
Riddles of the Realm.

What happened when the queen died!?

LILITH · Fantasy
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25 Chs


𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

When Eeve walked out of the bathroom the next day, she found the chamber empty. She shrugged and dressed herself thinking Derik was running some important errands for the coronation. She was about to walk out of the chamber but stopped in her tracks when she heard someone screaming on top of their lungs.

She swiftly sprinted towards the Great Hall. When she reached the Great Hall, everything was a chaos. There were dead human bodies spread on the Floor. Everyone in the court were terrified to see Derik. He looked so horrible with blood all over his face. When he smelled Eeve's scent, his head whipped towards her.

His fangs came out and he flew towards her, but before he could touch her, other Royals including Ethan held him on the floor. Derik was growling and struggling in their grip still keeping his deadly gaze on Eeve.

Eeve stepped forward. "Leave him!" Eeve said with a dangerously low tone flinching everyone in the Great Hall. "No! He'll hurt you, Eeve." Ethan tried to convince her. "I said leave him. How dare you to hold my mate on the ground like that! Leave him before I rip your throats off!" Eeve finally growled at them with burning green eyes!

Everyone obeyed silently. Once, Derik felt their grip loosening, he stood up quickly and stomped towards Eeve. Before he could do anything, she held both of his hands and pulled him towards their chamber. Derik just growled at her but followed her nonetheless.

Once they made it to their chamber, Eeve slammed the door shut and pushed him against it. Eeve cupped his face and kissed him harshly. Derik tried to push away, but ended up kissing her back. Their kiss slowly started to turn into a sweet one. After a while Eeve pulled away and looked into his grey glossy eyes.

Derik started to tear up, his lips trembled as he sobbed in his mate's arms. Eeve didn't say anything, she just let him cry. "I-I am s-so sorry, B-belle." derik continued to say sorry as he shaked tremendously in her arms. Eeve just rubbed circles on his back and shushed him.

"No bun, don't say that." Eeve tried to convince him but he continued to apologize. After a while when he calmed down, they both sat on their bed with Derik's head resting on his mate's shoulder. He sniffled for the last time and looked up at her with teary eyes.

"You wanna talk!?" Eeve asked and faced him. Derik nodded his head and sniffled again. "I-i... Do you remember, when I said I can't control my thirst!?" Derik asked as he played with her fingers. "Yes." Eeve replied. "I didn't feed for days... And in the morning when you were so close to me, I couldn't control it anymore. So I left and brought a few humans to the Realm and fed on them. But nothing seemed to work. And when you walked in there, I lost my senses completely. I didn't know what was happening. Please forgive me, Belle."

Derik said and continued to sob in his hands. Eeve brought her sobbing mate in her embrace and kissed on the top of his head. "I understand, bun. We need to do it now." Derik looked at her confused. "Do what!?" He asked and rubbed his eyes. "Bite me and feed from me, bun." Eeve said slowly, Derik's eyes shot open!

"What!? No... No I can't do that!! What if I hurt you!? No I can't take a risk!" Derik yelled in fear. Eeve just cupped his face and said, "Do you trust me!?" Derik nodded his head quickly. "So do it, bun. You can't take over your thirst and hunger untill you drink my blood." Eeve said and pulled her cloak cape down revealing her neck and collarbone.

"Are you sure!?" Derik asked hesitantly. "More than ever." Eeve breathed out. Derik leaned forward and kissed her on her lips. He slightly pushed her on the soft mattress and hovered over her. Their lips started to move in sync. Derik slightly bit down on her lower lip asking for entrance in her sweet cavern.

Eeve opened her mouth slightly letting his tongue explore her mouth. Their sweet started to heat up when Derik started to grind his hips against her. Derik broke the kiss and dived in her neck leaving butterfly kiss all over her neck and collarbone. He looked at Eeve, who was panting heavily, asking permission to bite her, Eeve nodded her head with a slight gap in her mouth.

Derik again dived in her neck and gave kitten licks above her collarbone. He slowly digged his fangs in her neck making two visible holes on it. He quickly latched his mouth and started to take short gulps of blood from his mate. The taste of her blood was so sweet and magical. He couldn't explain his feeling but he was on cloud nine at that moment.Eeve was shaking in his arms. The feeling was beyond overwhelming. Derik pulled out his fangs after a few gulps and licked the bitten area making it disappear.

He then looked at Eeve's face which took a hint of crimson red. "B-bun. I want you!" Eeve said still panting. "Me too, Belle~" He said and kissed her again, making her taste her own blood.


Eeve and Derik walked out of their chamber after getting dressed. They made love for the first time, and that feeling was so magical for them.

"Eeve! Are you alright!?" Ethan ran up to them when they appeared in the Great Hall where everyone including the Kings were sitting tensed. "Of course I am okay! He would never hurt me. And be careful before you try to do that again to my mate." Eeve slightly threatened Ethan and other for treating Derik like that a couple of hours ago. "Yes, Your highness!" Ethan said with all his heart. He is just glad that his brother didn't hurt Eeve.

They all went to the dining area where they were going to have lunch. They ate in silence, no one brought the earlier topic up, 'cause now they can clearly see how happy their Future King is looking. And tomorrow is a very big day for the couple. It's coronation!

Hello lovely readers~

Hope you all are doing great! And like I said in the disclaimer, I don't write smut! So I didn't write it in here. Please vote for me. Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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