
Ridiculously Trapped in Fantasy


"Make sure you'll pass the given assignments tommorow. I will not tolerate reasons that you forget your workbook! Then, class dismissed."

I sighed heavily when our subject teacher in General Mathematics leave the classroom.

Why the hell I was born stupid in math? Even a simple addition for a Ten years old kid can do Fifty minus twenty-six in a blink!

I'm embarrassed remembering that memory from the kid who buy a candy in our convenience store.

"Ah shit, my head's hurt." Eurika approach me with her dying dead face. Then she sat to her seat in her seat facing me.

"Men, who the hell invented math anyway I will kill that son of a bitch!" Jenna's face wrinkled as she complaining while sticking out her booger.

"Yes my friend, I will tag along!" Eureka said in fire. I can already see her on platoon of gorilla army while holding a legendary weapon, the frying pan.

I cleaned my desk and put my things inside the bag while my two friends having a serious meeting on how they will kill and torture the person who invented the math.

lol. sure, kill him in hell.

I was done packing my things and ready to go for our lunch when I saw a disturbing scene.

My face twitched when I saw Jenna rolled the booger and that booger is kind of sticky and then finally rubbed it on her chair.


"Hey, let's go to cafeteria! The dragons inside of my stomach's rumbling, begging for fire to eat!"

I dragged them both when I cannot interupt them planing the procedures killing the Pythagoreans and Archimedes. Who's responsible for the student's suffering because of their invention of math.

WE SEATED comfortably when we found an empty seat in cafeteria. A seat which is just right beside the trashcan.

I can even hear the fly buzzing and rejoicing because of the trash just beside me.

"Ahh! Food is the best!"

"I can die now without regrets,"

My face flattened when I heard them praising the food and didn't pay attention to their surroundings.

Whatever. I should eat now as well. I need to gather strength because after this hell's coming before me.



I should not mention hell earlier, because Satan himself visited me in this toilet bowl!

I can feel the sweat running down to my forehead down to my cheeks and my neck. My strength that I just gathered lowered to zero because all my power became a piece of dump! And most of all, I will die because of the horrible smell! I feel just tortured!

"Is she done already?" I heard Eureka asked with a bit loud voice.

"I dunno---shit this smell can kill,"

"Yes, I highly agree. Oh! I just came up a bright idea how we can kill the son of a bitch,"

"How? how?"

"Let's use Noa's legendary dump smell,"

I can hear you idiots.

Their laughs gives me chills while cleaning myself in this mess.

"NOA! aren't you done yet dumping?!"

"Shadap!" People will hear that I, the great Noa the girl who beat up the school's most promising sport genius and the beauty student dumping at the school's comfort room!

This is damn embarrassing.

I can see and hear already the wicked humiliation from the students who admired me. I feel like crying my shit.

The bell rang, means that the class will about to start.

"If you're not done yet, we'll go first." Euka.

"Yes, sure, sure. Go ahead," I said while facing my own shit.

"Okay, then bye! Just don't get drowned to the toilet!"

These brats!

A seconds have passed I heard their fading footsteps way from here. I will take my revenge on them someday.

Now, let's face what's in front of me.

All i can see in front of me is a mysterious floating object. As I stared at it, it seemed as if it was also looking at me.

"What are you looking at shit? tss."

I just come up some quotes.

If you look the shit, the shit will also look at you.

Heh! Maybe I should go to the faculty and apply to quote making contest. I will surely win the first place lol.

"Heh, you piece of shit. Go to your slumber deep down to your drainage. May you rest in peace. Sayonara." I said as I flushed the toilet.

I sighed heavily when a comforting feeling just calm me when I saw the toilet bowl clean and empty without a trace.

Now, let's get out of here and was---

"Shit!" I bumped my head into the toilet door and it gives me a big time head pain. Fells like I just have a headbutting contest.

"Who the heck invented the door?" I said while rubbing my head.

While my eyes are close and my hands are busy rubbing my forehead, my ears suddenly hurt like a powerful wind breeze blowned to my ears.

"W-what the heck?!"

I quickly covered both my ears, it hurt because of the wind hitting my ear.

"Where this wind coming from?!" I feel like a deaf because of the strong wind as if I'm hearing people shouting around.


People... shouting?

I quickly opened my eyes but it was dark. My heart beats so fast because I'm freaking nervous what's happening!

I was panicking when I suddenly caught a light.

My vision!

I can see some blur moving objects that my heart began to pound more fast.

W-what there's moving? I-im still inside the cubicle!

My vision became clearer and I gradually saw the object moving rapidly around me.


As what my vision began to come back normal my hearing capability turning back too slowly.

".....R THE...E...RE.."


What the hell's happening?

Quickly.. quickly my whole senses came back. And the first thing I saw and the first thing I heard was...

