

Youth is a beautiful and wonderful blessing, but what if life have another thing in store for you? What happens when life abandon you and you are left at the mercy of your worst nightmare? Will life ever favour you again? Meet the identical boy and girl twins with different personality, Lee Angela Min_ju and Lee Angelo Min_jun. Angela is the friendly, stubborn and kind one, she has three friends, Jenny, Yoona and Seoyun. Yoona is a tomboy and has a secret crush on Angelo, Seoyun is the crazy one. Angelo is the mean and less rebellious one, with a cold heart to the outside but those who really know him knows he's very playful, he have three friends, Richard , Beom_seok and Ji hun. But one day, there was a terrible accident leading to the twins family having a great debt, when they lost all hope, the person Angela never thought would help them, Yi Zen Leonidas, her sworn enemy after that incident in Greece and cousin of Yoona, came to save them, on one condition.... _her_ "You... What do you mean?" Angela stammered shocked by his request. "I want you Angel! Now it's up to you if you agree, and with a flick of my finger everything will be solved, the decision is yours." The big question now is should she or not? If you were to be in Angela shoes, would you give yourself to the devil? ______________ Follow Angela and her friends as they go on different adventures and overcome different challenges and experience love, betrayal, jealousy and many more. NOTE: This story is an original story written by me, Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.

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21 Chs


During lunch, the whole gang were sitting in their spot in the third floor of the school cafeteria for the class 2.

"Ange, I want to eat Maria's food!!" Minju whined.

"Okay let's go, I'm also craving for some Italian food". Minjun got up from the table with Minju.

"Hey, you guys are just gonna abandon us?" Beom_seok asked surprised.

"Yeah". They said together shrugging their shoulders as if it's not a big deal.

"We also want to eat Italian food". Yoona said. The rest gang agreed with her.

"Umm..then Ange will bring take-out for you guys, right Ange?" Minju smiled deviously mouthing 'you are my slave remember'. Minjun glared at her grumbling, "Yes".

"Oh my gosh! Angela you have got to tell me what charm you used for Minjun!" Ji hun exclaimed.

Minju smiled slyly, "it's a twin secret meant for only me to use right Ange?" Minjun glared daggers at her and nodded.

"So stingy". Ji hun pouted.

"Sorry Jim, a magician never exposes his tricks". Minju patted him before leaving with Minjun.


They parked their bikes in their spot in the parking lot of the restaurant. They got out together and walked inside the restaurant.

"Yo Angels skipping school, are we now?"

"Nope we are not like you Antonio", Minjun walked inside and sat in one of the empty chairs.

"I wish, but that dude is gonna kill us". Minju said dejected sitting opposite Minjun.

"So I guess you are here for your usuals?" António asked.

"Actually no, Minjun is gonna pay for lots of food and take-out".

Antonio looked at Minjun who just shrugged his shoulders mouthing, 'don't ask, she's evil'. Antonio laughed and shook his head 'sorry bro, I know you just got caught in her web'. He took their orders before leaving them alone.

Few minutes later, Antonio came back with their food. The twins hungrily wolf down their food.

"Ah that was so good, Anto you are getting really good like Maria now".

"Thanks, that was my first time cooking your usuals".

"Well you did a pretty good job".

" it's been long we had some fun together, how about going to the amusement park on Saturday?"

"Sure, where's Maria?" Minjun said taking the food from him.

"She went to the market, I'll tell her you guys were here".

They nodded before saying their goodbyes and leaving. Antonio smirked as he watched them go, 'Let's wait for Saturday and see how you are going to escape'.


"What took you guys so long! I'm so hungry I can eat a full horse!" Jenny whined as she ran to them to take the package.

"Hols your horses! Let's get out of here before somebody catches us". Yoona suggested. They all agreed and ran to their usual soot.

"Swiss chocolate bunny, spicy taco, layered enchiladas bake and Cuban espresso for Jenny; chicken Alfredo pesto pasta, cheesy egg sausage brunch bake and cappuccino for Beom_seok; white chocolate cranberry, kimchi, glazed lemon sticky buns and latte macchiato for Seoyun; spinach lasagna, strawberry pancakes and strawberry frapp coffee for Ayaan, chicken parmesan pasto toss, fruity bargel and kopi tubruk for Jimmy, and finally caramel macchiato tiramisu parfait and espresso for Richard". Minju handed them their take-out, they were so happy and ran to hug her.

"Ok guys, I can't take all the credit besides it's Ange money".

"You mean to say Angelo bought all this for us?" Ji hun asked surprised. Everybody looked at Minju waiting for an answer.


"You've gotta tell me what spell you cast on him". Richard joked. Everybody laughed while Minjun glared at them coldly.


"See you guys later". Jenny waved as she ran to her driver already waiting for them.

"So exams is next week, I'm going home with you guys". Yoona told them as they walked to their bike.

"Sure no problem".

"Yo dude we have to go home now, see you later bro". The boys waved as they went their different ways. Yoona rode with Minju as they went home.


"Mom we are home!"

"Welcome back young misses and young master". Peñalolén welcomed them with a maid taking their things.

"Where's mom?" Minju asked sitting on the couch.

"Madam went on a trip with Master King, they will come back next week".

"That's great!" the twins happily cheered.

"Well... Master said you guys must report to the office from tomorrow till they come back".

"Damn it! I knew it was too good to be true". Minju angrily said.

"Please get us some snacks Peñalolén".

Minju and Yoona both went to the wrestling ring to box while Minjun called his friends and they went to the gaming room.

Later that night,

"So you actually sat with Minju today, how was it?" Minju asked blowing drying her hair.

"Well it wasn't awkward but I was so nervous my palm was sweating, like literally, this is the first time he actually acknowledged me, he even apologize for what he did in the party". Yoona smiled.

"Wait! Ange APOLOGIZE??" Minju dropped the hand dryer turning to look at Yoona if she was joking and Yoona nodded.

"Why are you surprised?"

"Because my brother doesn't apologize, he never even if he was wrong, and you are actually the first person he apologized to, you are kinda the perfect match for my brother maybe you could teach him some manners". Minju dropped the hand dryer and laid on her bed playing game on her phone.

"Well.. I don't know, he's just being nice to to me because I'm your best friend". Yoona said dejectedly lying besides her.

"Come on we have known each other since we were kids before we even met anyone besides you guys were much closer than we are now".

"Well he grew up and became distance even becoming someone totally different".

"I don't wanna get your hopes up but I know Ange have a soft spot for you, like how apologize and was nice to you, I know my brother, he's always a jerk even to me".

"By the way what did you do to raja?" Yoona changed the topic. Raja is on of the seniors who's always messing with Yoona, he even secretly took her nude picture using it to threaten her until Minju found out.

"Let's just say hi won't be coming anywhere near you". She smirked deviously.

So sorry for the late update, I was extremely tired because of school activities. Well we are soon going to meet our handsome Zen very soon.

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