

Vanara_ · Sci-fi
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9 Chs


Madhav said with a surprise and fear.


A young boy appeared out of nowhere and laughs and said.

"Hahahahahahhaha you are such a coward".

Madhav move backwards for a minute and he asked to the boy.

"Wh... Wh.... What are you doing here? and How did you get in here? Mainly Who ar... Who are you?.

Madhav was surprised to see the boy in the store. Madhav gave a close look to the boy. The boy looked kinda cute face. A black hair that shines when the sunlight hits the boys' head. The boy looked like 14 or 15.The boy has black eyes beautiful as the dark sky. The boy has a skinny body but not too skinny. The boy weared a purple hoodie and shorts.

"Who am I?. I am know by many names kid".

Suddenly breaking the thoughts of Madhav the boy said.

Madhav asked out of curiosity.

"So who call you many names?And who are you calling a kid!!.I am elder than you you are the kid in this place".

The boy smiles and walkes to reception center. Suddenly Madhav was suprised and shocked. He noticed the boy's legs.The boy's left leg was little limping. This beautiful boy had a disability.

 Suddenly out of no where Madhav had a sympathy on that kid. Madhav was sad. He was about to say sorry to that kid.

Suddenly boy said breaking Madhav's words.

"Don't take pity on me kid. I don't deserve it. And also treat me like a normal person. I am not a zombie or a villain right".

The boy said this in a smile.

Madhav *sighs* for a moment but he smiles too.

*An hour later*

They have walked out from the shop. In this mean time Madhav and that boy enjoys themselves. Madhav was having a lots of fun with the boy. Madhav was feeling that as if there was a bond between the boy and him. It was like as if when he was spending his time own sister.

They walked through the streets telling jokes. Laughing. Entertaining each other. They walking through a burger shop.


Suddenly a sound came from boy stomach. Madhav looked at the kid. Neither the boy nor Madhav realized the sound. He looked only the shop with mouth watering. Madhav suddenly stops. He rushed towards the shop.

*After 2 minutes*

Madhav exits the shop. He had 3 packets in his hand. He reached towards that boy. And he said to him.

"Kid can we sit somewhere I am very very hungry".

The boy nods and he said.

"Ok ".

*After a while*

Madhav and boy is sitting in an abandoned buildings rooftop and was eating burger.

Suddenly Madhav asked to the boy out of his curiosity.

"Hey kid, who are you anyway?? And what are you doing in an this shop?? ".

The boy smiles and said.

"You are asking the shopkeeper that what is he doing his own shop hahahaha".

Madhav was so shocked to hear that. He felt a sound on his ground a cracking suddenly the earth cracked and his foot was sucked by the earth and he was falling in into the deepest part of the earth . And suddenly reaches a place full of lava and hot rocks.There was a teen devil who was cooking something in that pot. The devil suddenly looked at Madhav. Madhav looked at devil. Devil looked at Madhav. Madhav looked at the devil. After a while repeating this action to each other.

The Devil said with an awkward face . "H---ello hello". They both looked at the face of each other with awkwardness. Suddenly the ground begins to shake again.

Suddenly Madhav was levitating. Seeing this the devil waved his hands towards Madhav and he said.


Madhav also waved his hands.

Suddenly a sound came breaking his thoughts.

Hey.. heyy... hello...!! Madhav.You ok??? ".

The boy asked.

Madhav said with a crying face.

"Yeah I am I am".

Madhav said in his mind.

"If then probably his father and mother will be dead considering the continues outbreak of villains and monsters. He would lonely. I think I should said this".

Suddenly with a happy face Madhav asked to boy.

"Hey kid what is your name?".

Boy was surprised to hear that he said.

" What??".

Madhav said.

"Your name kid".

The boy said.

"Oo that. Suraj".

Madhav said.

"Means Sun. Suraj wanna night stay in my house.

Suraj was amazed to hear. He said with a big smile.

"Yess.... yesss."

And he hugged Madhav.

At that moment something was flying towards them. A human with wings was flying towards them. It landed in front of Madhav.

"Hey....Brother what are you doing here in this night?? ".

It was his sister.

Madhav said.

"Oo July you".

July had a pair of wings in her back. Suddenly wings was sucked into her skin and now she looked like a normal human.

Suddenly out of nowhere Lo came. He said.

"Readers I am your favourite explainer Lo.I want to tell you that we are very happy that you read this far of our story and sorry for late update because boss was busy. I can't guarantee you that this will not happen again but we will update sorry for the inconvenience .Now then aside that things I will explain to you how humans get this superpowers in this world.The humans have three sources to get their powers.First is by chosen as a avatar by gods.

 Not by a single mythology but different different types of gods can chose their avatar. Second is demigods, angels etc.. lower gods avatar. And last but not least demons.. If a demon choses their avatar it definitely becomes a monster or a villan. And Madhav sister's power source is second an angel that's why she has wings and beautiness.That's all for my explanation. Thankyou for reading this. Let's continue our story shall we".

July said to Madhav.

"Answer my question What are doing here in this night with a.... boy?.

Suddenly she stares at Suraj.

Madhav said to her.

"Oo he... he is my new friend. He is 2 years younger that you July".

She said.

"Oo is it".

Madhav asked to her

. "Can he stay with us. Only this night plzzz".

She silenced for a moment and she said.

"Mmmm... Ok".

Madhav said to Suraj.

"She said no..... wait what did you say??..".

She said.

"Hey are you deaf you idiot I said ok".

The two boys was silence for a moment. Suddenly they had a big fluffy smile of their face. Suddenly Madhav hugged tight and said to his sister.

"Thankyou thankyou.... You are the best sister in the world".

July had a small blush in her face. The she said.

" Why are we standing here?.We have to go right".

They all were walking to Madhav house. But in a house rooftop there was a black thing watching Madhav. Madhav felt something weird he looked back but nothing was there. They walked.

*After a while*

They reached home. And talked little bit about themselves. Laughing, Crying, Anger they were enjoying themselves. After that they all layed in their Suraj and Madhav slept in Madhav bed. Madhav put himself in his bed and closed his eyes.

Suddenly Madhav was in some building. When he looked in front of him. He was very shocked. His legs were trembling with fear. He saw the very own man in his previous dream. They were white coat man. But this time he had a full set of white set of assassin armour in him.The white coat man was grabbing an another man neck.


Suddenly the man who was coughing said.

"Please leave me alone please..".

The man was begging for his life. Suddenly the white coat man taked his katana and said something. Madhav couldn't hear it. The coughing man begged for his life. The white coat man said something that shooked Madhav head.

The white coat man said.

"I am not a judge, I am not a lawyer nor I am a cop. I am Justice.I am the Rider Muhahahahahahhahahahahahha".

Suddenly cutting his that man head he said. Suddenly the white coat man pointed his longsword towards Madhav and he smiled.


-Next episode will be in 21st february