay,I'm okay now that's what matter"I said and he smiled lightly.

"There's something I want to talk to you about"He said putting on a serious expression.

"Yes, I'm listening" I said wondering what's about.

"It's about your company NNNA"He said.

"What about it???"I asked curiously.

"I think it's time you show yourself as the CEO of your company" He said and i couldn't hide the shock on my face.

Yes, I had agreed that I didn't want to show my face because of my kids, But Drake had also told me not to. I had asked him why??, But he said nothing that it is for my own good.

"Why all of a sudden??,I thought you said that I shouldn't show myself because of my own good" I said staring keenly at him.

"I know Riele, But I don't think it's necessary any longer" He said.

I stared at him for like ten seconds,what does he mean by he doesn't think it's necessary any longer.

"Besides,I noticed that some company are scared to work with NNNA since they don't know who the founder is"He said while I just stared at him.

"Common Riele,I also promise to take care of the paparazzi for you and the kids" He said staring at my face.

"Ok, I have heard you"I muttered with a puzzled expression.

"I know I seem weird now but with time you'll understand what I'm doing"He said and walked out.

I stared at the door and sighed out.

"What the hell just happened???"I muttered.

"Something is up with Drake and I must find out" I said and stood up from the bed.

I need to go downstairs, I'm already getting hungry,I thought and left the room.